The six people in front of the door were naturally Bi Hao, Chen Xi, Lin Xiaoxiao, Zhao Lei, Zhang Zhi and Liu Zhen.

Before, they had killed all the guards in the city, which had already made several people very excited.

Especially Liu Zhen, several other people may not feel deeply, but Liu Zhen is different, he has been mixed here for nearly 2 years.

Within 2 years, the battles he had seen were also small, but he had never seen a human daring to infiltrate the plunderers’ cities directly.

Stealing the source stone is not to say, it can actually make the other party’s city like this.

Although there were not too many strong people in the city at that time, the good villains also killed an eight-star peak and two seven-star masters.

What’s more, those predators under the six stars had nearly ten thousand people.

And these, in front of Bi Hao, actually did not have the slightest resistance left, which really made him feel a thousand emotions in his heart.

However, at the end of all this, everyone was preparing to return to the underground river channel, and while taking their own harvest to flash people, Bi Hao actually said that he was ready to directly occupy the city.

At this point, Liu Zhen was not calm, even Chen Xi and a few people were confused.

Although the success of the sneak attack was due to Bi Hao’s strength, the most important thing was that the other side poured out of the nest, and the strong ones were not in the city.

However, there was such a big commotion here, and it was believed that the lord and the strong man of the Sawtooth City would soon return.

Not going away at this time, actually thinking of occupying here, is this boy too inflated?

No matter how evil you are, you are just a six-star early stage, but people are a bunch of eight- and nine-star strongmen!

In fact, what they didn’t know was that Bi Hao’s exposure in front of their eyes was not all their combat strength.

And because of the frequent shots just now, he had already adapted to the physical and mental strength at this time.

His mental strength has now returned to its full value—50,000—and he can control it freely.

That is to say, relying on this spiritual power alone, you can crush any strong person under the Nine Stars, unless the other party is also a demon or a reincarnation.

But reincarnation is only said to be for humans, but I have not heard of any reincarnation among the predators.

Therefore, with his combat strength at this time, he could definitely fight with the Nine Star Peak, and don’t forget that he still had the powerful elemental power of the Annihilation Ice Flame.

Therefore, he did not hesitate to stay and prepare for a war, although the other side had hundreds of thousands of troops, but his current wealth value was bursting, and he could fully support a protracted war.

Moreover, under the crushing of such spiritual power, it didn’t need to consume much at all, and it would be possible to completely clear those little minions.

Take ten thousand steps back and say, if you really can’t fight, are you still afraid that you can’t run away?

Now he, the Nine Star Peak can’t keep him!

Therefore, he stayed, and Chen Xi thought about it and resolutely stayed.

I don’t know when Chen Xi and Lin Xiaoxiao looked at Bi Hao differently, and there was a little more emotion in their hearts.

Although none of them showed each other, everyone was not a fool, not to mention the three of them, even Liu Zhen, Zhao Lei and Zhang We, all saw the difference between the three.

Lin Xiaoxiao, known as the goddess of icebergs, looked at him with tenderness in his eyes every time.

Chen Xi, who is known as the Little Witch, originally looked at people with a hint of pride and cunning, but every time he looked at Bi Hao, his eyes were full of awe and admiration.

Obviously, the hearts of the two daughters had long been captured.

Although Bi Hao did not say it in his mouth, he could see that the two women were obviously classified by him as his property, and even after the remnants of the city were destroyed before, the things he had scraped were obviously taking special care of the two women.

If it weren’t for the two daughters being embarrassed, it is estimated that these harvests would not have been shared with Zhao Lei.

Seeing Zhao Lei’s three people laughing bitterly at that time, they thought that this product did not need to be so obvious.

But even if they don’t share it with them, they won’t have half a complaint.

This time with him, he has made a lot of profits, and he has also done things that others dare not do in their lifetime, and they have made old nests.

It’s just so exciting, it’s wonderful!

Therefore, at Bi Hao’s insistence, knowing that he might die, everyone still stayed in the end.

In the words of Zhao Lei, a nerd: “A warrior must be wonderful when he lives!” ”

However, when they saw the hundreds of thousands of troops in front of them, Zhao Lei and the others still had some trepidation.

Six people facing hundreds of thousands of troops, what concept? People who don’t tremble are definitely not normal!

Of course, Bi Hao is an exception, this product is not half panicked at all, but a face of excitement and expectation.

And when he saw Hamad take the lead in attacking, the hundreds of thousands of troops behind him rushed forward screaming.

Zhao Lei, who was most afraid of death, was also terrified at this time!

This momentum, even if you can resist your own tung skin iron bone, it is estimated that a wave of impact, you will also be trampled on a mess, right?

Bi Hao’s face was light and breezy, and he took a step forward.

Suddenly, his eyes froze!

“Lay down for labor!!!” A roar of anger is like a thunderbolt on a sunny day.

As soon as the words fell, a terrifying spiritual force overwhelmed the hundreds of thousands of troops.

“What! How can it be!!! Hamande, who rushed to kill at the moment, was also delayed by the action of this spiritual force impact, and shouted out with shock on his face.

This spiritual power is simply perverted, even if it is as strong as oneself, the spiritual power is not so strong!

Even he himself felt a little hard to resist this spiritual force, but he could imagine what others would do.

Sure enough, when he looked back, his face was full of panic and anger.

At this moment, those subordinates behind him, like straw, suddenly fell down, without any strength to struggle.

Hundreds of thousands of subordinates, except for a few above the peak of the eight stars, can barely support, and all the others have fainted.

Those with low strength directly crushed this wave of spiritual power to destroy their consciousness and scream for their lives.

Even those Sect Master Realm Strongmen below the peak of the Eight Stars were all creeping to the ground, in pain, and completely without the power to fight.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of thousands of troops, there are only a few dozen people left, all of them are strong above the peak of the eight stars and the nine stars.

This scene, not to mention that Hamande could not accept it, even Chen Xi and others who had been following Bi Hao’s side also opened their mouths and were stunned.

“Is this his true strength?” He was actually hiding it before! Chen Xi and the others thought silently in their hearts.

This Bi Hao erupted again and again, constantly shocking them, and even making them have the illusion, maybe this is not his full strength.

Bi Haoke ignored their shock and slashed directly at the frozen Hamander.

“Today, with your blood, sacrifice me for the fourth slash!” The fourth slash of the heavens – the angry slash of nine days! ”

With a loud roar, a heaven-destroying sword light suddenly appeared, instantly engulfing Hamande.

It’s unbelievably fast.

Hamande, who was still stunned a second ago, just had a little reaction, and was instantly stiffened by this knife light.

And the Nine Star Initial Strongman standing behind him was directly swept by the piercing sword light, instantly disintegrating, and there was not even a scream.

The light of the knife did not stop, all the way forward, until it was out of sight.

At this time, Hamande’s body also began to crack and scatter, and his face still maintained the surprise of that moment, and his eyes flashed with infinite panic.

The Nine Stars Peak Strong, the Lord of the Sawtooth City – Hamande, extinguished!

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