“How can that be?”

This was the voice of everyone present, even Bi Hao did not expect such power.

At that moment, he laughed and said, “Lucifer, don’t obediently come and die!” ”

Although Lucifer had a calm face, he felt a little fear in his heart, the energy just now was too strong, even he did not have enough confidence to block the earth-shattering blow.

At the moment, he could only find another way to let Bi Hao withdraw his troops.

“Bi Hao, I admit that your strength is very strong, but what then, can you destroy my half a million troops on your own, not to mention that your army may not listen to your command?”

Lucifer’s eyes suddenly turned red, and the demons behind Bi Hao also suddenly changed color, fiercely attacking the prisoners around him, killing and injuring countless people in an instant.

Bi Hao knew that this was Lucifer’s unique realm, and in this hell space, demons were always the most important combat force, and in just an instant, his 400,000 troops had already lost nearly 100,000 people.

At that moment, Bi Hao did not hesitate and quickly flew towards Lucifer, but whenever a great demon rushed up, he was all slashed, and the ten thousand armies were bound to seize Lucifer’s head.

As Lucifer fled, he asked the army to stop Bi Hao.

But now that Bi Hao had the blessing of the Divine Soldier, how could he be afraid of a mere half a million troops, and directly kill all the demons while he kept consuming wealth points.

In an instant, he came to Lucifer’s face.

“Wait, you can’t kill me, if you kill me, Lord Satan won’t let you go, and you’ll be tormented by eternal life and eternity, until the day your will is on the verge of collapse.”

Bi Hao ignored the other party’s words and smiled evilly, “Unfortunately, Satan and his old man are not here, and he can’t control me, so you still have to die!” ”

Bi Hao did not hesitate to kill the other party, without the slightest hesitation.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the fifth stage of the task and getting a hundred times the domain enhancement sharing.] 】

At the same time, a red light flew out of Lucifer’s vanished body and burrowed into Bi Hao’s brow in the blink of an eye.

And Bi Hao’s brow also had an extra mark of a ghost’s head, which looked incomparably evil.

[Ding, the host is cursed by Satan to start the path of redemption, the sixth stage mission: enter the path of redemption, complete the first test, reward the hell god soldier suit demon boots, does it start the road to redemption?] 】

Bi Hao couldn’t help but shudder when he heard this system prompt, why did he still have to complete the redemption, was he going to be cursed to death by Satan?

He can’t die now, the earth still has his parents and friends, and there are Wang Sisi in the other space.

In the past few months, Bi Hao has not missed a single day, so he can only choose to open the redemption.


[The path of redemption begins, enters the path of redemption, the first test of arrogant salvation, and teleports the host into the path of redemption.] 】

Bi Hao only felt a flower in front of him, and all the scenes changed instantly.

The sky that was as dark as ink was now sprinkled with sunlight.

“Is this the path of redemption? Seems to be exactly the same as the human world? ”

At this moment, an incomparably noble man looked at Bi Hao with contempt and said, “Seeing that the king is not going to kneel down quickly?” ”

Bi Hao then observed the situation around him, and he was now in a palace garden.

There are many princes and ministers around, like the ancient court on TV.

“This Bi Hao is so powerless, a little counselor is so rude to the Five Princes.”

“Yeah, who he thought he was, was a cowboy running errands delivering letters.”

“Don’t say so, running errands and delivering letters is also a person who is a person, he is a close confidant of the Eighth Prince, and it is understandable that he is arrogant.”

Although Bi Hao couldn’t use any moves, his ear power was still as good as before, and he could clearly hear what the ministers said.

“Nima, is this a trick to travel back to ancient times?” Bi Hao complained in his heart.

“Bold Bi Hao, when you see the Five Princes, you don’t kneel down quickly.”

Of course, Bi Hao would not kneel, and immediately said, “I am a close associate of the Eighth Prince, are you sure you want me to kneel?” ”


The guards drew their swords one after another, but were stopped by the Five Princes.

“Today I will forgive your guilt, but I also ask Mr. Bi to bring a message to Lao Ba on my behalf, because the position of prince has not been chosen now, and I also ask him not to be so arrogant.”

Bi Haogang wanted to say something, but the picture suddenly turned and came to a golden and brilliant hall.

“Sleeper, do you want such a fast progress?”

Although Bi Hao complained in his mouth, he still obediently stood in front of the hundred officials and listened to the emperor crown prince.

“The Eighth Princess will inherit the throne of the Crown Prince, and I hope that all the Aiqing will earnestly assist them and live up to their intentions.”

After the eunuch announced, the picture turned again and reached the big tent.

The Eighth Princess asked Bi Hao, “Now that the rebels are gathered in the east, with 200,000 soldiers, what good strategy does Mr. Boy have?” ”

“Nima, the pace is jumping so fast, what good can I do?”

Bi Hao was slanderous in his heart, but his mouth said: “Now that the Five Princes are leading troops to rebel, their sins should be blamed, we can…”

Immediately after the picture jumped again, to the court, Bi Hao held the sword in his hand and stood in front of the Eighth Prince, looking like he was returning home.

“Well, what’s going on now?”

Bi Hao was already somewhat accustomed to this kind of progress, standing quietly in place, watching the Five Princes lead the soldiers to surround them.

“Old Eight, it is because of your arrogance that led to today’s end, what else do you want to say now?”

The Eighth Princess was very lonely, lowered his head, and said lightly, “It is only the defeat of the king, there is nothing to say.” ”

“Come, send me to jail and be beheaded in a day!”

The last picture was the picture of him and the Eighth Prince’s being beheaded, and it was not until the last moment that he came back to the taste, and it turned out that all this was to make him not arrogant and know how to measure up.

“Isn’t that too easy?”

Bi Haogang thought that this redemption was over, but the next second he became the Eighth Prince, and this time he could let him talk and do things.

So he learned to be patient in his arrogance, unified the country, and completed the test of his life.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, complete the sixth stage mission, reward the hell suit demon boots, will you start the next redemption mission?] 】


In this way, Bi Hao experienced a total of five redemption missions and successfully obtained the Hell Suit.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for completing all the hell demon missions, rewarding a time and space portal and a heart of character, do you receive a reward?] 】


Bi Hao suddenly had an extra thing in his hand that resembled a dragon fruit, which was the so-called Heart of Character, and there was also an extra space portal in the storage warehouse, and the Hell Demon Quest officially ended.

Bi Hao could leave at any time through the space-time portal.

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