Bi Hao heard the other party’s muttering, and angrily directly kicked the other party’s ass with his foot.

“Nima, you look like a toad, and lick your face B and say I’m scary, believe it or not, Lao Tzu punched you.”

The green-eyed monster begged for forgiveness again and again, saying, “Big brother, I was wrong, and you spared me.” ”

As he spoke, he pulled something out of his ass that looked like a banana.

“Nima, can you not be so disgusting?”

The green-eyed monster expressed helplessness, and said with his mouth, “No way, you can’t take anything out here, you can only hide it in your body, you can take this jade dragon fruit and take it, but you have to make sure that you can’t swallow me in one bite.” ”

“I’m going to your uncle’s, are you stupid, my mouth is so big, such a disgusting thing you still keep yourself.”

Bi Haoke didn’t eat what other people’s ass made up, it was really disgusting.

“Green-eyed monster, where is this?” Where are we going? ”

Bi Hao looked at the red troll behind him, his expression was even more confused than his, and he could only ask the green-eyed monster in front of him.

“I’m not called a green-eyed monster, my name is Kafiga.”

“Oh, coffee, then tell me, where is this place?”

“It’s not coffee, it’s Kafiga, this is Satan’s hell, we’re going to Great Castlevania to be judged.”

“Judgment? Judge what? ”

“Of course, it is the guilt of judging us, and the lighter will become the slave of the demon lord, and the heavier will become the nourishment of Lord Satan.”

Bi Hao was extremely depressed, and he didn’t expect to be dragged into hell by that crazy old man.

Looking around, I found that the sky was black and expanse, and under my feet was the crimson earth, and nothing else was there.

They were the only ones in the whole wasteland.

“Broken, my system will not also be blocked, system, hey, are you still there?”

“Yes, host!”

Bi Hao was finally relieved, there was a system, then he would not suffer a loss anywhere.

Immediately picked up a stone on the ground and said to the system, “Perform a hundred times stronger.” ”

“Okay, host, in the hundredfold enhancement, the hundredfold enhancement is completed, and you get the next Spirit Stone.”

Bi Hao’s eyes lit up, and sure enough, the system was the most reliable.

Kafija had been observing Bi Hao’s movements, only to see him pick up a stone with his hand, shake it in his hand, and turn it into a spirit stone.

“Kafiga, my God, you turned an ordinary stone into a spirit stone.”

Bi Hao immediately made a booing gesture, raised his chin and said, “Lao Tzu’s great ability is many, these are just pediatrics!” ”

“Wow, then can you take me as a little brother, I can cook, make fires, and make divine soldiers.”

Originally, Bi Hao didn’t have much good feelings for this green-eyed monster, stupid not to say, it was still so ugly.

But when Bi Hao heard that the other party would create a divine soldier, he immediately froze.

“Will you make a divine soldier?”

“Yes, I am the most powerful god caster in the Kubalha family!”

Speaking of this title, Kafiga seems to be very proud, and even his chest is straight.

“Then how did you get sent to hell?”

Kafija said with a look of grief on his face, “I blame my cousin, who took a fancy to my fiancée and blamed me for the loss of the Starfall Hammer.”

In order to show that I did not steal the Star Meteor Hammer, I accepted the trial of the demon to prove that I had not stolen, but I did not expect that the demon did not distinguish between right and wrong, and directly sent me to hell. ”

Bi Hao was speechless, this kind of plan that even a fool could see, and this idiot didn’t even see through it, letting the demon make a ruling, that is not a reason for the mouse to find a cat to judge.

Bi Hao shook his head helplessly, ignoring this green-eyed fool, he was afraid that he had approached this kind of person, and he was also infected with a stupid qi.

As he walked, he absorbed the spiritual power of the spirit stone and wanted to recover his strength quickly.

Kafija saw that Bi Hao ignored him, thinking that the other party hated him, and muttered, “Hey, in this world, there is not even a god casting master to take care of him.” ”

Bi Hao was idle, asking Kafiga in front of him.

“What is a Divine Caster?”

Kafija saw Bi Haoli and said excitedly, “The Divine Caster is very powerful, the Divine Soldier is divided into nine stars, and above the nine stars is the Sacred Artifact, and the qualification of the Divine Casting Master is to create a Sacred Artifact.” ”

“What? Can you craft a Sacred Artifact above the Nine Star Divine Soldier? ”

Kafija nodded and said, “The meteorite hammer I created is a three-pin holy weapon, which can destroy half a planet with a single blow.” ”

“Sleeper, do you want to be so perverted, is it that I have picked up the treasure this time?”

Although this stupid head was not bright, people could create holy artifacts, and they had never even heard of that kind of thing.

A hammer can blast down half a planet, how powerful it must be, if you have a weapon of that kind, it is not invincible in the world.

“Silly, cough… That coffee, from now on you are my little brother Bi Hao, and you will obediently follow the big brother me in the future to ensure that you eat delicious and drink spicy. ”

Kafiga’s face was happy, he had wanted to have an older brother to love since he was a child, until he was two hundred years old, he did not know that he had a cousin, originally thought that he could be loved.

Unexpectedly, the other party robbed his fiancée and framed himself.

This made him more eager to get the attention of an older brother, so he wanted Bi Hao to be the eldest brother, after all, the other party was so ugly and so fierce, and bringing him back to the village would definitely scare away his cousin.

If Bi Hao knew this fool’s thoughts, it was estimated that he would be angry and vomit three liters of blood.

Bi Hao looked at the red troll behind him with joy and asked, “What are your skills?” ”

Bi Hao looked at the other party expectantly, thinking that after discovering a demon-like existence, he would save both of them, and when the time came to go out, it would pull the wind to explode.

The red troll looked confused and said slowly, “I will eat!” ”

“Your sister! Count me out of the way! ”

As soon as Bi Hao turned around, he heard the red troll say, “I can condense the energy I ate into a demon core, and I remember the most powerful one condensing the Demon Core of the Nine Stars of the King.” ”

“If you can also convert the energy you eat into a magic core, then he won’t be hanging in the sky.”

Bi Hao smiled hesitantly and said to the red troll, “Do you want to mix with me later?” ”

“I’ll mix with you when you give me food.”

“I went, and it seems that the IQ of this product is not much better.”

Bi Hao sighed how he had come across with these two fools.

“Cheng, follow you Bi Haoge in the future, and ensure that you eat delicious and drink spicy.”

The red troll waved his hand and said embarrassedly, “I don’t eat spicy.” ”

Nyima, this is still quite picky, at the moment threw a spirit stone into the other party’s hand, the happy red troll eyebrows smiled, and quickly swallowed the spirit stone into his belly, and then continued to ask Bi Hao for it.

Along the way, Bi Hao did not recover much for himself, all cheap red troll this foodie, happy other party snot bubbles are flowing out.

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