At this time, Bi Hao was full of resentment, and he was worried that there was no place to vent, and those predators actually wanted to take his old nest, which was simply unbearable for uncles and aunts.

Then he didn’t have to get used to the other side, kill the other side’s troops and leave them alone, maybe he could also get a few artifacts out of it.

This time, he must first strengthen the sacrificial inlay, otherwise how many artifacts thrown into it will not be enough to fill the pit.

Inside Nanjiang City, the five reincarnations had been fighting for a day and a night, and at this time their bodies were covered with blood, and each of them was exhausted and relied on the tree, and they didn’t even have the strength to say a word.

During the day, the five reincarnations easily killed the other side’s sneak attack troops, ten thousand marauders, five of them killed eight thousand, and the remaining two thousand scattered.

I thought that this would calm down the war, but I did not expect that the enemy troops who had retreated from Hwaseong did not choose to go to Yaoguang City, but came to their Nanjiang City.

Fortunately, under the pursuit of the Huacheng Military Department, the safety of the city was barely guaranteed, but the other side was still not dead, and gathered a large number of military forces to prepare to take Nanjiang City in one fell swoop.

After the fierce fighting during the day, the strength of the military department was sharply reduced, and only a few thousand people followed, and the rest were all college students and tutors.

After deliberation, they chose to take the initiative to disrupt the other side’s assembly.

An elite squad of mentors and five reincarnated men penetrated behind enemy forces to sneak up on opposing troops.

Unexpectedly, they were found as soon as they entered the enemy camp, and they fell into a dangerous situation.

Now that the five of them had been fighting for an hour, their physical strength and force had reached their limits, and if they couldn’t rush out, they would have to die here.

Lin Xiaoxiao looked at Wang Sisi, who had a resolute look in his eyes, and laughed helplessly.

“It seems that I can’t fight with you to Bi Hao, and take good care of him for me in the future!”

As she spoke, a low tear slipped from the corner of her eye.

Her acquaintance with Bi Hao was not so beautiful, she remembered that the first time she saw Bi Hao, she fisted and kicked the other party, and she thought that the other party was just a weak warrior, but she did not expect that she had actually lost to the other party.

At that time, she was very unwilling in her heart, but when she saw Zhang Xi and Bi Hao fighting, she knew that Bi Hao had not used his full strength before, but her heart still looked down on the other party until she entered a different space.

Bi Hao led them from impossible to possible again and again, and she also felt that Bi Hao was not such an unreliable man, on the contrary, he seemed to feel extremely solid around him.

In the end, the other party actually took down a city and gave them a place to cultivate with peace of mind.

Think about it, I don’t know when I have feelings for Bi Hao.

Today the five of them were surrounded by enemy troops, and only one of them could break through a gap by blowing herself up, and she chose to be the one who sacrificed.

In fact, this decision was difficult to make, but one of the five of them had to be sacrificed, and since the rest of the people were unwilling to make a choice, it was up to her to come.

“Lin Xiaoxiao, you don’t want to blow yourself up, you’re crazy!”

Chen Xi’s face was angry, and he was eager to slap this guy, now they were not at the last moment, as long as Wang Xuan arrived, they would be able to rescue them.

Coincidentally, just now the situation was chaotic, Wang Xuan and the five of them went in the opposite direction, at this time only expecting the other party to come to support quickly.

Wang Sisi also had a look of disdain on his face and said in a cold voice, “Bi Hao was originally my man, no need for you to let me!” ”

For fighting and killing enemies, she had never been afraid, perhaps it was the reason for the reincarnation, she was born a warrior, sitting on the ground silently recovering the Force at the moment, and did not pay attention to Lin Xiaoxiao’s handmaiden.

For her, recovering more of the Force was more useful than tending over who would sacrifice it, and if it was time to die, she wouldn’t mind blowing herself up and taking away more enemies.

The atmosphere of the five people became more and more tense, and suddenly a marauder found them, shouted loudly, and summoned all the enemy troops around them.

“Not good, fast transfer!”

Lin Xiaoxiao held the Dragon Shadow Excalibur in his hand and rushed in the opposite direction with several people.

On the other hand, the academy elite led by Wang Xuan was also strongly attacked by the marauders.

After the mad bull punched a marauder, he gasped and shouted, “Dean, let’s retreat into the cave first, where the terrain is narrow and suitable for our protracted combat.” ”

Wang Xuan also found the cave behind him, and beckoned the elite of the Fourth Court to immediately retreat.

They did take some reckless part in this attack, and they paid a terrible price for it, with two of them killed and many injured in the Mentor alone.

The marauders shouted and surrounded the cave, taking turns attacking.

And the people of the academy also took turns to restore the Force, and barely stabilized the situation.

At this time, the marauder’s creep walked up to a woman in silver armor, who looked ugly, had a square nose and big ears, and looked even stronger than a man.

“Lord Janelle, these shameless humans have gone into hiding in a cave, and we can’t rush into it for a while, so what are we going to do next?”

The woman named Jenelle was obviously the commander of the troops, and after thinking for a moment, she smiled evilly.

“Go to the camp and get two Spirit Energy Cannons, and I will let these weak human beings all be buried in the belly of this mountain!”


A few creeps rode on the wolf and quickly ran towards the camp.

Obviously, it will not be long before this place will become the burial place of the Academy.

Suddenly, a loud cry sounded from the sky, and a sound like ancient thunder spread in all directions.

“The marauders’ miscellaneous pieces, hurry up and get Grandpa out and die!”

The sound spread throughout the dense forest, and at once it attracted everyone’s attention.

Although Wang Xuan was in the cave, this voice was familiar to him.

“It’s Bi Hao, Bi Hao has come to support us!”

Wang Xuanmeng stood up and looked out of the cave, followed by an earth-shaking loud noise, which shook the whole earth.


Wang Xuan and the others were completely stunned.

Only to see that tens of thousands of marauders outside the cave were all vaporized into nothingness by a black sword, and even the radiant female general just now disappeared without a trace.

The only trace that could show what she had done was the silver shining armor, which was obviously a superior artifact.

Bi Hao had just exuded his spiritual power, and the first time he discovered Wang Xuan’s existence, after he separately dispatched the enemy troops, he slashed down with one sword, and defeated tens of thousands of marauders in one fell swoop.

When he saw the silver shining armor, he was not much happier, and he casually put it into the storage space.

“Principal Wang, collect the battle goods for me, I will first go to rescue Si Si them!”

Wang Xuan only listened to this admonition, and then he disappeared from Bi Hao.

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