In the Terran city of Neil, the marauders became slaves and were arbitrarily summoned by the Terrans.

The winner and the loser are the eternal truth.

When Finil and the Demon Hunter Squad are tied up, it is doomed that the war will not be good, and it is inevitable that one side will be soft and admit defeat.

“Report, in the direction of the Demon Beast Mountains, found a large number of marauder legions.”

A soldier hurried to make a report, making Wang Xuan’s face turn serious.

“It’s finally coming!”

Bi Hao had now taken all the cities around the Demon Beast Mountains, and if he wanted to capture the city, he had to cross the Demon Beast Mountains.

He got the entire map of the Celestial Spirit Continent from the Marauders.

Originally, on the Heavenly Spirit Continent, it was divided into two areas: the Inner Realm and the Outer Domain.

The outer realm is the city they are now conquering, on the outskirts of the Demon Beast Mountains, and most of the teleportation points between the earth and this place are also connected here.

The Inner Realm is the area within the Demon Beast Mountains, which is not only rich in resources, but also guarded by the very powerful Caesar Legion.

I’ve heard countless supermasters of Caesar’s legion reaching the King’s Four Stars.

Of course, there is also the bragging of the predators here.

Now that Bi Hao has entered the King Two Star, he has a very good chance of winning against the King Five Star.

The blessing of a five-star divine soldier is no joke, it is a percentage of super blessing, the stronger the attack power, the more perverted the blessing.

Of course, there is also a limit, but now Bi Hao has not reached this limit.

Moreover, Bi Hao also discovered that his realm could transform into a human form, equivalent to his own doppelganger, with all his strength.

This made his combat strength soar a lot at once.

If you ask Bi Hao at the level of two demons, who can resist it?

Fighting with the realm doppelganger only made his Force consume faster, but he had huge wealth points and was not afraid of protracted battles at all.

Now his wealth value has reached a staggering value of eight hundred trillion, and he has opened a hundred times the power of inheritance.

It’s just that the power of inheritance can only be understood until it is above the king, so Bi Hao does not consider those for the time being.

Now he only wanted to fight until the marauders conceded defeat and signed an armistice, so that their Terrans could gain a foothold on the continent and be on an equal footing with the marauders.

“Gather your army and get ready to fight!”

As soon as Bi Hao gave a command, everyone was excited, and finally when it came to the moment of the decisive battle, everyone’s blood was boiling, and they felt that they could finally show their skills.

The recent cities and pools were very boring, almost all of them held up white flags and opened the door to meet their troops, so that they had nowhere to kill the enemy if they wanted to.

Now that the strongest Caesar legion on the other side is coming, they might as well show their strength and let these marauders see how powerful their Terran race really is.

When the crowd had assembled, they waited for the arrival of Caesar’s army.

After a while, a rather large army appeared on the edge of the Demon Beast Mountains.

The two sides face each other, each spreading out its own formation.

On the back of the Marauder Fang, an incomparably windswept demonic beast, sat an old man with a radiant spirit.

The monster is huge, with a huge head like a lion, a body like a rhinoceros, and two teams of flying wings above its back, which looks extremely strange.

“That’s the Flying Lion Rhino Beast, with the strength of the King’s Three Stars, which can spew purple flames and burn everything.”

During this time, Wang Xuan learned a lot about the Warcraft and the Caesars Legion through the Marauders.

Only by knowing oneself and knowing the other can one never lose a battle.

Therefore, Wang Xuan now knew this army very well.

“On the back of that beast should be the leader of Caesar’s legion, Julius Caesar.

The four elders around them should be the four elders, as long as these five people are removed, the Caesar Legion will collapse on its own, and the marauders will no longer have the strength to resist. ”

Bi Hao nodded, kicked his legs, and let the Blood Shadow Warrior Wolf under him walk out towards the front.

This Blood Shadow Warrior Wolf was something he had encountered by chance, possessing the strength of the King’s Three Stars, and was tamed by him as a mount.

Bi Hao led the crowd out, all the way to Caesar shouted: “That old man, you come out, let’s go through a few moves, if you lose, quickly retreat, the province is humiliated here.” ”

“Wanton, this is our Julius Caesar, don’t be rude!”

The Duke of Tarr spoke in Terran language, his face filled with anger.

“Oh, yes, there is another person who can speak human words, you translate it for me, tell you the old man, I want to fight with him, just ask him if he dare?”

“Why don’t you dare!”

Caesar patted the demon beast beneath him and led the crowd out.

The leaders of the two sides must fight before these ten thousand armies, and the victory or defeat of this battle is largely related to the morale of the two armies.

Therefore, Bi Hao could not lose.

“God B…”

The Terran side all shouted Bi Hao’s title, and Bi Hao also looked at each other with contempt like a B god.

“Old man, look at your old arms and legs, don’t break me for a while.”

“Humble human beings, you will pay the price for your rampantism and be sent to hell by the Emperor.”

Bi Hao threw away the long knife in his hand and said, “Come on, don’t be crooked, I’ll send you to see the King of Yama.” ”

Bi Hao lightly touched the back of the Blood Shadow Demon Wolf, and the whole person shot towards the other side like a sharp sword.

Now that he was blessed with a five-star divine soldier, even if the other party had the king five-star, he was not afraid.

With a “hum” sound, Caesar was within a hundred meters, shrouded in a layer of black area, which was his realm, the light of darkness.

The Dark Light Realm is extremely special, with both elements of darkness and light.

The two elements can be quickly switched, making people invincible, and its power is unimaginably powerful for ordinary people.

The marauders were devout when they saw Julius Caesar wielding his domain.

“Dear Julius Caesar, we are ready to offer you the most devout faith.”

A stream of faith power flew out of tens of thousands of marauder soldiers and poured into Caesar’s realm, making the power of his realm even stronger.

“Sleeper, also bring foreign aid, you are cheating!”

Caesar sat on top of the beast, his expression extremely solemn, and scolded: “Wanton, in front of me Julius Caesar, I am not quick to surrender.” ”

This rebuke was like exploding thunder, and Bi Hao’s ears were buzzing.

“Your uncle, dare to hang with Lao Tzu, you are still a little tender!”

Bi Hao released his own devouring realm, covering the other party’s realm at once, and countless energies were instantly swallowed up by him.

The so-called devouring realm is to devour all the energy in the world, even the power of Caesar’s faith can not be wrong.

“You… You have blasphemed the power of my most sacred faith, damn it! ”

Caesar finally flew off his mount and pounced on Bi Hao.

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