The Longyuan dagger in his hand flashed red and instantly stabbed at the throat of the other party.

The palm that had just been cut off was now fully restored.

At that moment just now, Bi Hao did not touch the dagger with his hand that turned into magma, but touched the opponent’s arm, so that he could launch the Tenth Transformation Replication Realm.

The reason why the other party saw the palm of the hand cut off was because Bi Hao launched the No. 5 Magic Realm.

The black-robed man saw the red light coming, his figure quickly dodged, his realm was much higher than Bi Hao, even if the other party was close to his neck, he could dodge away in an instant.

If he hadn’t taken advantage of the other party’s momentary attention shift just now, he wouldn’t have been able to unleash the Tenth Skill.

At this time, the two black-robed people in the sky were fighting each other, and the only thing that could distinguish Bi Hao was that he wrapped ten people in the devouring realm.

The black-robed man smiled evilly and slowly lifted his black robe.

A vicious scar came out, and that scar stretched from the top of his head to his eyes, cheeks, and neck to his neck.

“It turns out that you are one eye, no wonder the extension is not good, I can’t recognize you B God Grandpa!”

Bi Hao taunted hard, trying to make the other party angry, so as to expose the flaws.

“Hey, hey, tell you a secret, all the people who have seen my face are dead, so you go and die!”

The black-robed man disappeared into the air in an instant, this time completely disappearing, even the breath disappeared without a trace.

“Sure enough, he was an assassin, and thankfully I copied his skills!”

Bi Hao also disappeared in an instant, but he found that it had no effect at all to disappear or not, because his realm linked ten people, making him incomparably eye-catching.

“Hey, this skill really hurts, so I have to face it head-on!”

Bi Hao shouted, “Needle Realm, open!” ”

With a “hum” sound, countless flying needles appeared within a hundred meters of him, and the flying needles rotated rapidly at his urging, enveloping him up and down, left and right, three hundred and sixty degrees without dead angles.

He didn’t believe that the other party could pass through such a dense flying needle to attack him.

“This trick does force me to show my real body, but…”

With a bang, the black-robed man appeared behind Bi Hao and said with an evil smile, “Your flying needle speed is too slow!” ”

“Space Transfer!”

Bi Hao’s body was in a cold sweat, fortunately he had been preparing for the space transfer, and the first time he found the other party’s breath, he did not hesitate to launch the transfer.

“Well, the reaction is very fast, but how many times can you dodge my attacks?”

The black-robed man smiled evilly and disappeared into the air again.

Bi Hao’s forehead was in a cold sweat, he didn’t expect that the other party was so high above himself and still playing yin with himself.

“Fuck, Lao Tzu has to kill you today!”

Bi Hao closed his eyes, exuded his own spiritual power, and perceived everything around him.

With a cry of “Ah”, a gust of wind swept through, and Bi Hao suddenly opened his eyes and shouted, “Junction Realm, open!” ”

A layer of pale yellow enchantment directly covered the space of 100 meters.

Then Bi Hao exerted all his strength and shouted, “Gravity Realm, open!” ”

With a “hum” sound, the black-robed man who was covered by the enchantment suddenly appeared in shape.

Bi Hao smiled evilly and slammed a knife at the black-robed man.

“Destroy the heavens, devour the silence and destroy the chop!”

The huge blade engulfed all the black-robed people.

And Bi Hao also turned into a red glow and instantly came to the black-robed man.

The black-robed man first condensed diamond-shaped energy and unfolded Bi Hao’s blade, and then grabbed Bi Hao’s blade with one hand and threw it away.

The Jade Emperor Realm was so terrifying that such an attack did not kill the other party.

The black-robed man looked at the wound on his palm that had been cut by the blade and trembled involuntarily.

“Very good, tens of thousands of years, you are still the first human who can stab me, I admit that you are very strong, but you, still have to die!”

The black-robed man turned into a red glow and flew towards Bi Hao.

The sound of “Rumors” was indecisive, and in just a few seconds, the black-robed man and Bi Hao had passed through hundreds of moves.

The fast ordinary person couldn’t see the moves at all.

“So fast, I can’t keep up with the speed of their shots!”

“Me too, the boss won’t lose.”

“Probably won’t put it!”

The ten people all prayed that Bi Hao would win, and followed Bi Hao closely, not daring to be careless.

With a “boom”, the two reappeared in the air again.

The black-robed man quickly threw diamond-shaped energy with his hands, while Bi Hao’s hands also quickly threw flying needles, boulders, magma, and so on.

A burst of sparks exploded in the sky, as bright as fireworks.

“I went, this level of fighting, I still saw it for the first time, it turned out that the Jade Emperor Realm was so strong, it seems that I still underestimated their strength.”

Number One sighed loudly.

Number Three patted the other party and said, “Our boss is not an ordinary person, the infinite Force consumes energy to kill each other.” ”

“Yeah, I almost forgot that.”

Ten people continued to watch the battle in the air with expectant eyes.

Then the two figures flashed and met each other again.

When the two were separated again, they were constantly accumulating strength, as if they were brewing a super powerful killing move.

The black-robed man was holding the seal with both hands, and the diamond-shaped energy in the air became more and more violent, constantly twisting, and under the impetus of the black-robed man’s force, it became incomparably huge.

Bi Hao’s side was also brewing his own tricks, and he threw all the power of all realms into a boundary, in which molten slurry, boulders, flying needles, gravity, magic power, and so on were all fused into it.

The black-robed man injected all his Force into it, and his face suddenly turned miserable, but his expression at this time was extremely excited.

“Hahaha, so excited, tens of thousands of years have not been so painful, human beings say your name, I want all the people of the Black Church to remember you and acknowledge your strength.”

Bi Hao said coldly, “If you want to kill me, think of beauty, today we will see who dies here first.” ”

Bi Hao spun his hands and shouted, “Go! ”

The huge ball of energy rushed towards the black-robed man at a high speed.

“Good to be here!”

The black-robed man threw out the ball of energy that he had condensed into as well.

“Go and put it, Jade God Inheritance, Spirit Realm Power!”

With a “hum” sound, the entire energy ball flew towards Bi Hao at a high speed.

Bi Hao shouted as he turned into a knife, “Shadow! ”

With a bang, Bi Hao’s energy ball instantly disappeared, making the black-robed man stunned.

“How can that be?”

Then Bi Hao gently pointed at the black-robed man’s energy ball, “Junction Realm, open, space transfer!” ”


Two loud noises sounded at the same time, and a loud noise erupted from the Great Demon City of Luce thousands of meters away, instantly slaying the Great Demon into nothingness.

And another loud noise erupted from the shadow of the black-robed man, and it was the Shadow Escape Technique of Number Eight.

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