In fact, Bi Hao had long wanted to integrate the forces of the four courts, so that it would also be convenient for management.

Although the four houses are very united now, there are still some door views.

For example, the students of Kyoto and the students of Nanjiang always looked like they were on top, while the students of the other two colleges seemed to be short, and they did not dare to provoke the other two houses, and carefully maintained their relationship.

This is also due to the abundant resources of the different space, just these days in Nanjiang City, their four courtyards have a significant promotion, almost everyone has been promoted to the first level, which is the result of abundant resources.

Wang Xuan thought about it and agreed to Bi Hao’s suggestion, after all, now that Bi Hao had already established all the conditions for establishing the Great Alliance.

At the moment, Wang Xuan summoned the heads of the other three chambers, and after discussion, they all agreed with Bi Hao’s opinion and established the first Great Alliance of the Terran Race, the Haoran Alliance, in a different space.

The meaning of the grand existence is long-lasting, and the meaning of not forgetting the original heart is not remembered.

The establishment of the Haoran Alliance has attracted many masters to join, and this sect with a large number of cultivation resources is undoubtedly the most popular among cultivators.

For a while, the momentum of the Haoran Alliance was the same, and everyone squeezed their heads to join the Haoran Alliance.

The construction of Haoran Alliance is very rapid, and the four major colleges have also become the cradle for cultivating Haoran Alliance talents.

Under Bi Hao’s special approval, the martial artists of the four major colleges with more than five stars can directly enter the Haoran Training, and the other academy disciples must pass the test before they can join the Haoran Alliance.

Although the conditions for Haoran Meng’s acceptance of people are very relaxed, they have never accepted students from one of the colleges.

That was the student of Modu, and there was no other reason, just because the people of Modu had offended Bi Hao, so they could not be included in the Haoran Alliance for life.

This greatly affected the reputation of the magic capital, and a large number of students dropped out of school to join several other colleges.

As a result, the Magic Academy was destroyed, and finally the Academy was declared bankrupt and dissolved.

“Bi Hao, I will definitely make you pay the price, definitely!”

Ge Long’s eyes were full of killing intent, he was eager to kill Bi Hao’s boy with his own hands now, but he knew that Bi Hao now was not something he could deal with, and at the moment, through special channels, he actually joined the Demon Sect.

He wanted to use the Demon Sect’s hand to eradicate Bi Hao’s trouble.

After losing Number Three, the Demon Sect Leader finally realized that Bi Hao was not an ordinary warrior, and if he wanted to kill him, he had to use the power of those people.

Just as he was thinking about who to send, Ge Long walked to the altar of the main hall.

“Demon Lord, I have something to report!”

“Say it!”

“Bi Hao and those people established the Haoran Alliance, and now they have launched a liquidation operation against our sect, and have threatened to pull out the poisonous tooth of the Demon Sect on the earth, I don’t know how you want to deal with it?”

Ge Long’s words did not say that the Demon Sect, as the person who assassinated Bi Hao many times, was already incompatible.

Now that Bi Hao had his own power, of course, he had to liquidate the Demon Sect, but he himself could not appear on the earth, otherwise there would definitely be a big problem without his town guard in the alien space.

The Demon Sect Leader’s mouth rose and he looked at Ge Long with an evil smile.

“Ge Long, you just joined the Demon Sect, and the Sect Master will give you a task, don’t let me down.”

Ge Long immediately knelt down and saluted, and said with great respect, “Demon Lord, please rest assured, I promise to complete the task.” ”

Three days later, Ge Long took an old map and compared it, nodded, and said, “Yes, this is the place.” ”

Ge Long entered a ruined hall and opened a stone door according to the instructions of the demon lord.

Behind the stone door is a void passage, inside it is dark and nothing can be seen clearly, even if Ge Long uses a strong flashlight, he cannot illuminate the space inside the stone door.

Ge Long stepped in carefully, and suddenly the sky swirled, and when he opened his eyes, he actually arrived at a place where birds and flowers were singing.

The surrounding pavilions towered as if they had entered a fairyland on earth.

“You are the messenger sent by the Demon Sect Leader?”

A cold voice came into Ge Long’s ears, causing him to quickly turn his head and look away.

I saw a middle-aged man wearing an ancient robe, sitting in a bamboo hut sipping tea.

Ge Long hurriedly stepped forward and handed over the letter in his hand.

“Yuanling Immortal, this is the letter that my Lord has given you.”

The man gracefully took the letter and examined it, and after reading it, he casually threw it into the air, and the letter disappeared without a trace.

“I know about the Demon Lord, I will send my disciples to go to the Alien Space to kill Bi Hao, and tell the Demon Lord on my behalf, and the things he promised me must also be done, otherwise he knows the consequences.”

“Yes, understood!”

Although Ge Long couldn’t see the other party’s realm, he also knew that this was an immortal-like being, and he didn’t dare to make any mistakes, so he silently withdrew from the bamboo house and returned to the stone gate.

After closing the stone door, Ge Long said with a smile, “Bi Hao, Bi Hao, this time I see how you still cope, these are real immortals, I don’t believe that you are not dead this time!” ”

“Sneeze” Bi Hao sneezed and rubbed his nose, as if he had always been concerned about it recently.

This made Bi Hao think of his parents, and after the situation on this side of the other space was stable, he wanted to take the second elder to this side, so that they could spend their old age in peace and not have to suffer like on the earth.

At this time, a disciple went to his room and said, “Lord, a strange person from outside the city said that he wanted to see you.” ”

“Strange people?”

“Yes, this man is dressed in the clothes of a marauder, but he speaks the language of the Terrans, which is very strange.”

Bi Hao frowned and ordered, “You take him to the council chamber to wait for me.” ”


When Bi Hao changed into clean clothes and went to the council chamber, he really saw a handsome man dressed in the service of a marauder.

Bi Hao sat on the main seat with a large horse, looking like he was on top.

“What are you looking for the lord of this city?”

Bi Hao is now a city lord, naturally he has some style, these are still the TV dramas he learned from the earth to deliberately scare people, and now he is also quite skillful in practicing.

The man is Fenir, and his mission is to kill Bi Hao, but he is also very curious about Bi Hao, wanting to see what this Terran boy is capable of.

“I am the first warrior of the Duke of Tar, Finil, and what you call a marauder.”

Fenier did not put Bi Hao in his eyes, and directly revealed his identity, just to see the reaction of the other party.

“Are you a marauder?”

Through the spiritual power investigation, Bi Hao could not see the depth of the other party at all, and his heart instantly made a warning.

In his impression, the existence of the Nine Star Peak could be perceived by his spiritual power, and the other party could not perceive any breath, which was likely to indicate that the other party was either good at concealing the breath or was stronger than the Nine Star Peak.

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