Now Bi Hao was in the Seven Stars of the King Realm, and his strength was definitely in the Jade Emperor Realm, even if he came to a super master of the Jade Emperor Two Stars, he was confident of a battle.

The perversion of this demon suit, he deeply understood, that kind of world-destroying power, he was even a little intoxicated.

If he hadn’t experienced the previous path of redemption, he would definitely be a great demon who kills all beings now.

“It turns out that the path of redemption is to let me suppress the temptation of the demon suit, and it is really well-intentioned!”

Bi Hao smiled and landed in front of Wang Xuan, waved his hand and said, “Principal Wang, is this year good?” ”

He had struggled to survive in hell for a year, and now that he has finally returned, he still misses these friends very much.

Wang Xuan hugged Bi Hao excitedly, smiled and said, “Let’s get together tonight and talk about what you have experienced this year.” ”

Then Wang Sisi flew into Bi Hao’s arms, and tears choked up and said, “Bi Hao, I thought you couldn’t come back, I missed you so much.” ”

Bi Hao comforted the other party.

“I miss you too.”

Then Wang Xuan let out a dry cough, and Wang Sisi came out of Bi Hao’s arms with a small red face, and seeing that everyone was making fun of her, the shy Wang Sisi turned his head and ran to the city.

Then Lin Xiaoxiao and several others also walked over and hugged Bi Hao one by one.

“Welcome back, our God of War!”

Although Lin Xiaoxiao tried his best to control himself, the tears still fell involuntarily.

“You’ve worked hard.” Bi Hao also comforted.

The soldiers cheered and prepared to celebrate the evening, and now with Bi Hao, the god of war, they were not afraid of powerful enemies, because Bi Hao was the strongest being in their minds, and no one could defeat him.

In the evening, the soldiers toasted with Bi Hao one by one and listened carefully to Bi Hao’s interesting stories in hell.

Halfway through the conversation, Bi Hao only felt the urine rush upwards and walked in the direction of the latrine.

After solving the problem, Bi Hao was walking back when he suddenly saw a glittering thing on the ground.

Bi Hao curiously picked it up and looked at it, only to find that it was an exquisitely crafted token with the word “God of War” written on it.

“These people are really going to do something, give me this whole token.”

Bi Hao only thought that it was Wang Xuan’s token they made, and wanted to surprise Bi Hao.

At this moment, Bi Hao felt a powerful suction force released from the token, sucking his entire body into the token in an instant, and even Bi Hao didn’t have time to struggle to react.

Then the token disappeared into the space as if nothing had ever happened.

Wang Xuan saw that Bi Hao had not returned for a long time, so he went to the latrine to look for Bi Hao, but he did not find him after looking around.

So Wang Xuan ordered his subordinates to look for him, but there was no trace of Bi Hao in the whole city, which made Wang Xuan worry involuntarily.

“We searched the whole city, but there was no Bi Hao’s whereabouts, so what should we do now?”

Chen Xi looked at Wang Xuan, and his brows frowned.

Wang Xuan thought about it for a long time, and immediately ordered the news to be blocked, and the time of celebration was extended, hoping to find Bi Hao within a few days, otherwise the marauders would know and attack again.

Bi Hao’s liquor instantly woke up, and when he saw the person in front of him, he couldn’t help but open his mouth.

“I went, and it was really a grandfather?”

An old man with a red face sat on a futon and was looking at Bi Hao with a strange face.

“It wasn’t even the Jade Emperor Realm, but the Force had broken through 100 million, and there was a demon suit and a Nine Star Divine Soldier, and it seemed that this boy’s luck was also very strong.”

Hey, anyway, I don’t have time, since the token has chosen him, let him be my successor. ”

Bi Hao looked at the old man in front of him and asked incomprehensibly, “Where is this place?” How did I end up here? ”

“This is my realm, and you are the fatalistic person of my token choice.”

“What mysterious realm, a person of fate, I want to go back to the other space, and I don’t have time to mess with you here.”

Bi Hao found the door and opened it with a big grin, and countless pairs of eyes converged on him.

“I’ll go, what’s going on?”

Suddenly a loud roar came from the back row.

“Bi Hao, it turned out to be Bi Hao!”

For a moment, everyone outside the door was discussing.

“Who is Bi Hao, and is he a noble son of which planet?” Go and investigate me. ”

The same voice appeared in the mouths of others.

“Bi Hao was the heir of the super family, and he actually got the inheritance of the God of War, launched all the connections to inquire, and immediately reported to me when there was news.”

“Bi Hao must become a man of our temple, at all costs.”

Various forces have launched their own networks to inquire about Bi Hao’s origins.

The last person who shouted Bi Hao’s name was also surrounded by a group of forces, while another elder of the Black Sect looked at the crowd with a wary face.

“I didn’t expect that an unruly small organization like you would know the inheritor of Lord War, and quickly say, who is that Bi Hao, otherwise I will lead the Dragon King Army tomorrow to destroy your Black Church.”

A fierce-looking man pinched his fingers and threatened the other party.

Another feminine man covered his face with a folding fan and said, “Yes, a weak organization like your Black Sect must find a big tree to cling to, so that you can give me Bi Hao’s information, and in the future our Qing Xuanzong will be your big tree.” ”

“Qing Xuanzong, although you are powerful, there are few real masters, but we have five noble beings in the Demon Blood Gate, and if we talk about big trees, it should also be us.”

The black-robed man who shouted Bi Hao’s name was naturally the one in hell who was almost killed by Bi Hao, named Fu Qi’er, who was a strong man in the one-star Jade Emperor Realm.

But in front of these big guys, he didn’t dare to make a mistake, and he kept saying thank you.

“Big guys, I only know that the man’s name is Bi Hao, and I don’t know anything else.”

The crowd looked strange to believe in you, and at this moment, a message came into their minds.

“It turned out to be the leader of the Terran race, no wonder he was taken in by Lord War, and he ordered him to quickly establish good relations with the Terran race, and he must pull this Bi Hao into our camp.”

Bi Hao closed the door with a look of shock, looked at the chaotic scene outside, and asked the old man in puzzlement.

“What’s going on outside?” Won’t they all be neurotic, and some people even say that they are His Holiness, is His Holiness the realm above the Jade Emperor? It’s ridiculous. ”

The old man smiled and said lightly, “His Holiness is the realm above the Jade Emperor, and my realm is above His Holiness, called the Realm of the Emperor.” ”

Bi Hao had a strange expression on his face and said, “Old man, don’t fool me here, if you are that emperor, then I am a super Saiyan.” ”

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