“Hey! I didn’t expect Bi Hao to become stronger again! ”

This lament was both sad and happy, and the sad thing was that the head of his hall had never put Bi Hao in his eyes, but now he could not match the strength of the other party, and that kind of strength made him really happy.

Similarly, Lin Xiaoxiao also heard Bi Hao’s voice, and the hope of victory suddenly ignited in their hearts.

Just this moment, an arrow shot towards the back of her heart, and the speed made everyone scream.

“This time I see if you’re dead or not!”

Speaking was a marauder hiding in the woods, who, unlike other marauders, seemed to have a breath of nothingness, and if he had not shot this arrow, the people around him would not have discovered his existence.

“No, Xiao Xiao quickly dodge!”

Chen Xi threw out the weapon in his hand, trying to shoot off the opponent’s arrow, but the arrow was too fast, and the thrown weapon could not keep up with the speed of the arrow.

Lin Xiaoxiao only felt a chill in his back, and the whole person couldn’t stop trembling.

She wanted to hide, but she knew that she could never dodge, that kind of speed she could not dodge at all, and her heart was even more desolate, she did not expect to be able to see that person alive just a little.

She only hated herself for being too careless and not discovering the owner of the arrow earlier.

“Goodbye, the world I love, goodbye, the man I like, maybe I will become a reincarnation again, come to this world again, maybe put it!” 」

Lin Xiaoxiao closed his eyes slightly, just wanting to die less awkwardly.

With a crisp sound of “ding”, Lin Xiaoxiao only felt that the whole person was held in his arms by a pair of large hands.

“Whose hand is this?” How does it feel so familiar? Could it be that person? ”

Lin Xiaoxiao opened her eyes in disbelief, and it was indeed the man she was thinking about.

A line of tears couldn’t help but run down her cheeks, and now she just wanted to lie in the crook of this man’s arm and go on like this forever.

Of course, Bi Hao was coming, his current speed was very fast, just kidding, 40 million Force Force explosions, that speed is definitely not something that ordinary martial artists can do.

Lin Xiaoxiao was immediately held steady, and said with a smile: “It’s all right, I don’t have to be afraid.” ”

Indeed, the presence of this man made her feel incomparably at ease, as if with him by her side, all fears would dissolve into nothingness.

Lin Xiaoxiao stood there with a crimson face, while Wang Sisi screamed angrily and rushed towards a marauder.

Even Chen Xi looked at Lin Xiaoxiao with a jealous face, and vented all his resentment on the enemy.

A cracking sound of “whizzing” struck accurately in the direction of Bi Hao.

“Hmm, I’m really ignorant, a small arrow wants my life, and I underestimate the lord of this city.”

Bi Hao drew out the Longyuan dagger, and the elemental power instantly exploded, covering the entire dagger with a layer of black flames, revealing the shape of a long knife.

“Destroy the heavens, the black flame will extinguish the silence!”

With a loud “hum” sound, the sword qi emanated from Bi Hao’s dagger, instantly expanding by hundreds of times.

That sword qi covered the sky and the sun, and it was tens of times more terrifying than the one who killed the demon beast group during the day.

The assassin hiding in the woods was stunned to see this earth-shattering blow, and he didn’t even have the courage to run in his heart.

“How is this possible, this kind of power can only be available in the King’s Realm, how can you be the King’s Realm!”

The man shouted, and was instantly engulfed by the black knife qi, turning into repeated black qi and dissipating into the air.

And the black sword qi remained unabated, killing all the marauders wandering in the woods.

At this time, hundreds of meters of vacuum appeared in front of Bi Hao’s body, and the entire vacuum area took on a large fan shape.

The five reincarnations looked at Bi Hao stunned, not knowing in their hearts how to evaluate this powerful blow.

“What level of attack is this?”

Zhang Wei asked this question stupidly.

But none of the five could answer.

The intensity of this attack completely exceeded their cognition, and it seemed that the existence of the Nine Star Peak could not release such a powerful blow, which was simply perverted to the sky.

Chen Xi walked to Bi Hao’s face with a puzzled face, and when he saw that the other party was only an eight-star martial artist, his heart was even more surprised.

“How did you do it?”

Bi Hao smiled hesitantly and said indifferently, “This is where it is, I haven’t exploded with full force just now, if I strike with all my strength, I’m afraid the whole forest will disappear!” ”

Bi Hao did not brag, now that he had the blessing of the Longyuan dagger, his combat effectiveness had increased several times.

You must know that this is a five-pin divine soldier, the strength of the blessing is deformed to the anti-heaven, if he is integrated into the demon core, he has the confidence to fight with the king.

The power of the three elements, coupled with the super strong divine soldier blessing, that kind of combat power is absolutely terrifying.

With a “click”, a delicate silver longbow fell to the ground, and Bi Haoha smiled and casually put it into the storage space.

“It’s really good luck today, and I got another Divine Soldier, which is a bit too high for Nyima.”

Through the internal view, it was found that the two divine soldiers were two divine soldiers, and the system was immediately strengthened, and then the sacrificial mosaic was performed.

Fortunately, the two Divine Soldiers had succeeded once, and now he could set an elemental demon core in the Longyuan Dagger, so that his battle would be much stronger.

Bi Hao did not hesitate to choose the Demon Core of the Giant Ape with the Arms Embedded first, so that he would have the blessing of the Earth Element, and his strength would increase exponentially.

Looking at the panel, the physique actually changed from 40 million to 60 million, and a magic core blessed 20 million combat strength, which was simply cool to explode.

Now he just wanted to continue attacking the Marauders, and let him embedding another demon core around him more, so that he could increase his combat power even more.

“Xiao Xiao, you go back to Nanjiang City first, and I’ll go and take their old nest.”

After saying that, Bi Hao flew straight into the sky and flew towards the camp of the Marauders.

After a while, there was another loud noise, and the earth trembled, obviously Bi Hao struck again.

Seeing the smoke billowing in the distance, Lin Xiaoxiao couldn’t help but feel sad for the predators.

Today’s Bi Haoqiang is so strong that it is against the heavens, which is really the nightmare of the predators.

In just one night, Bi Hao single-handedly took three cities.

This kind of battle record has never been seen before, and it is estimated that there will be no one to come after that, except for Bi Hao’s perverted to anti-heavenly existence, presumably no one can sit to such a degree.

When the news reached the Terran camp, all the people went crazy and shouted the name of “God B” in unison.

In their hearts, “God B” is the true God of War, a being that can only be looked up to.

From this moment on, Bi Hao’s name will become the most colorful stroke of this era, and no one in the entire human race can replace him.

The same is true of the battle of the gods!

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