The next day, Wang Xuan heard that Bi Hao had left the customs and rushed back to Nanjiang City with five reincarnated people.

He told Bi Hao about the previous attack of the Demon Hunting Squad by the Marauders.

“The Marauders kidnapped the Demon Hunting Squad?”

Bi Hao was very angry, and it seemed that many forces were targeting him these days.

First Fenil and Mu Fengbai, then Liu Feng and Yuan Ling Shangxian, and now they are attacking his demon hunting squad.

Do you really think that he has a good temper and is casually bullied?

Bi Hao vigorously slapped the table and said angrily, “Principal Wang, gather all the troops within two days, I want to take down all the surrounding cities and pools and dare to bully our human race, then don’t blame me, the god of war, for being rude to them.” ”

Wang Xuan immediately advised, “Bi Hao, don’t worry about it first, if we fight, we still need to think about it in the long run.” ”

“Don’t think long-term, now that I’ve entered the realm of kings, I don’t have to worry about it.”

Bi Hao’s self-confidence exploded at this time, no matter what kind of cattle, ghosts, snakes and gods he had, he was talking first, even if he couldn’t fight when the time came, he was confident that he could protect the retreat of the large troops.

If he doesn’t fight, let these marauders go on wantonly, then he doesn’t deserve the title of God B.

It was not his character to be secretly attacked by others, and this time he was going to take the initiative to sweep away the marauders first.

Wang Xuan saw that Bi Hao had made up his mind and was not stopping the other party, so he immediately returned to Feidi City to organize an army.

The other two cities were also ordered to gather all their most elite troops in Feidi City.

Two days later, the forces of the four cities were gathered in one place, and a hundred thousand troops were assembled.

The morale of the crowd was high, and under the leadership of Bi Hao, they took the lead in capturing the city of Kal, the city of North, and the wind and the city.

The loot and resources are countless.

The marauders were finally terrified, and they reported the news of the Terran occupation of the city to the Caesar Legion, hoping that they would intervene to prevent this powerful race from continuing to occupy the city.

Now that Bi Hao had been replaced by a new one-body Divine Soldier, at this time, he had a five-star Divine Soldier through a hundred times the enhancement of the system.

His combat effectiveness had increased a lot, and now he was even more confident, wanting to take down a few cities.

“Report, the military department Ge Xiong came to ask for a meeting!”

Bi Hao smiled evilly, and he knew that this old fox would definitely not be able to resist.

“Let him in!”

Bi Hao wore a golden armor, incomparably mighty and domineering, and went to the throne of the Lord, which really had the appearance of a king.

Under the main seat, Wang Xuan, Lao Bai and others sat on both sides, which further set off Bi Hao’s heroic and extraordinary.

When Ge Xiong saw this kind of battle, he was shocked at the moment, and he did not have any hope for the conditions he had lobbied earlier.

“Lord Bi Cheng, don’t come unharmed, now you are not what you used to be, and it must only be a matter of time before you unify this alien space!”

Ge Xiong’s words were not to pat each other’s ass, and almost no soldiers were mobilized in these battles.

Bi Hao alone took three cities.

This made the soldiers who followed him respect this god of war even more, and even Wang Xuan had a blind worship of Bi Hao, believing in their hearts that as long as Bi Hao was there, it would be sooner or later to unify the alien space.

“I wonder what happened to Admiral Ge today?”

Ge Xiong was not hiding it either, and said with the attitude of trying it out.

“Now that you have three cities in a row, it must be very difficult to manage, so I suggest that the people of the military department be stationed in the city.”

First, to help you manage the city, and second, to help you defend the city, of course, those military personnel obey your orders, what do you think? ”

Bi Hao was indeed very short of managers now, and now his expeditionary force was not easy to garrison, let alone let the captured marauders guard the city.

As more and more cities were taken down, there was indeed some stretch of money in terms of managers.

“Well, then let your military department manage it for us, but one thing I ask you to bear in mind is that if you dare to disobey the order, I will execute it on the spot.”

“That’s, that’s! Your current position has long since surpassed the position of the military department, and of course you have the right to execute. ”

Jokingly, now Bi Hao has surpassed them too much, and there are not a few strong kings who died in his hands.

If he dared to question him, Ge Xiong believed that the other side alone could wipe out all the people in the military department.

After discussing the matter, Bi Hao handed over the weight of management to Ge Xiong and launched an expedition again.

In just one month, Bi Hao followed the Demon Beast Mountains and captured ten cities.

When attacking the next few cities, before Bi Hao could act, the marauders raised their white flags and surrendered.

There was no way, this Terran army was too strong, in order not to let their own people be killed, they could only surrender and concede.

For a time, the Terrans became the strongest overlord of this space.

Within Caesar’s legion, the entire council chamber was in chaos, and the three cavalry phalanx they sent out were all slaughtered by Bi Hao, and now they only hoped that a few adults would be able to go out of the barrier and kill this super strong man of the human race.

“Lord Caesar and a few elders are not out of the customs yet?”

The Duke of Tar stood outside a large hall and inquired about the soldiers guarding him.

“I’m sorry Duke Tarr, Lord Caesar was not able to get out of the customs, please go back first.”

The Duke of Thar was full of anxiety and wanted to break into the main hall.

“Can’t wait, wait, our continent will change its master.”

“I’m sorry, you can’t get in, but if you’re taking a step forward, don’t blame us.”

Several apologists slowly drew their swords in their hands, and these guards were all the existence of the King’s Three Stars.

Tal knew that he was by no means an enemy of the other side, but for the sake of his own people, he had to enter the main hall today.

Just when the Duke of Thar wanted to fight desperately, the iron door of the great hall slowly opened, and a dull bass came out of the great hall.

“Thal, you come in and put it!”

The surrounding soldiers immediately saluted, stood on both sides, and watched as Tal entered the main hall.

Above the main hall sat five people, the highest ruler of the Heavenly Spirit Continent, the leader of Caesar’s Legion.

Julius Caesar and the four great elders.

The old man sitting on the throne slowly opened his eyes and said in a low voice, “Tarr, I already know what is going on outside, tomorrow I will kill that Terran strongman, and you will quickly assemble the legion and prepare to counterattack!” ”

Hearing that Lord Caesar was finally about to strike, Tal was very excited.

“Yes, Lord Caesar!”

Tal quickly went to gather his army, using almost the entire Caesar Legion, and there were as many as thirty in the King’s Realm alone, including the existence of the King’s Four Stars.

Soon Caesar walked out of the main hall with four elders and stood directly in front of the army and made a bold speech before the expedition.

“Drive out the troublemakers of the alien race, and kill the leader of the human race, Bi Hao!”

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