The marauders at first thought they had been ambushed, but when they saw that there were only five people on the wall, they were immediately frightened.

“Brothers, there are only five of them, give me a rush!”

This unit was the worst of the marauders, usually doing some work of boiling water and doing chores, and had never been to the battlefield.

But Lord Forsyus was willing to give them a chance and promised them that as long as they occupied Nanjiang City, they would let them take care of it, and the veins there would also be enjoyed by them.

Of course, a large part of it needs to be turned in, but this is also much better than their miscellaneous fire.

In the world of the Marauders, everyone was a warrior and was born to cultivate, which was caused by the rich spiritual power and rich resources of this space.

Especially some large families and city lords, their resources are inexhaustible, it is easy to become a Nine Stars, only these peripheral forces will kill for the sake of minerals, but also be careful to be invaded by human beings and demon beasts.

In the world of the predators, birth is extremely important, just like these people, who are born in the lowest poor, to put it bluntly, former slaves, without any dignity.

They have had enough of pouring tea and water for others, they have been fed up with being discriminated against by others, and as long as they occupy the city today, they can live a life like a master, and from then on, they will be born out of poverty and become a superior tribe in this space.

The five people on the city wall did not feel too much when they saw the tens of thousands of people rushing to kill.

Now they have all recovered some memories of their past lives, and they are even less concerned about these predators.

They all knew very well that they were once super powerful people standing above the Grand Master, and if even these marauders were afraid, then they were not worthy of being called reincarnation.

The five people saw a sense of murder in their eyes, and they jumped out of the city and rushed towards the phalanx of the marauders.

“Today, let me kill the ring and let you know how powerful our human race is.”

Lin Xiaoxiao drew out her divine soldier and shouted at the group of marauders in the front, “A sword to slash the heavens!” ”

Bi Hao led the army to the outside of Huacheng, and when he saw a wolf smoke in Huacheng, the anger in his heart suddenly emerged.

“Damn the marauders, if anything happens to them, I will uproot you predators.”

Bi Hao clenched his fists, lightly touched the back of the demon wolf with his feet, and flew directly into the air.

“Wang Xuan, I will rush over first, and you will pack the enemy troops from the rear wing, and if you are not defeated, you will retreat immediately.”

“See, you have to be careful.”

The Grandmaster’s Realm flies in the air, but in this alien space, it takes a very large force to fly.

Just like on the earth, the Seven Star Sect Master could fly at will, and in this different space, only the Great Grandmaster with more than nine stars could do it, and Gu and Wang Xuan and others could only rely on the magic beast as a substitute.

Demon wolves are common walking mounts in this space, and because of their strong fecundity, they can be seen everywhere in this space.

Most of the Demon Wolf Realms only stay around three stars, so they are very suitable for domestication.

Of course, there are also some fierce and tamed powerful demonic beasts on this fantasy continent, just like the giant apes and golden-armored rhinos on the battlefield now.

The reason why the Marauders were able to break through the City of Radiance so quickly was mostly due to these powerful demon beasts.

The Walled Giant Ape can throw boulders with more than dozens of times the power of catapults, while the gold-armored rhinoceros has amazing defense and can pierce steel bars with hard damage.

Under the attack of these two great demon beasts, the Yaoguang City had fallen so quickly, and now Hwaseong City was also in danger, and the people in the military department were even more killed and injured, but they were still fighting for the last strength to protect the city.

Inside the Hwaseong Military Headquarters, bad news ensued, and at this time another soldier covered in blood came to report.

“General, the city walls are about to be breached, I’m afraid… I’m afraid Hwaseong is about to fall. ”

With scalding tears and unwilling hearts, the soldiers had guarded Hwaseong for decades in order not to let these foreigners invade their earth.

Even if it’s fighting for your own life.

But now the Demon Beast Swarm was unusually powerful, even if it was the Nine Star Peak, there was nowhere to dodge under the attack of these Demon Beast Swarms.

Ge Xiong was hit by the dense boulder attack just now, and is now slowly recovering.

With a “pop”, Ge Xiong slapped the table with a slap, and the tea spilled on the ground.

“Cry what to cry, boys have tears do not flick, we soldiers should be more so.”

Tell us to go on, today we swear to defend Hwaseong to the death, and the day the city is destroyed is when I will wait for death. ”

Ge Xiong stood up slowly, his eyes were full of determination, he couldn’t take half a step back, if he did, then these demon beasts would invade the earth, and then it would not be as simple as the death and injury of their army.

The soldier dried his tears, seemed to have made up his mind to die, clasped his hands in his fists and shouted, “Yes!” ”

The soldiers rushed out of the military headquarters and came to the battlefield and shouted.

“The general has an order to defend Hwaseong to the death, and the day the city is destroyed is when I will die.”

“The day the city is destroyed is when I die!”


All were inspired to be bloody, and for the sake of their families and all the living beings on earth, they would die today.

Among them, Lao Bai also led the disciples of the academy to fight against a small force.

At this time, Lao Bai was covered in blood, holding a long knife in both hands, and a drop of blood slipped from the tip of the knife.

This is not his blood, but those who plundered, his extinction sword method is about opening and closing, the most suitable for attacking and killing on the battlefield, this is also the rise of killing, haha laughed wildly.

“The marauders’ miscellaneous people are kind of fighting Grandpa and me for three hundred rounds.”

The surrounding marauders looked at this human being one by one in fear, and in their impressions, it seemed that only a strong person of nine stars could have such a strong attack power, and the other party was only an eight-star warrior.

Their ten eight-star peaks couldn’t help each other, and they were killed by the other side in three people.

“Hahaha, hey, here it comes!”

Lao Bai drank loudly, like a fierce tiger descending the mountain, killing the opponent in the past, while the trainees behind him mingled with their opponents.

With a “boom”, Lao Bai was suddenly knocked out and spat out a mouthful of blood.

“Hmm, an eight-star can’t kill, it’s a bunch of crap.”

The man who spoke was dressed in golden armor and wore a strange headdress, which seemed to be unique to the Marauders.

When the seven men saw this man appear, they all knelt down and saluted.

“Lord Forsyche!”

Forsyus coldly glanced at the old white, no longer half interested, and casually swung out a sword.

“You can die!”

The sword qi shone with a fiery white glow, and in the blink of an eye, it came to the front of Lao Bai.

“It turned out to be a divine soldier!”

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