Originally, the two were also allies of interests, and the predators were selfish creatures, but there was no morality.

Now that Harmande’s hometown can’t be saved, it still manages this Katwen.

Cui Qiang was stunned, he heard the report of the other side’s subordinates the whole time, after all, he had been resisting Hamande’s attack just now, and he couldn’t help but wonder in his heart, the old lair of the Sawtooth City was actually taken over? Who the hell is that?

However, no matter what, as soon as Hamander left, the pressure on Hwaseong was reduced.

Cui Qiang rushed directly to the East End and stopped Katwen.

“Huh?” Katvin in the East District suddenly saw Cui Qiang rushing over, and he was shocked.

He blew himself up for those eight-star human beings, and he was embarrassed, and the consumption was more serious.

Although Cui Qiang has been fighting with Hamande, the two can’t help each other, although they are fighting to consume, but they have not been hurt too much.

As a result, this battle, on the contrary, Catheven was immediately at a disadvantage.

Feeling that he had lost many masters and fought for his life in exchange for the current situation, Cui Qiang was even more angry.

At this moment, the full force exploded.

Previously, because of the large difference in strength between the two sides, one city wanted to fight against two cities, and it was really powerless.

But now, one city to one city, although after the consumption just now, the number of people may indeed be inferior to the current Yaoguang City.

However, the morale of the warriors who rushed to join the warband in the west was high one by one, after all, they all knew that the Sawtooth City had actually been taken by their own companions, and they were naturally overjoyed.

In addition, when I came over and saw the tragic situation on this side, I was even more torn apart and broke out desperately.

Seeing that many of his former brothers and comrades had already died, naturally one by one screamed for revenge.

In an instant, the momentum was one-sided, and those marauders of the Bright Light City, although they were more numerous, formed a situation of being suppressed.

Immediately afterward, Catheven received a report from his subordinates and was furious.

Hamander, the bastard, actually didn’t say hello and ran away? Leave yourself here?

You know, it was agreed by both sides to solve Hwaseong within 1 hour with lightning speed.

Once it has been more than an hour, those powerful people who are close to the city will naturally come to the rescue, and it is completely impossible to destroy this Hwaseong City when the time comes.

Now, fifty minutes have passed since the start of the war, which means that there are still ten minutes or so left, and the human reinforcements will arrive.

But on his side, morale is low, it is completely impossible to take Hwaseong in ten minutes, this is still a spanking?

So, when the opportunity was made, Calvin gave the order to retreat, and he cursed Hamad countless times in his heart!

“They’re going to run, drag them along!” Reinforcements are coming! ”

“Want to run? No way, but also the lives of the labor brothers! ”

“Kill!! Kill all these chowders! Avenge Elder Chen!!! ”


In an instant, the humans counterattacked, rushing forward without a life, entangleing the other party and not letting them leave.

Katvin was also entangled with Cui Qiang, and it was completely impossible to get out.

Time was passing, and in the blink of an eye, ten minutes had passed, and dust was coming from afar, and countless figures were gradually enlarging.

Reinforcements from humanity are coming!!!!

Now, Katwan is going to scold the mother! My side was completely dragged and couldn’t walk!!

The battle that was supposed to be won, because of Hamande’s departure, was defeated, and now even he can’t go away.

“Harmande, you bastard! Pit Labor !!! ”

Finally, under Katvin’s unwilling roar, the battle ended and Katvin fell into a pool of blood.

When he died, his eyes were filled with endless anger and unwillingness.

“Old Zhou, Lao Wang, thank you for coming in time!!” At this time, Cui Qiang held his fist gratefully.

“It’s still late, old Chen and a few of them, hey!” Glancing at the battlefield full of chaos, Lao Zhou sighed sadly.

Those old people at the peak of the eight stars were all old comrades-in-arms of the past, and now they heard that they had all exploded in exchange for time, and they were naturally sad.

“They died where they belonged, heroes of our humanity!!” Lao Wang also touched the old tears and said loudly.

“Yes, they are heroes of mankind!” The crowd echoed the Tao.

“By the way, old Cui, didn’t you mean that the two cities were besieged and killed?” How is it that only this shining city is there? At this time, Old Zhou wondered.

When he first received the distress signal, it was said that the two cities of Sawtooth City and Bright City were raiding.

However, when they came here, they saw some jagged bodies of marauders on the ground, but when they came, they were killed by the marauders of the Shining City.

“Oops, don’t say almost forgot, go!” Follow me to Sawtooth City, where there are still a few great heroes of humanity fighting! If it weren’t for them, we probably wouldn’t have been able to hold on to you!” ”

Cui Qiang patted his thigh and exclaimed.

“Huh? What a situation! Old Zhou, Lao Wang looked puzzled.

“As we walked, we said, go and pick them up!” The Harmond guys had rushed back ten minutes earlier, and the big heroes seemed dangerous! Cui Qiang’s face was full of anxiety and he urged.

Lao Zhou, Lao Wang did not show any emotion, and directly led the team to follow the road.

Along the way, Cui Qiang recounted what he knew to the two of them, until they listened to them stunned.

How dare some human beings go to people’s cities and pools to make trouble, and also take people’s nests?

And, it is said that those few humans only have six stars? Also killed an eight-star peak and two seven-star masters? Just kidding, right?

Cui Qiang was also surprised, but this was the case, so he was also very curious in his heart at this time, anxious to meet these strange people who had turned things around.

If it weren’t for them, Hwaseong would really be over this time.

Of course, at this moment, there were two more strong people of the Nine Star Peak, Lao Zhou and Lao Wang, who wanted to see these people.

Therefore, they ordered the team behind them to speed up their pace, and the three of them took the lead and rushed out with some eight-star strongmen.

They didn’t want these human heroes to be annihilated by Hamande’s army.

At the other end, Hamand rushed back angrily.

Before I reached the city, I saw the fire of the jagged city soaring in the distance, and the city seemed to be dead silent, and there was no voice.

And the corpses outside the city were all the guards of the Sawtooth City, and everyone’s face showed infinite terror, as if they had experienced a huge terror before dying.

When they arrived at the city gate, they saw six people standing at the city gate.

“Bastards! Did you destroy the city of Honza? Seeing these six people, Hamand couldn’t hold back any longer.

After a drink, I rushed up first.

How could he not be angry that he had been running the Sawtooth City for so long and now that it had become so tragic!

The nearly 10,000 men who remained behind were all destroyed, how could they not be angry!

The mining area on which he depended for his survival had actually been destroyed by a small half, how could he not be angry!

This painstakingly planned siege plan has come to naught, how can you not be angry!

So, he was really angry! As soon as it came up, it directly exploded with full combat strength, vowing to kill the miscellaneous pieces in front of him with one blow!

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