Now Bi Hao has two two goods, but if he wants to assassinate a big demon, he must have more helpers.

Luckily, the mission comes with a full picture of hell.

And their location is the closest area to Sol Castlevania.

At the moment, he thought of finding a few powerful warriors and uniting some forces to carry out assassination operations.

Now Bi Hao has the Force bug maker of Pi Egg, which can restore the warriors to their peak moments.

So Hu Bihao hit the prisoner with the idea.

Bi Hao stood in front of the crowd and shouted at the prisoners, “Whoever is a master of martial arts, let me know that I can give you freedom.” ”

Everyone looked at each other in unison, saw that Bi Hao was short, ugly and disgusting, and withdrew their eyes one after another.

“Did that ugly monster come out to scare us?”

“Who knows, I see him have an urge to throw up, it’s ugly.”

This group of foreign prisoners, for a human like Bi Hao, threw contemptuous glances at each other, and even a few green-haired monsters saw Bi Hao vomit on the spot.

“Nima, Lao Tzu is so scary!”

For the first time in his life, Bi Hao doubted his looks.

Kafija nodded and said, “You are indeed ugly, if it weren’t for my willpower, I would have thrown up.” ”

The red troll also nodded and said, “Looking at your face, my appetite is not as good as it used to be.” ”


What else could Bi Hao say, he was an ugly monster in the eyes of this group of aliens.

Since this was the case, then he would not hesitate to sacrifice his hue.

Bi Hao walked up to a two-meter-tall, incomparably burly green giant and watched it fight like the Hulk in the movie.

“What realm are you?”

The Hulk looked at Bi Hao with great disgust and twisted his head to the side.

“Well, you forced me.”

Bi Hao suddenly took off his coat, revealing his solid chest.


A whole alien race vomited.

A red-haired monster behind him kicked the Hulk and scolded, “You tell him it’s over, that guy doesn’t have a hair on him, it’s just ugly.” ”

The Hulk begged for forgiveness one after another, asking Bi Hao to put on his coat first, and have something to say.

The next thing was much simpler, Bi Hao followed the flow of people and found ten super strong people with more than seven stars of kingship.

However, under the suppression of this hell realm, they were only equivalent to the seven or eight star masters on the earth.

Even so, it is a very rare existence.

These ten people were saved by Bi Hao, and under Bi Hao’s false reasoning and heresy and deception, they were successfully included in his command.

With the recovery of Pidair’s magic core, they successfully reached their peak state.

Six seven stars, four eight stars, plus a Spirit Stone bug converter and a god caster.

This was Bi Hao’s current full combat strength.

Bi Hao was very satisfied and turned his head to look at Kafiga.

“It’s time to show real skill, Kafiga, and you’re here to build a divine soldier for each of them!”

Bi Hao took out a large number of weapons and threw them in front of Kafiga, which were all the combat power products obtained before, but there was not a single divine soldier.

All the previous divine soldiers were used by him for sacrificial inlays.

Kafija was not so happy to see these weapons, and muttered, “It would be better if there were some magic plants.” ”

Of course, Bi Hao had many magic plants, and they were the most superior ones, and these were also obtained when he captured the city, and he immediately took them out for Kafiga.

Kafija was even more excited, and picked up the hammer and built it.

That speed was so fast that the naked eye could not see the action, and it was indeed worthy of the Divine Caster, and it seemed that this time he really picked up the treasure.

In just three days, Kafiga had created more than a dozen sets of divine soldiers.

From the crown to the boots, they did not pull a piece, which doubled the combat effectiveness of their squad.

He believed that with the power of these people, he could definitely assassinate the lord of a large demon city.

“Okay, now line me up!”

Ten people stood in a row, looking solemnly and with great respect.

Their ability to recover their strength was entirely dependent on Bi Hao’s help, and Bi Hao had also created a divine soldier for them, which was unprecedented when they were alive.

In his heart, he also respected Bi Hao even more, although Bi Hao was still ugly.

Kafiga and Pi Dan’er stood on either side of Bi Hao, and they looked even more facetious.

The two of them have undoubtedly been snubbed in the real world, because their brains are not good, they have been toyed with by many bad people, and now following Bi Hao, they can fully exert their abilities.

The two were also grateful from the bottom of their hearts, although Bi Hao was still ugly.

Bi Hao gave a serious military salute and said solemnly, “Soldiers, our mission this time is to take Sol City and become the master there. ”

“What? Take Sol City? No, this human being is crazy? ”

“I think most of them are crazy, but Thor City has a master of the Black Church, and he actually wants to take the city.”

“Won’t you, the master of the Black Sect is actually in the Great Demon City?”

Ten people spoke with their tongues agape, and Bi Hao’s head was clouded as he listened.

“What a black Holy See, you make it clear!”

The Hulk said, “The Black Church is the strongest organization in the universe, its strength is unimaginably terrifying, and its members have taken over the assassination of various spaces, and no one has ever failed to do so, which shows how terrifying the strength of this sect is.” ”

Bi Hao frowned, then it would be difficult to deal with.

“How strong are those people of the Black Church?”

Another red-haired monster interfaced, “I heard that the lowest is also a master of the Jade Emperor Realm, so we have no chance of winning at all.” ”

Bi Hao thought about it and still insisted on his idea.

As long as they kill the city lord before the Black See’s man dares to come, this will unlock the second mission reward.

When the time came to strengthen a fifth-level divine soldier and distribute it to a few people, then it would definitely have the strength to fight.

The divine soldiers created by Kafiga belong to the quality of three stars, so after a hundred times of strengthening, the combat effectiveness is absolutely amazing.

Thinking of this, Bi Hao decided to keep his plan unchanged and still chose to assassinate the city lord.

Bi Hao threw all the Spirit Stone Mines in the warehouse to Pi Dan’er, allowing him to produce a large number of Nine Star Demon Cores.

And Kafija also created many three-star divine soldiers at the behest of Bi Hao.

When everything was ready, they walked slowly toward Sol Great Castle.

“Number one, don’t worry, the people of the Black Church are not all without weaknesses, as long as we plan well and restrain the people of the Black Church, then we can kill the lord of this city.”

In order to facilitate the deployment, Bi Hao gave these ten people code names, which were number one to number ten.

Number One was the first green giant he knew.

“Are you really sure you have a chance to win, that is the super strong person of the Jade Emperor Realm, maybe the other party has already obtained the power of inheritance.”

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