In order to let Bi Hao cultivate with peace of mind, Wang Xuan set up several rounds of dark sentries near his room, guarding day and night, just because he was afraid that Bi Hao would have any accidents.

Bi Hao is now the backbone of their city, so to speak, Bi Hao is in Nanjiang City, and if he is not there, this city will not be far from extinction.

“They are all assassins, good at stealth tracks, which is difficult for ordinary people to find, even I found out after they locked their breath.”

Wang Xuan frowned tightly, looking at the destruction around him, it was obvious that the assassins were all masters.

“How many people are coming?” Can you see what they look like? ”

“There were ten people in total, eight of whom I killed, and the other two took the opportunity to escape, all wearing masks and making it impossible to see what they looked like.”

Wang Xuan sweated violently, feeling unworthy for those assassins.

You can’t assassinate anyone, you have to assassinate this demon, this is an unbearable god, he doesn’t provoke others, even if he is thankful, those assassins even dare to provoke him, they deserve to be killed by Bi Hao.

The students and instructors behind them were also shocked to hear this record.

This type of assassin is the most fierce, usually hidden in the dark and not detectable, usually at the moment when people are most relaxed.

Just like before Bi Hao lamented the starry sky, at that moment he was obviously the most relaxed moment.

And the killers also chose the right time, but they never expected Bi Hao to be so perverted.

Can block and launch a counterattack in an instant, killing eight people in a violent attack.

If it weren’t for the last two people seeing that the momentum was not right and retreating decisively, they would surely have died under Bi Hao’s slashing sword.

Wang Xuan thought that in this alien space, such a large battle could be used, it was nothing more than two forces.

One side was a member of the military department, and the other side was the power of the marauders, and Wang Xuan couldn’t help but break into a cold sweat at the thought of this.

Could it be the assassination squad sent by the Marauders?

But Wang Xuan thought about it carefully, and felt that it was unlikely, if the marauders wanted to attack the city, they could send troops to attack Nanjiang City, as long as they sent famous masters to restrain Bi Hao, they could take the city and pool without going to such great trouble to assassinate.

No, there is another force that has been thinking of assassinating Bi Hao.

It seems that Bi Hao also thought of this, and looked at Wang Xuan tacitly, and said the name of this force at the same time.

“Demon Sect!”

In a mysterious place on Earth, the Demon Sect Leader coldly looked at the two men kneeling under the altar.

“Number Seven, you have disappointed me so much that you can’t even kill a small master, and it seems that your ranking should also lean back.”

Number Seven had a cold sweat on his forehead, but he still insisted on his opinion.

“Sect Lord, we are indeed responsible for the failure of this mission, but that Bi Hao not only has the realm of a Sect Master, it seems that his strength has surpassed the existence of the Nine Stars, and there is also a sword full of black flames, which we simply cannot resist.”

“Black inflammation?”

The Sect Master slowly held out a hand, and with a “boom” sound, a black flame burned in the palm of his hand, and the number seven who saw it was extremely surprised.

“That’s right, this kind of flame doesn’t seem to have any heat at all, but it can completely burn people’s spirits, and they were burned to death by this black flame on the tenth day.”

The Sect Master scattered the flames and nodded, waved his hand, and said, “Okay, there is nothing for you to do here, go down.” ”

As if they had been granted amnesty, the two hurriedly performed a great ceremony and withdrew from the altar.

Just as the Demon Sect Leader was pondering, a cold man came out of the shadows on the side.

“Sect Lord, do you need my hand to kill Bi Hao?”

As he spoke, his entire arm was covered with a layer of ice crystals, and he said with an evil smile, “I am very experienced in dealing with that kind of flame.” ”

The Demon Sect Leader nodded and said, “No. 3, don’t let me down this time, a little Bi Hao has damaged many of my Demon Sect generals, this time you must bring his human head and pay tribute to those dead brothers.” ”


The cold man slowly retreated into the darkness, and then disappeared without any breath.

In the Alien Space Nanjiang City, this attack on Bi Hao made him cultivate harder, and only by becoming stronger could he lead the academy to gain a firm foothold in this chaotic earthly world.

Just as he was thinking about this, he heard Wang Xuan vigorously tapping the door.

“Bi Hao, something has happened, hurry out.”

Bi Hao opened the door and saw that Wang Xuan looked anxious, so he asked, “What happened?” ”

“Bai Hesheng they came to the alien space with a new batch of new students, but they didn’t expect that as soon as they arrived in Huacheng, they caught up with the raiders attacking the city, and at this time they were in the midst of a chaotic war, and we had to support Lao Bai and them.”

Bi Hao frowned, the three cities on the periphery of the alien space were Yaoguang City, Nanjiang City, and finally Hwaseong City.

But now that his Nanjiang City was not under attack, that could only mean that the Bright City had fallen.

Sure enough, Wang Xuan said, “Those marauders led an army of 200,000 people, first broke through the Yaoguang City, led the crowd straight down, and have already fought with the army of Huacheng, and now if we don’t send troops, I’m afraid that the marauders’ army will attack the teleport.” ”

If it was really attacked by the plunderers to the portal, then the whole earth would be in danger, whether it was for their own relatives or the beings on the earth, Bi Hao would not allow those marauders to invade the entrance of the earth.

“Command, gather all the troops, and immediately rush to Hwaseong to support the military headquarters.”

In the face of righteousness, personal grudges still need to be put aside, although he hates the proud guys in the military department, but he does not allow those foreign creatures to invade the earth.

Wang Xuan received the order and immediately gathered his army, and when Bi Hao and his large army had just set out, a group of marauders hiding in the grass jumped out.

“The fools of the Terran race, who really won the plan of Forsyus, actually fell out of the nest.”

“Oh, human beings are inferior creatures who are naturally stupid, and Forsyus can easily take down three cities with only a little means.”

“Okay, first occupy Nanjiang City, brothers rush me!”

Nearly 10,000 marauders rushed out from the rear wings of the city, and just as they were about to climb the city wall, they were killed on the spot by several arrows.

There were only five people standing on the city wall, namely Zhang Xi, Lin Xiaoxiao, Zhang Zhi, Zhao Lei and Wang Sisi.

By taking the Spirit Essence, Wang Sisi evoked the memories of his past life, and his cultivation speed was even more terrifyingly enhanced, and now he was already a powerful person at the peak of the Six Stars, and he was only one step away from entering the realm of the Sect Master.

And Lin Xiaoxiao had also reached the peak of the Seven Stars through the retreat of these few days, and with the elemental power they had realized, they had one hundred percent confidence in dealing with ten thousand predators.

The five reincarnations guard Nanjiang City.

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