In Hell, Bi Hao thought about countermeasures, thinking about how to complete the fourth stage of the task.

Stage 4 Mission: Capture ten Great Castles and unlock rewards (gain 100 times the power of the elements to enhance sharing)

The ten Great Demon Cities were not so easy to capture, and the last time they were able to take Thor Great Demon City was entirely due to Thor’s carelessness.

If the other party was cautious and summoned the strong man of the Jade Emperor Realm to guard him, then even if they were strong, they would not be able to defeat each other.

So then he must raise everyone’s strength to a level, so that he can get a greater chance of winning in the next mission.

Bi Hao called the ten people into the room and looked at several people with a solemn look.

“Our task will be even more arduous next, and I will attack other urban areas in a big way, so that each of you can become the lord of the city.”

The ten people looked at Bi Hao in disbelief, not expecting him to have such a thought.

“How? Doubtful about my thoughts? ”

“I don’t dare or dare, it’s just that those people of the Black Church are going to do something, and we can’t always fight with those people.”

Number One was very worried, although the lord of the Great Demon City was only the King Nine Stars at the highest, which was very easy for them to deal with, but those people of the Black Sect were not so easy to kill.

The masters of the Jade Emperor Realm together had no certainty of victory.

“You can rest assured of this, I have already thought about it, as long as the ten of you reach the strength of the Nine Stars of the King, coupled with the assistance of the Divine Soldiers, I think you can still hold back a Jade Emperor Realm.”

Ten people looked puzzled, it was not so easy to improve the realm, especially the king realm, it was very difficult to improve a small realm, let alone raise a star realm.

Seeing that everyone was puzzled, Bi Hao said to the system, “System, strengthen their practice all a hundred times.” ”

“Good host, the practice of a hundred times the beginning of the strengthening, a hundred times the success of the reinforcement.”

Bi Haoyun gently clapped his hands and said, “Well, now your strength has increased by a hundred times, which is absolutely comparable to the strength of the Nine Stars of the King.” ”

The crowd was even more puzzled, and Number One asked, “Boss, you don’t seem to have done anything, how did we improve?” ”

Bi Hao smiled mysteriously and said, “If you don’t believe it, you can try it.” ”

Number One scratched his head and walked out the door and slammed his fist at a large tree.

With a “boom” sound, the tree broke in response, as if it were the same as before, and there was no too frightening scene.

“Boss, it seems that your blessing has no effect!”

Bi Hao sighed helplessly, of course, the Gong Fa blessing strengthened the moves, and the ordinary attack certainly had no effect.

“You use moves, what I bless this time is the power of your practice!”

Number One let out an “Oh” and continued to swing his fist at the tree that had fallen to the ground, only this time he used his best move, “Shake the Wave!” ”

At this point, the whole house was suddenly thrown up, and even No. 1 himself was startled, and even looked at his hands, as if he did not know the other party.

The others were also excited to use their moves, and without exception, all the moves were blessed a hundred times, which made the ten people more confident.

I wish I had now crossed paths with a Jade Emperor Realm master.

These days, Bi Hao has all the prisoners who come to Sol’s Great Castlevania thrown themselves into the army, but all those who do not obey the instructions are thrown to Satan as fertilizer.

This made Bi Hao quickly organize a rather terrifying miscellaneous army.

The reason why it is terrifying is because these people who enter hell are all super villains with the most heinous crimes, either with strong hands or with strong minds, in short, there is not a weak person.

Bi Hao didn’t bother to care that these people were plotting their own small calculations, and in the face of absolute power, any trick was nothing.

The next day, Bi Hao gathered 30,000 miscellaneous troops and 5,000 demon armies and marched towards the nearest Great Demon City of Luce.

Soon we arrived at the Great Demon City of Luce, where the lord did not know that someone had come to attack the city, and it did not take much effort to solve the city lord’s occupation of the city.

And the big demon in this city did not have a slave of the Black Church, which made everyone very excited.

The reason why Bi Hao was able to go so smoothly was entirely because the space of hell had not launched a war for tens of thousands of years.

Every big demon stays in his own city and is worshiped by the little demons, not to mention how comfortable it is, and the demons with abnormal heads want to start a war.

Therefore, Bi Hao did not attack the Great Demon’s castle until the other side found that someone had come to attack the city.

Soon the news of Bi Hao’s capture of the Great Demon City of Luce spread all over the surrounding cities.

The demons finally became vigilant and ordered the little demons to make arrangements.

After Bi Hao had subdued the forces of the Great Demon City of Luce, he headed for the next city.

The Great Demon City of Karon, which was the most complete military in the surrounding area, had a demon army of nearly 50,000, while Bi Hao had less than 40,000.

Bi Hao led his troops to the front of the Great Demon City of Karon, and from a distance, he saw a mysterious man in a cloak standing at the side of the city lord, obviously a member of the Black Church.

“Hey, I can’t hide this time, Number One, you drag the man, I’ll go and kill the city lord.”


Bi Hao and the ten people led the crowd out and shouted at the big demon above the city wall: “Sun Tzu, do you dare to fight with your grandfather!” ”

The Great Demon was stunned, and did not expect Bi Hao to openly provoke him.

“Go and get rid of all those bastards who don’t know the height of the sky!”

The Great Demon said a word to the black-robed man next to him, and the other party immediately flew down from the city wall.

The momentum emanating from the body suddenly soared, and the weeds around the stirring flew wildly, and the faint line became a tornado.

“If you dare to come to my city to make trouble, today I will chop you up and feed you to the hellhounds.”

The demons behind them laughed.

They laughed at the fact that these people were too incompetent to try to break through their city, and with the black-robed man here today, no matter how many troops the other side came, it would not help.

Ten people waited in strict formation, each standing in their respective positions, ready to launch a crazy attack on the black-robed man.

“You can’t beat me, give up!”

The black-robed man said lightly, his voice old and hoarse.

No. 1 led the crowd without flinching in the slightest, replying, “Even if you can’t fight, you have to delay you for a while, this is our task.” ”

“It’s ridiculous, in less than ten minutes I’ll be able to kill you all.”

“If you want to kill us, it’s not so easy, let’s go together!”

As soon as the words fell, Number Eight disappeared in place, and Number One opened his rock field to the maximum, and came up with his own big move.


With a “boom”, a crack instantly came to the face of the black-robed man, and in an instant, a huge hand reached out and grabbed the other party violently.

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