“Depend! The mental strength reached 50,000 and it was out of control! ”

In astonishment, Bi Hao’s breath began to be disordered, and his mental strength overflowed uncontrollably.

“Ahh Without a moment’s preparation, Chen Xi and several people cried out in pain, hugged their heads and squatted down, with a look of pain.

The 50,000-strong spiritual power explosion was not something they could bear.

In particular, Liu Zhen and Zhang Weaving, the weakest of several people, were directly pressed to the ground, panting like cattle and sweating like rain.

The faces of the two of them were extremely pale, and their whole bodies began to twitch.

And Bi Hao himself is not feeling well now.

The whole body is uncontrolled, shaking from side to side due to the disturbance of mental strength, twisting from side to side.

“Boom!” The bottom of the pond that he inadvertently stepped on, and each step stepped out of a deep pit, and the ground directly cracked.

The mental power was out of control, causing the strength of his whole body to be out of control at the same time, unable to control.

“What to do!!!” Bi Hao revealed a hint of panic, this was the first time he had panicked because of the surge in strength.

Although his current source power and physique were comparable to the peak of the Nine Stars, even if his spiritual power soared to 50,000, it should be able to control it according to reason.

However, because it was a short-term surge, the body had not yet adapted to such an increase, so there was such a scene.

“I want to calm down and stop!!!” Bi Hao’s eyebrows furrowed, his heart screamed, forcing himself to calm down.

Suddenly, his mind rang out that in some martial arts movies he had watched in his previous life, many characters could not control their strength because of their soaring strength, and finally used a cathartic method.

That’s right, let the power out! Bi Hao’s eyes lit up, and he reluctantly raised his fists and smashed towards the mountain that was originally towering into the clouds.

“Boom boom!!! boom boom The explosions were loud and the peaks were constantly shaking because of his bombardment, and the falling rocks were rolling.

And Bi Hao found that with his punch, his body seemed to slowly accept his control, and the disorder and dissipation of mental strength seemed to get better.

“There is drama!!” Bi Hao finally showed a hint of joy, and then he punched and kicked his legs more and more frantically, and it was a blow to the mountain.

“Boom boom!!! boom boom It was another upside, the bottom of the entire mountain was caused by him to collapse a large part, and even this mountain gave people the illusion that they were all tilted and falling, and Bi Hao finally gained control of his body.

At this time, he was already breathless, and his source power, physical strength, and spiritual power had all consumed most of it.

“Whew!!” He took a deep breath and sat down on the ground, wiping the sweat from his forehead, but a bitter smile appeared on his face.

This strength growth is not a good thing too fast, the body’s adaptability is too late to keep up, it seems that every promotion in the future should be controlled, and each promotion needs to be properly run-in, otherwise such a situation will occur again, if you encounter a strong enemy, it will be dangerous.

At the same time, Chen Xi and several others finally got rid of the terrifying spiritual crush, their faces turned pale, and the look in Bi Hao’s eyes was full of fear.

At that time, this Bi Hao collected and swallowed the Condensed Spirit Fruit, it was with his back to them, they didn’t know how many fruits Bi Hao had picked, nor did they know that he had swallowed a total of 10 fruits.

If I knew, I was afraid that I would not have to shock the big teeth.

This Concentration Fruit was also a rare thing, and every appearance would be accompanied by a guardian magic beast.

When the fruit is ripe, it will be swallowed a lot by the guardian magic beasts, so when humans find it, they can leave up to 3.4 of them.

Who knew there would be 20 so many, but in fact, it was because they were really lucky.

Before this fruit was ripe, they came, and this nine-headed demon dragon was killed before it could be swallowed, and only then could Bi Hao get a complete plant.

As for swallowing, Chen Xi had also said before that human words swallowing one would increase 10,000 spiritual power, which made many people unable to bear it.

Therefore, she would not have thought that Bi Hao had actually swallowed 10 at once.

The spiritual power directly increased from 10,000 to 50,000, which was 5 times, which was absolutely terrifying.

Fortunately, Bi Hao’s spirit and spirit could be united, so when he vented, every punch and every kick combined with spiritual power was released together, and finally he took back control of his body.

However, even so, it also frightened Chen Xi a few people.

However, in addition to being frightened, Chen Xi and Lin Xiaoxiao had a lot of color in their eyes.

The eyes of the reincarnated people naturally let them know that Bi Hao’s spiritual power had now reached a terrifying stage, especially the Nine Star Strong.

“Look, that, what’s that!”

Suddenly, Zhao Lei screamed and shouted at the bottom of a collapsed mountain.

When the crowd looked, there was a cave there.

“Leave it alone, let’s recover!” Although he was confused, Chen Xi still took the lead in speaking.

At this time, they were all exhausted and needed to recover.

After half a ring, until everyone had recovered, they all got up and walked to the cave.

As for Bi Hao, he did not dare to recover completely, for fear that he would lose control again.

Therefore, he did not use the wealth value to directly recover, but only used the Immortal Decision to recover it a little, and then stopped!

This exposed cave is long and winding, and there is no end in sight, but from here you can hear the sound of nourishing water.

“It’s kind of like an underground river!” Just don’t know where to go! Chen Xi said slowly.

Bi Hao looked at it for a moment, but he frowned, due to the surge in spiritual power, he had just released it at will, and felt that some faint source force was actually coming out of the cave.

“Go inside and see!” Immediately, Bi Hao jumped directly into the cave and touched inside.

“This…” The crowd looked at each other stunned, followed suit.

They didn’t feel the source force, so they weren’t ready to enter the cave.

Everything in the other world is still relatively strange to them, and the so-called curiosity kills cats, and normally, they will not enter such a cave.

However, at this time, Bi Hao had already entered, and after all the things on the road, it was obvious that he had become the leader of the squad.

Since he had all entered, the others would naturally follow suit.

Not long after walking, the cave grew darker and darker, and I could hardly see my five fingers.

Without the light at the mouth of the cave, nature is so.

Fortunately, they were all martial artists with more than five stars, and their eyes could still see in the dark, but there was not much inconvenience.

After running for a long time, there was still an endless view ahead, and everyone couldn’t help but frown.

“Bi Hao, do we still have to go forward?” This should be an underground river! ”

Chen Xi couldn’t help it, and Bi Hao, who was close to the front, said.

Underground rivers are nothing unusual, but many have been found in the other world, and there is nothing special about them.

“Don’t you still feel the difference in this underground river?” With your psychic powers, you should be able to feel this position. Bi Hao stopped and looked back and smiled.

“Huh?” Everyone was stunned and released their spiritual power according to their words.

“Source force? Could it be that this underground river is leading to the source stone vein? ”

At this moment, everyone exclaimed in surprise, and their faces were shocked!

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