The great demons fell to their knees, trembling and not knowing how to return to the Lord’s words.

Speaking above the great hall was the lord of the demons, named Lucifer.

Lucifer was once a six-winged angel in the Temple, possessing the power of the Jade Realm, but was blackened by Satan and became a fallen angel, ruling everything in hell.

Satan had promised him that as long as Lucifer kept hell peaceful for a hundred thousand years, he would return Lucifer to freedom.

When the time comes, it is up to him to go or to stay.

For the past 100,000 years, he had been commanding a hundred thousand demon armies stationed in the Satan Emperor’s capital, but he did not expect that it was only a few years away, but a very strong rebel army came out.

Even destroyed half a million of his demon elites, how could this not make him angry.

“Lord Lucifer, that human seems to be able to improve the combat strength of the soldiers, so we will lose so badly.”

Lucifer snorted coldly, walked down the hall and said to several of the great demons, “Follow me!” ”

Several of the great demons stood up and followed Lucifer into a chamber of secrets.

Lucifer was the only one person in this chamber before, but now he had brought in all of their great demons.

In front of you is a green pond with bubbles constantly tumbling in the pond.

Several of the big demons were shocked, not knowing what that green liquid really was.

“A few of you go down, these green liquids can instantly elevate you to the Jade Emperor Realm, and now that the great war is imminent, your strength is too weak and needs to be rapidly improved.”

“Wouldn’t this liquid be Lord Satan’s nourishing liquid?”

Several of the Great Demons were even more shocked, this was the energy supply exclusive to Lord Satan, and they didn’t expect that now they could also experience the mysteries of this divine liquid.

“Okay, you go down and do it, and when you break through the Jade Emperor Realm, you will come up immediately, otherwise you will die because of excessive energy and explosion.”

“Yes, Lord Lucifer!”

Several big demons descended into the pool excitedly, enjoying the energy in the divine liquid.

The other side of the army was resting in the city of Kanna, and in the last great battle, he also lost 400,000 troops, although he lost 100,000 less than the other side, but his elite vanguard all died in it.

Most of what remains now is a miscellaneous army of prisoners.

In the council chamber, Bi Hao sat on the main seat, and on either side sat ten of Bi Hao’s confidants, all of whom had a sad look on their faces.

“Boss, we really want to attack the Satan Emperor, there is a six-winged fallen angel, Lucifer Town Guard, that was once an incomparably powerful war angel in the Holy Scriptures, I am afraid we have no chance of winning.”

Number One did not have much hope of capturing Satan.

Again, others think the same way.

“Yes Boss, the Holy Scripture War Angel is very strong, even if he becomes a fallen angel now, his strength will be very terrifying, and it is very likely to surpass the existence of the Jade Emperor Realm.”

When Bi Hao heard the words beyond the Jade Emperor Realm, he suddenly had a bad thought in his heart.

Nyima, beyond the Jade Emperor Realm, then he still mixes a ball, and people can slap themselves to death.

Bi Hao thought and couldn’t help but complain to the system: I had to take on such a broken task, now it’s good, I met a person who transcended the Jade Emperor Realm, this is not for me to find death.

[Ding, the host gets a special mission, kills Lucifer, rewards the Sacred Star Meteor Hammer, does it take the task?] (Note: Lucifer has the power of the Jade Emperor and can use Satan’s exclusive realm.) )】

“Jade Emperor One Star? Are you sure you didn’t lie to me? ”

[Host, the system will not deceive you, please remind: Lucifer’s realm is a demon realm, as long as the demons around him will unconditionally obey his instructions. 】

At this point, Bi Hao was not too worried, as long as he led his ten-man squad to fight, the other demon armies would still be used at the time of the final fight.

Determining Lucifer’s realm, Bi Hao was suddenly much more comfortable.

“Don’t worry, Lucifer only has the realm of the Jade Emperor and is not a terrifying character?”

Everyone looked at Bi Hao doubtfully, not knowing how he was sure, but seeing the seriousness of Bi Hao’s face, they also chose to believe.

After the army rested for a month, Bi Hao led an army of 400,000 demons to the imperial capital of Satan.

The city was built in an unusually grand state, thicker and stronger than all the other walls.

Lucifer stood above the city walls, looking down at the rebels, his expression full of contempt.

“You are the leader of this rebel army, Bi Hao?”

Lucifer pointed at Bi Hao, and a red glow burst from his eyes, and in the blink of an eye, he came to him.

“Be careful!”

Number One petrified his hands and wanted to strike for Bi Hao, but in the next instant, countless golden armor shields appeared in front of Bi Hao’s body, and all of them covered up with the same number.

The red light only broke through the two layers of the golden shield and turned into nothingness, which surprised Lucifer.

“I didn’t expect you to have some skills.”

When the golden armor was gone, Bi Haoyi pointed to Lucifer and shouted loudly: “Lucifer, do you dare to fight with your grandfather?” ”

Lucifer looked at each other proudly, letting the two great demons behind him lead the crowd.

“Go and get rid of this weak human being.”


Two great demons stood in the air overlooking Bi Hao.

“Stupid human beings, today let them completely disappear into this space and die!”

The two great demons rushed towards Bi Hao, and just as the ten-man squad was eager to try, Bi Hao’s evil smile stopped everyone.

“You help me sweep the battlefield first, and I can solve these two big demons myself.”

Bi Hao had an extra long knife in his hand, and the light flowing above the long knife contained great energy.

This is a nine-star divine soldier created by Kafiga, which was only completed by the other party yesterday, of course, there are also five King Nine Star Demon Cores embedded on it.

These were the ingredients of Pidair’s devouring of demonic essences.

And these powerful demon cores did not contain any attributes, just simply blessed the power of the realm, which made his devouring realm reach a very perverted level, and he wanted to test how powerful this divine soldier really was.

“Destroy the heavens, cut off the heavens!”

This sword was the most powerful move in the Heaven-Destroying Heavens, and it could only be used with the blessing of these Nine Star Divine Soldiers.

As soon as the words fell, a sword that was as bright as a starry sky instantly enveloped the two great demons.

The other party didn’t have a word of struggle and tearing, and then it turned into nothingness and disappeared into the sight of everyone, while the sword qi remained undiminished, and crashed into the wall of the Satan Emperor’s capital.

With a “boom”, the thick city wall collapsed completely, and in an instant the whole place fell into a death-like silence.

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