Feeling the faint source force, everyone was excited.

In the alien space, the source stone vein, the strange flowers and grasses, and the high-grade magic beast magic plant are the three major resources that human beings want to get the most.

There is no such vein on the earth, and the power of the origin is poor, so it is extremely difficult to rely on these to cultivate.

Unlike Bi Hao, they could enjoy the Earth Origin cultivation after a hundred times strengthening.

Therefore, if you can get the source stone vein here, then cultivating it will be more effective with half the effort.

The environment, climate and abundant source power here make it have many excellent exotic flowers and plants.

Using them, they can also refine a lot of high-quality elixirs that can assist the cultivation of martial artists, which is naturally also what human beings need.

As for the high-grade Demon Beast Demon Plant, it is the object of human hunting.

Because the so-called divine weapons and armor were all refined using the skeletons and skin bags of these demon beasts.

After years of exploration, they knew that there were many underground rivers in this alien space, and there was almost nothing special.

However, there must be an underground river in the vein, but the chance of hitting such an underground river is very low.

But I didn’t want to, I bumped into them today, no wonder there would be Spirit Essence and Concentration Fruit here.

It seems that it is also because of this underground river, coupled with the towering peaks.

At the same time, it is moisturized by the moon yin and the source stone flowing water, and only then will the condensation fruit grow.

The underground river water bred in the veins will contain some different effects.

However, while they were excited, Liu Zhen said coldly:

“There may indeed be a vein ahead, but most of the veins in the other space are occupied by marauders or powerful demon beasts, demon plants.” In particular, there is usually a large vein under the city of those plunderers, and if the vein in front of this is the city of the marauders, then we can’t get it, there are a lot of heavy troops there! ”

“Oh? Is this true? Bi Hao was stunned.

But then he smiled and said, “No matter what, go to the front to see it first, if you really can’t do it, then talk about it later.” ”

Everyone looked at each other and nodded.

The treasure is in front of you, although it may be the territory of the looters, but it is really unwilling to leave without looking at it.

These people are also arrogant, arrogance is still there, if you really go directly, it is equivalent to retreating without a fight, but it is not their style.

So the crowd moved forward again, only more cautiously.

After walking for a while, the induction of the energy became clearer and clearer.

“Obediently, I can’t see my head yet, but this energy induction is already so clear, it seems to be a big mine!”

Liu Zhen was amazed, but at this time there was no joy on his face, but more caution and worry.

The more elite the big mine, the more likely it is that the plunderers, the monsters, and the demon plants will occupy it, and it is almost impossible to be a masterless mine.

From his expression, the crowd could guess what he was thinking, so they touched it forward more cautiously.

Slowly, a glimmer of light appeared in front of my eyes.

“It’s almost time to the mine, everyone be careful!” Chen Xi said at this time.

Seeing a bright light, that is, almost at the mouth of the mining area, it is likely to encounter patrols and guards.

Suddenly, Bi Hao, who was at the front, stretched out his hand to signal everyone to silence and stop, because his spiritual power had clearly sensed the situation in front of him.

At this time, there were no less than hundreds of guards in front of them, and everyone’s breath was not weak, and there were even two powerful breaths equivalent to the Seven Pins.

According to this number, it should not be the Demon Plant and the Demon Beast, it must be the so-called Marauders.

A few people quietly looked around, and sure enough, the guards in front of them were patrolling, and above the mountain wall not far away, there were white light source stones everywhere, and they couldn’t see their heads at a glance.

The energy and light level emitted from that stone was definitely a high-grade vein.

“Such a large vein? Still in good quality! The crowd was shocked and looked hungry.

However, when he saw the guards of that team, he was helpless.

With a few of them, especially Bi Hao here, it was not impossible to kill these guards.

However, there will be a disturbance, and according to the scale of this place, there is definitely a city above this vein.

And the station that can be called a city must be guarded by several strong people above the nine stars, and if this is fought, it will definitely be discovered by those strong people.

The Nine Star Strongman is not a joke, Bi Hao can escape, does not mean that a few of them can escape.

Resources and lives are opposite, and no words are needed to say more about which is more important, so they have retreated!

“According to this orientation, this should be the Sawtooth City, there are 7 nine-star strong people in the city, including 1 peak, 1 in the later stage, 2 in the middle and 3 in the early stage.” There are dozens of strong people of seven or eight stars, and they can’t do it! ”

Liu Zhen said everything he knew at this time, with a helpless face.

Such a large vein is in front of you, but you can’t get it, and you are extremely depressed!

“Why not?” However, Bi Hao did not have much to worry about, how could he return empty-handed into Baoshan.

For a moment, although he was afraid of losing control again, he did not return to his strongest state.

However, at this time, his spiritual power had also returned to 30,000 values, and the two strongest breaths of this vein were only equivalent to the strength of the middle of the Seven Stars.

With 30,000 spiritual power, it can definitely shock instantly.

Therefore, he didn’t say a word directly, and his spiritual power exploded in vain, instantly enveloping those hundreds of people.

“Enemy attack! Ah~~~~” Just feeling the abnormality, the two seven-star strong people only exhaled twice, then exhaled in pain, and suddenly fainted.

This time the crushing of spiritual power was not like when he was out of control before, it was not overflowing, but purposeful targeting.

Nature was several times more powerful than before, and in an instant, they were dealt with, and those guards fell down one by one, without a trace of resistance.

However, at this moment, Bi Hao also took a few breaths, after all, he was also the first time to use this spiritual power on a large scale.

I was also afraid that the force would not be caught, so I went all out to do it, and the 30,000 spiritual power directly shrouded and crushed.

Quickly recovered the wealth value to 30,000, still not full, it took the lead in sneaking out.

This time out, and then look up, the source stone embedded in the inner wall of the mine is even more dazzling.

“This is a fortune!! Ha ha! With a direct wave of his hand, the thousands of baskets of source stones that had been mined and placed aside were directly involved in the storage space.

Suddenly, the 300 cubic meters of space were stuffed with thousands of baskets of source stones, of different levels, but the amount was large, there were hundreds of them in a basket, and these thousands of baskets reached a million source stones.

This source stone, an ordinary one is nearly 10,000 yuan, and the top quality is tens of thousands. At this moment, Bi Hao’s wealth value also soared,

[Ding, the wealth value increased by 15 billion, a hundred times the wealth blessing, the host wealth value increased by 1.5 trillion!] 】

[Ding, the system is upgraded three times in a row, opening a new enhancement…]

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