“Come here, this time Lao Tzu will beat you up, see how you still suck!”

Bi Hao melted his realm into the blade, and in an instant, a huge long knife of more than forty meters appeared in his hand.

And Caesar also drew a magic wand and injected his own realm into it.

“Divine Law, Radiant Dawn!”

In an instant, a huge ball of light appeared above the sky, and the ball of light emitted a fiery light, which instantly came to Bi Hao’s eyes.

Bi Hao did not expect the other party to be able to use this kind of move, and he was not prepared to be hit by the light for a while.

Fortunately, he was wearing a fifth-level divine soldier, but even so, there was still a burning mark on his chest, looking at that, if he made a move in the middle, I was afraid that the fifth-level divine soldier would also be scrapped.

“Fuck your sister, dare to play Yin with me.”

Bi Hao held a long knife in his hand and swung at the ball of light in the air.

“Destroy the heavens, devour the silence and destroy the chop!”

With a “boom”, the entire ball of light exploded from it, and countless sparks fell to the ground.

“Cut, what a powerful move I made, just chop it in half, old man, you…”

Before Bi Hao could finish complaining, ten balls of light suddenly appeared above the sky, and then looked at the old man, and the countless soldiers behind him summoned the power of faith to bless him.

“Oh shit, don’t you want to be so perverted, Nyima, this is all about to catch up with my wealth value system.”

Bi Hao was naturally not afraid of consuming the Force, he did not believe that the other party could be more than his own wealth value forbidden, is not it more than the staying power, he is not afraid.

Now he is the lord of more than a dozen cities, and all the gains are replenishing his wealth value at all times.

The consumption of the knife that had just been swung had already been filled by the income of more than a dozen cities.

“If you have the blessing of ten thousand armies, you think it is very bullish, but I have more than a dozen cities and pools to supplement the income, fight consumption, who is afraid of whom!”

As a result, one kept making a ball of light, and the other kept killing the ball of light.

The only ones that are leisurely belong to the Terran troops.

The marauders’ armies were a little tired from dedicating their faith power, and they didn’t have anything to do, so they sent a little horse to watch the play.

At first, Wang Xuan was still worried that Bi Hao would not be able to hold on, but seeing that Bi Hao was getting braver and braver, he let go of his worries.

“Nima, God B is worthy of being God B, and with the blessing of tens of thousands of people, they are not able to defeat us God B.”

“That is, who is God B, the most powerful god of war in my heart, you see that old boy is tired, it is estimated that it will not take long to exhaust the dead.”

“You’re really damaged, but I don’t think the troops behind him will be exhausted before long.”

Terran soldiers were cheering while mocking each other.

Although the marauders could not understand the Terran language, it could be seen from the laughing look of the other party that the Terran army was extremely arrogant at this time.

The more Caesar fought, the more he felt wrong, he wanted to use the power of ten thousand people to consume the other party, but he did not expect that the other party’s force was like a bottomless pit, how could not be consumed.

“Do you have to use that trick?”

Caesar was very reluctant, but if it continued to be consumed in this way, it would definitely be them who lost, and did not see the other party’s heartless and leisurely killing the ball of light in the sky.

“Well, since you are so powerful, then send you to hell to receive the most painful baptism!”

Caesar’s move changed and he shouted, “In my name, open the gates of hell and let this filthy soul receive your baptism!” ”

Tens of thousands of soldiers behind them seemed to be dragged into the sky.

With a bang, all the soldiers exploded in the air, and the blood poured down on the entire area like rain.

“Sleeper, what kind of ghost is this, a human bomb?” But if you throw yarn into the sky, is this old man stupid by me? ”

Bi Hao stood in the blood rain and stared at the old man deadly, to see what he wanted to do next.

Although the marauders disappeared by tens of thousands, the rest of the people still devised their faith religiously, as if the departure of their companions was not a sad thing.

“Boom”, the wind and clouds changed color, and the thunder was added.

This scene Bi Hao was all too familiar with, a month ago that Shangxian had broken through the space to make a move.

“Is he going to summon some powerful being?”

Of course, Bi Hao did not allow this to happen, and one flew towards Caesar.

He wanted to kill the other party immediately so that he could end the catastrophe.

Otherwise, it would be bad to summon some powerful creatures and sweep through their Terran army.

Caesar laughed maniacally and watched Bi Hao approach quickly.

“You can’t stop me, I’ve summoned the gates of hell, destined to go to hell with me, hahaha!”

With a “boom”, Bi Hao did not hesitate any longer, and a knife turned Caesar into nothingness.

But at the moment of Caesar’s death, the red light that burst out of his eyes shot directly into Bi Hao’s body.

Bi Hao hurriedly looked inward, checked and did not find that the red light had gone there, and the next moment, a huge hand appeared in the sky, even more powerful than the giant palm of the Heavenly Immortal.

One grabbed Bi Hao and dragged him into another space.

When Wang Sisi, Lin Xiaoxiao and others saw this scene, they were all angry and used their strongest blow to prevent the giant hand from retracting, but the speed of the giant hand was too fast, and it disappeared into the sky in an instant.

The black void was gone.

“Bi Hao!”

Wang Sisi and the others shouted loudly, their hearts full of unwillingness, Bi Hao, who was once so powerful, was now dragged into other spaces by a giant hand.

They were extremely remorseful, and only hated that they were not strong enough to help Bi Hao.

Bi Hao only felt that the sky was spinning, and when he saw things clearly in front of him, he had already reached a black and vast crimson land.

A skinny little demon next to him “snapped” and stamped a large seal on Bi Hao’s body.


The little demon pushed Bi Hao impatiently, letting a red troll come to the front.

“Sleeper, was I really dragged into hell by that old man?”

Bi Hao looked at the long line and couldn’t help but be stunned, there were hundreds of people in front of him, with their hands and feet carrying chains, slowly moving in one direction.

Bi Hao looked at his hand and found that there was a metal chain tied to his hand.

Bi Hao frowned, and when he lifted the Force, he wanted to break free, but as a result, he couldn’t break free at all when he used the strength to suckle.

A green-eyed monster in front of him looked back at him and couldn’t help but laugh out loud.

“Look at Mao, believe it or not Lao Tzu killed you!”

The green-eyed monster looked very strong, but was frightened by Bi Hao, and immediately retracted its neck, ignoring Bi Hao.

The mouth muttered, “This thing is so scary, it seems to be able to swallow me in one bite.” ”

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