After the dust and fog cleared, half of the black-robed man’s body exploded, but the other party was still alive.

The black-robed man stared at Bi Hao with a heavy breath and asked, “What is your name?” ”

“Bi Hao!”

“Very well, we will meet again, next time I will kill you with my own hands, hahaha!”

Bi Hao originally wanted to kill the black-robed man completely, cutting the grass without removing the roots was not his style, but the other party’s figure gradually became perverted, obviously caused by the failure of the demon contract.

With a wild laugh, the black-robed man disappeared into the space.

Everyone didn’t expect that the Jade Emperor Realm would be so powerful, even Bi Hao’s realm of ten people could not completely kill the other party, which showed how terrifying the Jade Emperor Realm was.

The next thing was much simpler, Bi Hao broke through the road and took ten cities.

In the few remaining cities, there were no people from the Black Sect involved, which made Bi Hao feel a little bored.

He really wanted to meet a person from the Black See, so that he could test how far his limits were.

“Ding, congratulations to the host, complete the fifth stage of the mission, open a hundred times the power of the elements to enhance sharing.”

Without the slightest hesitation, Bi Hao strengthened the ten people with a hundred times the element, and the ten people were once again impressed by Bi Hao’s blessing.

One after another said that Bi Hao was the god in their hearts.

Bi Hao only smiled slightly, because he knew that this kind of blessing only worked in hell, and he couldn’t bless it even if he wanted to go out of hell.

Stage 5 Mission: Capture a capital city and unlock rewards (get a hundred times the power of the realm to enhance sharing)

Seeing this task, Bi Hao couldn’t help but feel a little confused.

Because there is only one capital city in hell, called Satan Imperial Capital, which is the place where the great demons are most concentrated, and many of the nobles of the demons are gathered there.

“System, your task is too disgusting, the imperial capital is stationed with millions of demon troops, even if I gather all the ten cities I have conquered, I will not be able to occupy it.”

[I’m sorry host, this task is set by the system, I said I want to complain, but you still have to perform.] 】

“Nima, this pot is thrown, and I am a little landless.”

Bi Hao thought that he could only plan slowly, occupy a few more cities, gather a certain amount of strength and then attack the capital.

Now Bi Hao only had an army of 200,000 demons, and if he wanted to fight against a million male lions, he would undoubtedly hit the stone with a pebble.

Moreover, Bi Hao also heard that the demon army of the imperial capital had the blessing of Satan, which could increase the combat effectiveness several times.

Now Bi Hao can understand why the system will give shared rewards in front.

This is to let him carry out the blessing of the army, and just face the army of a million demons.

But Bi Haocai was not so stupid, thinking of using some other methods to occupy the imperial capital, and if he could not do so, he would continue to assassinate the city lord.

That risk was also much stronger than facing an army of a million demons.

Although Bi Hao thought so, he still had to capture other cities and strengthen his own troops, in case he could not escape the other side’s million troops, then he could only be tough.

After half a year, Bi Hao had taken down all thirty cities and pools around him, large and small.

The people of the imperial capital finally moved, sending out half a million demon armies to clear Bi Hao’s rebels.

Finally the two armies met together, and now Bi Hao had an army of 800,000, but the other side only sent half a million.

This victory was also destined to belong to Bi Hao’s side.

The two armies fought a decisive battle in the wasteland, and the general who led the imperial army was named Philriel.

He is a military wizard who is very good at fighting, but he has not had a war in nearly ten thousand years, and he has been very leisurely.

This time he was able to let him go on the expedition, but he was very grateful to Bi Hao in his heart, because his rebellion gave him the opportunity to show his talent.

Riding a skeleton horse, Ineli rode out and shouted at Bi Hao, “Who is your leader, sign up!” ”

Bi Hao also rode a skeleton horse and stood in front of the army.

“I am the commander of this army, Bi Hao!”

Incivility stood on his chest with one hand, slightly bowed his body in salute, and said: “Thank you for giving me this opportunity, in ten thousand years you are the first righteous soldier who dares to rebel, I admire you and respect you, and I will offer you the most sincere prayers after you die.” ”

When Bi Hao heard the other party’s words, his face suddenly turned black.

The co-author of the other party is changing the law to curse him to death, if not to say that no culture is terrible, Bi Hao does not have this Wen Zou Zou word.

Immediately said: “You are less BB, do not obey, this is me, your B brother character!” ”

Li Liriel was speechless for a while, he respected the other party so much, but the other party did not appreciate it at all, then he had nothing to be polite about.

Inverriel raised his hands to the heavens and said reverently, “Great Lord Satan, please bless your army with supreme power!” ”

With a “hum” sound, all the demon soldiers of the imperial capital were covered with a layer of red glow, and the demon army also became extremely restless.

“Punch me!”

At the order of Li Liriel, the army of half a million demons frantically rushed towards Bi Hao.

Bi Hao smiled slightly, and said in his heart: “System, strengthen all the eight hundred thousand soldiers behind me with a hundred times the attributes.” ”

[Good host, 800,000 soldiers spirit stone hundred times enhanced open, strengthen successfully.

800,000 soldiers and divine soldiers 100 times enhanced to open, strengthen successfully.

The 800,000 soldiers wealth value efficacy system is turned on.

Eight hundred thousand soldiers have a hundred times the strengthening of the opening, strengthening success.

The power of the 800,000 soldiers elemental is 100 times enhanced to open and strengthen successfully. 】

Although the real combat power blessing was only the last two, this also made a qualitative leap for the 800,000 demon army.

The soldiers of the two armies fought together in an instant.

The battlefield enters meat grinder mode, in which countless demons die.

But as natives, they will be reborn from the crimson earth in ten years, which is the power of the law set by Satan, and only the demons can enjoy this power.

And those prisoners who were pulled by Bi Hao were not treated so well, and if they were killed, they would really disappear, and there would be no possibility of rebirth.

Therefore, in comparison, Bi Hao’s side suffered a slight loss.

But ten years was not enough time to affect the victory of a battle, so this super-large-scale battle ended with Bi Hao’s victory.

The killing of Li Riel and the tragic death of half a million imperial demon armies shook the entire imperial capital.

Inside the Satanic Imperial Capital, a richly dressed demon sat on top of the main hall, looking at several great demons in the audience with bad eyes.

“Before, you said that the indiscrier could defeat the other side, but now that my half a million troops are gone, what else do you have to say?”

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