Fifty million of the Force was restored instantly, not to mention how comfortable it felt.

Before he painstakingly absorbed Pi Daner’s demon core, it only reached ten million, and that kind of day was finally over.

And the ten people were all restored to the Force under Bi Hao’s sharing, which made the ten people extremely surprised.

“Boss, how did you do it?” Are you a messenger of God? ”

The number one question was also something that others wanted to ask, and even Kafija looked at Bi Hao expectantly.

“In my world, people call me God B, so I am not a messenger of God, but a true God.”

Kafija fell to his knees in fright, muttering, “God, I was wrong, and I don’t say you’re ugly.” ”

The others also fell to their knees in horror.

Although they didn’t know what method Bi Hao used to restore their Force in an instant, this skill was a miracle in their eyes.

Moreover, Bi Hao was under the sword of the Black Sect Lord, and he was not hurt at all, which also made them very confused, and Gu Hao really regarded Bi Hao as a true god.

“God B, we are willing to surrender to you with all our hearts and to offer our most godly souls.”

Bi Hao was very satisfied, and said with a dry cough: “Very good, as long as you are loyal, I will take you to eat delicious and spicy drinks.” ”

Pidaner was just about to raise his hand to speak when Bi Hao interrupted him.

“I will also give you an inexhaustible amount of high-quality Spirit Stones.”

Pidair nodded satisfactorily.

Now that Bi Haoquan had completed the task of the third stage, he immediately looked at the next stage of the task.

Stage 4 Mission: Win the Champion of Group S of the Colosseum Contest and unlock the reward (get 100 times the Kung Fu Enhancement Sharing)


These days they live in the Great Demon City and know a little about this Colosseum Tournament.

The so-called Beast Contest is a kind of game in which demons let prisoners fight one-on-one for huge profits.

The Colosseum competition is divided into Group D, Group C, Group B, Group A and Group S.

The higher the group, the stronger the players play.

It seems that this task must be completed by Bi Hao alone.

Thinking about cultivating quickly at the moment, at least reaching the six stars of the king can be played, otherwise even with the blessing of the divine soldier, it may not be able to win the game.

Bi Hao entered the retreat stage and handed over everything in the Great Castlevania of Sol to the management of Number One.

In the blink of an eye, a month passed.

Bi Hao also successfully broke through to the King Six Stars, and with the blessing of his own Divine Soldier, he could now fight with the King Nine Stars desperately.

Ten people were very happy to see Bi Hao out of the customs, and the retreat these days also made him think of some opportunistic methods.

It was immediately decided to take ten people to the competition.

The Colosseum is a very special existence that requires access through portals in various cities.

And here are also the masters of all the cities in hell, and the battle is very fierce.

Bi Hao led ten people to the registration office, paid a certain registration fee and easily received the number plate.

Now they don’t have a rating group, and can only start from the lowest level of Group D.

The battle between the ten men and Bi Hao was soon won.

After three consecutive wins, he was promoted to Group C and after five consecutive wins he moved into Group B.

After ten consecutive wins, you will enter Group A, and after 50 consecutive wins, you will enter Group S.

Bi Hao and the ten people entered the S group smoothly all the way to the winning streak.

Jokingly, with Bi Hao’s wealth value restored, coupled with the blessing of the Five-Star Divine Soldier, ten people could not lose to opponents below Group S.

In the S group, the truly powerful opponents were gradually revealed.

The host held Mike excitedly agitating the emotions of the demons.

“Welcome to the Colosseum, today is the first match of Group S, let’s have players from both sides.”

Amid the cheers and shouts of the demons, a gigantic beast with spikes came out from the side of the Colosseum.

“This is the bull monster who has won the S group for five consecutive times, Hadett, he has a power that no one can match, often one punch can blow the opponent up, today he can still punch the opponent, let us stay tuned.”

On the other side, a green giant with the same body stepped out.

“Although this is a newcomer to the S group, he has won more than sixty games in a row from the D level, without a single defeat, and he is also a power-type player, this time power-to-strength, who do you think is stronger, hurry up and bet on it.”

At the instigation of the host, the demons bet one after another.

“I bought that green troll win, and the sixty-odd win-game winning streak is absolutely amazing.”

“I buy Hadett to win, that’s a super presence that can blow up the opponent with one punch.”

The crowd registered and suppressed their favorite opponents.

Bi Hao stood in the crowd with his arms around him, watching the game under the stage with an evil smile.

“Number eight, put all our money on Number One.”

“Yes, boss!”

These days, Bi Hao has used this method to earn a considerable amount of wealth value, and at this time, his wealth value is about to overflow.

It was through this race that No. 1 kept recovering.

He didn’t believe that no matter how strong the opponent was, he could still win the game with the number one infinitely restoring the Force.

Soon, the host announced the start of the game.

The two are locked in a giant iron cage until one of them dies, which is the cruelty of the beast fight.

Hardt let out a loud roar and rushed toward Number One, his skin changing from cyan to red, apparently entering a state of some kind of rage.

Number One also opened his own realm, wrapped in a layer of stones, and collided with the other party.

With a “boom”, both of them were knocked out of the air.

Then the two men stood up and continued to collide.

The noise was not to mention how frightening, and the host also said excitedly at this time: “Oh, my greatest Lord Satan, these two monsters are so crazy, voila, they bumped into each other again, but this time it seems that Hadt has suffered a little.”

Oh my God, my God, why is that green-skinned monster getting more and more fierce, and why is that? ”

The host kept roaring, and it was extremely exciting to watch.

The corners of Bi Hao’s mouth cocked slightly, and he said lightly: “Well, the next game is your turn, number two!” ”

“No problem, boss!”

Number two agreed and went to the registration office.

Soon, the results of the game came out, and with the blessing of Bi Hao’s infinite force, No. 1 easily won the victory, and that Hadett also died tragically at the hands of No. 1.

Soon the host introduced the second round of the competition.

No. 2 fights an assassin with super explosive power, but under the realm of No. 2 Ice, it is impossible to get him close, and finally under No. 2’s infinite amplification move, he finally grinds the other party to death.

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