When Bi Hao was dragged into hell by the giant hand, he used his strongest blow to exhaust all the Force.

When he wanted to recover through the wealth value, he couldn’t recover it.

Looking at the panel, I found that the wealth value turned red.

Moreover, he absorbed the low-level spirit stone for half a day, and the Force on the panel was still displayed as 0.

This made Bi Hao have a bad feeling, and he quickly inquired about the system.

“System, how can it recover for so long that the Force is still 0?” Can’t the Force be restored here? And the wealth value for gross can not be used? ”

“Host, your area is the hell created by Satan, where the strength will be greatly compressed, the Force recovery will also require more energy, as for the wealth value, it is now temporarily sealed, and special missions need to be completed to unlock it.”

“Sleeper, don’t you want to me like this!” Is there no other way? ”

“After the data assessment, you need to absorb 10,246 low-level spirit stones to break the Bundle Soul Chain!”

“Nima, more than 10,000 pieces, even if I get to the Great Demon City, I may not be able to absorb it, let alone break the chain.”

Just when Bi Hao was disheartened, a large hand patted him on the shoulder.

Then a drooling, vicious red troll came up to him and almost didn’t scare him out of the room.

“Your sister, can you not lean on me so close, very scary good!”

The red troll looked like a child who had done something wrong, with a look of grievance, but his big hand still reached out to Bi Hao, and he muttered in his mouth: “I still want to eat!” ”

“Eat and eat, you know what you will eat but eat!”

Bi Hao was not angry enough to stuff the low-level spirit stone in his hand to the red troll, and his heart was extremely frustrated.

The red troll got so much at once, and happily ate it up, then burped and spat something out of his mouth.

“Big brother, here you go!”

The red troll handed a shiny thing to Bi Hao.

Bi Hao just wanted to say a few words back, and then he found that the things in the hands of the red troll, under careful inspection, actually contained extremely powerful forces.

“Sleeper, it’s a magic core!”

Bi Hao held the Demon Core in his hand and sucked it up with all his strength, only to see that his panel data finally moved.

Force +1…

Force +1…

“The sleeping trough, it’s really useful, and it’s much faster than absorbing the low-level spirit stone yourself.”

Bi Hao couldn’t help but look at the red troll, and said: Nyima, this is a spirit stone plug-in converter, cool enough, perverted enough, I like it.

So Hu Bihao picked up countless stones to strengthen them a hundred times, and threw them all to the red troll.

The red troll is naturally very happy to eat, and every time he burps, he will create a magic core.

Although it was the lowest-level one-star demon core, the Force was also much stronger than the low-level spirit stone.

It didn’t take long for Bi Hao to restore the Force to a hundred.

Seeing that there was no one around to guard him, he broke free of the chains and pulled the red troll and Kafija to the side.

The chains of the two were naturally crushed by Bi Hao, otherwise it would be impossible to break away from that team.

The function of the chains of the soul has the function of binding the soul traction and dragging, allowing the bound person to walk according to the specified route, which is also the soul magic tool specially created by Satan.

So on this road, there will be no one guarding.

The two men still looked confused and looked at Bi Hao with curiosity.

“Hey, what kind of expression do you have, I rescued you, even if you don’t say thank you, don’t use this expression to see me.”

Kafija scratched his head and said, “I think it’s good to go with them, at least so that I can see Lord Demon, and I want to tell him that the Starfall Hammer was not stolen by me.” ”

The red troll was even more confused, looking around weakly and asking, “Where are we going now?” I’m hungry again. ”

Bi Hao was going crazy, how could he think of rescuing these two goods?

“Coffee, you and the devil theory a yarn, the devil is born evil, he does not eat you in one bite, I have your last name, and you… What’s your name? ”

Bi Hao pointed at the red troll and forgot his name.

“My name is Pidair.” The red troll said hurriedly.

“Yes, little skinny egg, you will follow me from now on, and make sure you have an inexhaustible spirit stone.”

At that moment, Bi Hao took out those high-level spirit stones from the warehouse and threw them all to Pi Dan’er, and the happy other party’s big snot flowed all over the ground.

It’s just that Bi Hao didn’t collect too many high-level spirit stones because he could strengthen the spirit stones.

“Wait, something doesn’t seem right!”

Bi Hao looked at Pi Daner, who had eaten a lot of food, and suddenly thought of the key.

“No, the system hundred times enhanced is not only effective for yourself, but the newly strengthened spirit stone skin egg can also be eaten, is it in this space, can you share your own enhanced things with others?”

Thinking of this, Bi Hao hurriedly inquired about the system.

“System, what the hell is going on? Is a hundred times more intensive here effective for others as well? ”

“Host, check out your task, which has a specific description.”

“Task? What tasks? ”

Suddenly a big screen of the system appeared in my mind.

[Special Mission Opened: Hell Demon Quest.]

Stage 1: Enter Satan’s Hell Realm to complete and unlock rewards (gain the shared Spirit Stone enhancement)

Stage 2: Assassinate the lord of a large Castlevania and unlock rewards (gain the shared Divine Soldier enhancement)


Note: This sharing feature is only available for Hell Demon quests. 】

“Sleeper, and this kind of task, how I didn’t know before.”

“Host, because your previous realm was too weak to open the hidden system, this time you can enter the Hell Demon Quest, it is also your luck, otherwise you need to reach the Jade Emperor Realm to break through the space to enter this copy.”

“Nima, I was secretly calculated by that crazy old man and dragged into hell, and you actually said that I was taking luck?”

Bi Hao was more and more speechless about this system, but he was afraid that the other party would be anxious to pick a pick, and he did not have much to say.

luck is luck, anyway, come all come, then you can only complete the task first.

Bi Hao inspected the task, there were more than a dozen stages, and the final reward was not only to teleport any space door, but also to obtain a character heart.

“System, what is this character heart?”

“The heart of character belongs to the super character BUFF, you can understand the protagonist aura, that is, to go out to pick up a grandfather, casually pick up a grandmother.”

Bi Hao’s face turned black.

Nima, ask so many grandparents to dry hair, but he also understands the meaning, probably the setting of the deepening of luck.

It seems that this trip to hell must complete all the tasks to escape this space.

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