The rest of the game was a bit boring, but whenever Bi Hao’s squad played, it was either one-sided or infinitely large, and the opponent who played had no power to fight back.

In less than a month, Bi Hao and the members of the ten-member squad all entered the finals roster.

The host excitedly held the microphone to render the atmosphere of the Colosseum, making the field warm up at once.

“Hello audience friends, here we are today, and this year’s Beast Champion will be born, so let’s have twenty super strong.”

The demons shouted wildly, cheering and cheering for the mighty ones they supported.

“Okay, now let’s start the race, with the first group of players.”

The host introduced the two contestants with the information card in his hand.

“Let’s have please, Filio who has not lost a single result so far, whether this green monster can continue to win the next game, let’s wait and see.”

Number One came out from the other side of the Colosseum and stood in the middle of the Colosseum with his arms around him.

“The next person to play is also the undefeated Toniya, whether the killer in the dark can defeat this green monster, friends hurry to bet on it!”

After a round of crazy betting, Number One looked at Number Eight and inadvertently exchanged glances.

Then the host shouted: “The game is on!” ”

Without the slightest hesitation, No. 1 rushed to No. 8 and punched out, directly knocking No. 8 away.

Number Eight pretended to be badly injured, spat out a mouthful of blood, then raised his hand above his head and shouted, “I admit defeat!” ”

“Oh my God, Toniya conceded defeat, would he rather accept the punishment of dropping than face this green monster, maybe his choice is right, the winner of this game is our infinite green beast, Philip Pride.”

The demons shouted with joy and excitement that they had pressed the right treasure.

The rules of the Colosseum do not necessarily have to be life-and-death, as long as one side concedes defeat, it can withdraw from the game, of course, conceding defeat will be punished by dropping.

Players in Group S like No. 8 will be classified as Group A once they drop their level, and if they want to return to Group S, they must win another 50 games in a row.

However, this is not worth mentioning for Number Eight, and their participation in the Beast Fighting Tournament this time is just to clear the way for Bi Hao.

Soon, the first round of competition was over, and ten strong people were born, and it was not surprising that all of them were Bi Hao’s people.

This means that the next champion will definitely be Bi Hao’s.

At the beginning of the game, five of them surrendered, and the acting skills were very clever, and the demons wanted to scold the mother, and they said that there was a black curtain in it.

“Finally to the final, the strength of these two people is very strong, very exciting, because these two opponents have all surrendered and conceded defeat, which indicates that today these two will have a strongest battle.”

The demons were so excited that the whole venue boiled over.

“God B, God B…”

Amid the cheers and shouts of the demons, Bi Hao came to the Colosseum.

On the other side, No. 1 also walked out with his head held high, and both of them reached the peak of their momentum, making the demons even more crazy under the leadership of the host.

“The race is on!”

Bi Hao quickly came to the front of No. 1, punched out a punch, No. 1 would understand, hurriedly took a few steps back, and spat out blood.

“I concede!”

It all came so fast, the demons were still excited, and the game was over?

The host was also a bit dumbfounded, not knowing how this situation would continue.

“This… It seems that Philip came to concede defeat, so the champion of this year’s Colosseum is the B god. ”

The demons don’t buy it, most of them press the number one, and at this time, the loss of even the pants is gone, how can they be willing.

“Shady! Shady! ”

The demons shouted in unison, but that didn’t change the fact that Bi Hao won the championship.

“Ding, the host completes the fourth stage of the mission, unlocks the hundred times the practice to enhance sharing.”

Bi Hao smiled and gave the number one who had fallen to the ground and vomited blood a look, and the other party immediately understood, and a carp ran out of the Colosseum very quickly.

The demons were all dumbfounded at once, and Nyima would have been strange if it weren’t for the black curtain, not seeing how athletic the green monster was at the moment.

The speed of that escape was even several times faster than when he attacked.

So the demons frying pan and frantically ran towards the betting area, trying to get their money back, and said that they would bet on the Colosseum in the future.

Bi Hao was happy in his heart, and taking advantage of the chaotic scene, they returned directly to the Great Castlehouse of Thor.

Ten people also laughed loudly, never done such a fun thing.

Bi Hao hurriedly checked the task, wanting to end the hell demon copy quickly and return to reality earlier.

The longer I stayed here, the more I missed my friends, and I didn’t know how Wang Sisi was now.

In the other space, the Terran territory was once again compressed to Hwaseong City, and even this most marginal city was still defended by their countless lives.

Without Bi Hao’s protection, the Terrans hardly had any combat effectiveness, and although there were many more Nine Star Grand Masters than before, none of them could break through to the King’s Realm.

And the Marauders’ kings were no less than thirty people, and their boss was killed with Bi Hao, which made them hate the Terrans even more.

After taking back all the lost territories, the Marauders gathered a large number of Warcraft and elites to drive the Terrans out of this space in one fell swoop, and brewed the matter of attacking the earth.

Just when Hwaseong was on the verge of losing his hand, the arrival of a man changed the whole battle.

This person was shrouded in a black robe and possessed great strength.

Wang Xuan still remembered that at that time, this person stood in front of the two armies, casually cut out a sword, and killed the plunderers’ army of 100,000 people.

Frightened predators did not dare to take a step forward.

Then the mysterious man gathered his sword and stood upright, and said lightly, “I have saved Huacheng, and from now on you must not step into this area, otherwise you will be an enemy of me and an enemy of the Black Holy See!” ”

When the marauders heard the words “Black Church”, they did not dare to release one and immediately withdraw their troops, which saved Hwaseon.

“When Bi Hao came back to tell him on my behalf, I had already repaid his affection, and the Black Holy See would not owe him any more in the future, so that he could do his own thing.”

It turned out that this mysterious man was the Jade Emperor Realm master of the Great Demon City of Thor, and after the intelligence collected by the Black Holy See, he found that the marauders were attacking Huacheng, so he chose to rescue each other and pay off Bi Hao’s kindness.

After all, it was Bi Hao who rescued him from the hands of the Great Demon, and if it weren’t for Bi Hao, he would probably have spent tens of thousands of years in hell.

It is the consistent tenet of the Black Church, but after the reward, there is no other emotion, which is the Black Church, a mysterious and powerful super assassination organization.

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