Hearing the report of his subordinates, Hamad was shocked and had many doubts in his heart.

Okay, how to give people in your hometown?

“What’s going on?” Hamand asked while resisting Cui Qiang’s attack.

“We also don’t know that suddenly the mine exploded, killing and injuring the city, and then a group of humans rushed out and set fire everywhere.”

“What? How did humans get into our mining areas? What about Macton and Joseph? Weren’t the two of them guarding the mine? ”

Hamand roared incredulously that Macton and Joseph were the two Seven-Star Masters in the mine.

With the two of them there, not to say that they were foolproof, at least even if they encountered the eight-star warrior, they could escape.

Could it be that the strong man of the Nine Stars of Humanity has passed?

“Is it the human nine-star strongman?” Without waiting for his subordinates to speak back, he drank again.

“This, not quite like, is only going to six young humans, and it seems that they are only six stars!”

“What!! Six stars? How can it be!! “Hearing this, Hamander jumped like a thunderbolt.

This siege almost poured out, leaving only the two seven-star masters in the mining area and one star in the city to defend the city.

I didn’t expect to actually give a few six-star humans to break in.

“What about Abner? He’s the peak of the eight stars, can’t he even pick up a few six-stars, right? ”

“Lord of the City, Lord Abner, he was killed by one of the teenagers!”

The next face of this film said with trepidation, and there was infinite panic in his eyes, as if he remembered some terrible scene.

That’s right, when Abner was killed at the peak of the Eight Stars, he witnessed it with his own eyes and almost scared him to pee!

It turned out that Bi Hao’s men had scraped the underground mining area for a while, and seeing the expression of the crowd’s big bags and small bags, they were ready to go back along the underground river.

However, Bi Hao had a sudden whim, and wanted to sneak up on it to take a look, but Chen Xi and the others naturally stopped him.

Just kidding, it’s a jagged city, with the strong people of the Nine Star Peak sitting in the town, and the other seven or eight or nine Star Strong People are not in the minority.

These few of them only have six stars at the moment, although several of them are either demons or reincarnated, and it is no problem to cross the level and fight.

However, except for Bi Hao, everyone could cross the level to the Nine Stars to fight, and at best, they could level the Seven Stars.

At this time, if you encounter an eight-star mid-level person, except for Bi Hao, several other people will not be able to eat and walk.

Under constant persuasion, Bi Hao was ready to give up, thinking that although he was now at the peak of his ability to fight the Nine Stars, if he fell into the siege of the Eight and Nine Stars, although it would not be fatal, it would not be easy to escape, not to mention that there were still these oil bottles.

But thinking about it and not wanting to cheapen the other party, he proposed to simply blow up the mining area.

This suggestion, however, was not opposed by everyone, and since they could not get it, naturally they could not take advantage of their opponents.

As a result, several people added up, and a lot of source stones were piled up and began to detonate.

That’s why there was the roar before, you know the huge mining area they can’t all blow up, but that small half of it exploded, but it was enough for them to drink a pot.

After detonating the explosion, several people hid in the underground river channel and prepared to evacuate.

However, Bi Hao’s spiritual power was strong, so he swept away, and suddenly found that although there was panic on the ground, he did not see any strong people, except for the breath of an eight-star peak, the others were some of the highest six-star breaths.

Suddenly, he stopped and told them about the situation.

At this time, Liu Zhen actually played a role, according to the analysis of the situation, it was impossible for the plunderers to leave not even a nine-star strong person in the city, unless the other party poured out of the nest.

There is only one situation that can make them come out of the nest, and that is that they are ready to attack the city.

At this thought, he became anxious, this siege cannot be decided temporarily, it will definitely be planned for a period of time, and the integration of troops will make a big fuss.

Usually, they would ambush their respective scouting and reconnaissance troops outside the cities and pools of the two sides, but there was no news in advance, and it seemed that the situation was critical this time.

Originally, he was ready to go back to support as soon as possible, but he was stopped by Bi Hao.

The mining area is the foundation of the city, such a big movement, the nine stars of strong people have not appeared, indicating that it is far away from the city.

So even if they were besieging the city, it would be too late for them to rush back, and the siege battle would not play a big role if only a few people went back to guard it.

Instead of this, it is better to take advantage of the absence of those strong people and directly destroy their rear.

As far as an eight-star peak sitting, for Bi Hao now, it is completely out of the question.

As a result, several people hid the harvest in an underground river channel and rushed out with Bi Hao.

According to the prior agreement, as soon as everyone came out of the ground, Bi Hao directly handled the Eight Star Peak, while the other people set fires everywhere to distract their attention.

Although those marauders below the six stars were not their opponents, the number of people left to defend the city was nearly 10,000, and Bi Hao was not surrounded by it, and those few people were not comfortable.

Before the explosion of the ore vein, it had already made the people above jump and jump and be busy fighting fires and saving people.

At this moment, all of a sudden everything in the city was on fire, which made them even more busy.

Chen Xi’s men started a travel record and broke them one by one.

As for Abner, the strong man at the peak of the eight stars, he naturally found the clue and rushed towards them with a group of people.

Unfortunately, he was stopped by Bi Hao halfway.

When he saw that only the human teenager who stopped him was the early Six Stars, Abner was shocked and directly angry.

It was shameful that a six-star human had run in under his nose.

Just as he was about to kill the other party, he did not expect a powerful and desperate spiritual pressure to instantly envelop them.

The next second, the direct head hurts, and before he can react to what is going on, he screams for his life.

At this moment, the marauders around them were all frightened.

A face, the strongest eight-star peak Abner in the city at the moment will give seconds? Does this pay off?

How else to play this? Just kidding, right?

So, they all screamed strangely and ran out of the city.

They knew very well that this human being could kill Abner in one fell swoop, and it was definitely not the initial combat power of the Six Stars that they saw on the surface.

This combat strength definitely exceeds the middle of the Nine Stars, then no matter how many of them there are, they are also in vain.

The Nine-Star Strongman did not rely on their group of people with the highest six stars to die of energy, unless they also made a batch of eight-star peaks to explode like the previous human strongmen.

However, they didn’t have so many eight-star peaks here.

Therefore, they could not resist at all, and fled one after another, reporting to Hamand’s side.

Of course, Bi Hao, they wouldn’t let them go, they could kill them all.

Nearly 10,000 guards were only run away by a few hundred, and the Sawtooth City was also a river of blood for a while.

“Withdraw, give this seat back to !!!” Hearing this, Hamad couldn’t stand it any longer, the old nest was gone, and he farted!

At the sound of an order, the people of Sawtooth City retreated one after another, and did not even greet Katwen, who was fighting in the east.

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