“Yes, and my mission this time is to kill you!”

Fenil Yun said lightly, and did not seem to care about Bi Hao’s thoughts as a party.

“Kill me? It’s really ridiculous, how many people want to kill me, but now I am still standing here intact? ”

Fenil smiled softly, a smile as gentle as a spring flower, without showing any murderous intent.

“That’s because you haven’t touched the realm above the Grand Master.”

Bi Hao looked sharply at Fenil and asked word by word.

“Are you the realm of kings?”

“Yes, the king is a star peak.”

Bi Hao took a breath of cold air, although he had the confidence to fight with the King Realm, but when he really encountered an opponent of this level, he still had some drumming in his heart, after all, he had never been exposed to such a powerful existence.

People are always full of fear of the unknown, and Bi Hao can’t escape this kind of consolidation.

Without waiting for Bi Hao to reply, a disciple ran up again and prayed.

“City Lord, there is a young man in ancient costume outside the door, saying that he wants to see the city lord.”

Bi Hao was depressed, what day was it today, and all the strange people came out.

“Let him wait, I have something to talk about with this gentleman.”

“Got it!”

Not long after the disciple went down, a young man in a green shirt broke in.

The young man looked handsome, carrying a sword behind him, which looked like the shape of a sword fairy in a fairy sword TV series.

“Nima, all these years cosplayers have played on my turf.” Bi Hao complained in his heart.

The young man broke into the council hall and bowed his hand and said, “In the Lower Southern Jin Sword Pavilion Mu Fengbai, please Lord Bi Hao to fight!” ”

Bi Hao’s black line, this Nyima is what kind of trouble, thinking that it is a costume drama, but also to face the battle book.

“Dude, you seem to have gone to the wrong set, we don’t recruit actors!”

When the disciples on the side heard this nonsense answer, they couldn’t help but laugh out loud.

Mu Fengbai seemed to feel that he had lost face, and immediately drew his sword, held the sword in both hands, and stomped on the ground with the sheath of the sword.

A powerful energy directly blew the disciple away, and that energy went unabated, blowing in the direction of Fenier and Bi Hao.

Fenier casually waved, like a fly, and slapped the other party’s powerful force apart at once, making Bi Hao and Mu Fengbai stunned.

“The little king realm also dares to be brazen in front of me!”

This was the second time Bi Hao heard the word Wang Realm, and he couldn’t help but look at Mu Fengbai, and his heart was even more surprised, he didn’t expect that the other party had already stepped into the King Realm at such a young age.

“Who are you?”

Mu Fengbai looked at the other party unkindly, and slowly held the sword in his palm. It seems that there is an impulse to draw a sword without a word.

“You don’t need to know who I am, you just need to know that Bi Hao’s life must be ended by me.”

Fenil still had that lazy look, and seemed to be not interested in anything.

“The family teacher has an order, we must take Bi Hao’s head, it seems that today you and I are destined to fight.”

During the conversation, Mu Fengbai had already drawn out his sword, and the momentum of his body suddenly changed, and the waves of the force that spilled out blasted all the tables and chairs around him into powder, and this aura alone was not something that ordinary people could do.

Fenil finally picked up a hint of spirit and smiled and said, “What about the realm of the sword?” It is really strange, this kind of field I have not seen in a hundred years. ”

Bi Hao’s face was depressed, he couldn’t imagine that he had actually attracted two kings, and they all wanted his life.

What is even more outrageous is that these two people actually fought a big fight in order to kill themselves.

To say that he Bi Hao is worthy of human rarity? Or is it worth the rarest?

“I said, you both want to kill me, have you ever asked Lao Tzu for his opinion?”

Bi Hao roared loudly, and his heart was very angry.

He is now the lord of a city, the hero of the human race, and if he wants to kill himself, he must ask the divine soldier in his hand what he is saying.

At the moment, he held the Longyuan dagger in his hand and emitted the power of the element, and he wanted to fight with the two of them, after all, if he didn’t fight, he would never know what kind of existence the King Realm was.

If he fights, he does not have a 10% chance of winning.


The two completely ignored Bi Hao’s clamor and each showed off their weapons and began to attack.

This made Bi Hao feel greatly insulted, and just as Bi Hao was about to strike, he heard an explosion, and the entire council chamber collapsed.

In the face of Mu Fengbai, they looked at each other, and the two were already fighting together.

Fenier used a jade fan, which looked antique and very elaborate, and Mu Fengbai kept colliding in the air, and even Bi Hao couldn’t keep up with the speed.

There was a thunderous roar in the air of the “Boom”, Fenir’s jade fan was completely wrapped in electric light, and a dense thunder appeared within five meters of him, like a layer of energy shield to protect him inside.

And Mu Fengbai’s sword also turned into countless flying swords, constantly flying within five meters of him, just like a large meat grinder, strangling all the other party’s thunder attacks and nothingness.

“Is this the field?”

Bi Hao is still the first time to see the real people using the field, and he also has an intuitive understanding of the field.

In the next instant, Mu Fengbai’s five-meter flying sword suddenly overlapped, turning into a white giant sword and slashing towards Fenir.

“I’ll go, can the field still play like this?”

Bi Hao felt too incredible, in his imagination, the field is an increase in BUFF, with the effect of weakening opponents and enhancing themselves.

But now it seems that the realm can still be manipulated and changed into other forms to attack, which is a bit too anti-heavenly.

Finil in the air controlled the power of his realm and melted all into his jade fan, slamming into the front of him.

A huge thunder fan appeared instantly, directly beating Mu Fengbai’s sword into nothingness, and even Mu Fengbai was also fanned out and fell to the ground and spat out blood.

Fenier fell to the ground with an indifferent face and said disdainfully to Mu Fengbai.

“You can go back, Bi Hao’s life is mine.”

Mu Fengbai stood up with difficulty, glared at Fenir, and strode out of the city.

The movement on this side also attracted the attention of most people, and the guards in the city all rushed over, and the water surrounding Fenil was leaked.

Finil, still so lazy, walked slowly in the direction of the council chamber, speaking as he walked.

“Don’t struggle, obediently suffer death, you are not my opponent!”

In front of tens of thousands of martial artists, Bi Hao naturally couldn’t lose face and shouted, “There are too many people here, but you dare to fight with me outside the city.” ”

Fenil shrugged and said slowly, “I don’t care! ”

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