“Super Saiyan? What is that? Is it strong? ”

When the old man heard that there was a being stronger than the emperor, a fiery fire burned in his heart.

As the strongest god of war in the universe, he has always wanted to find an opponent who can fight with one.

But how could that super strong person be found casually, after hundreds of thousands of years, he gradually lost the heart to compete, but he still wanted to ask a question when he heard the unknown strong man.

Seeing that the old man was so serious, Bi Hao did not have the good sense to tease the other party.

“Without saying that, I want to know now where this place is and how am I going to get out?”

“As I said just now, this is my mysterious realm, and if you want to go out, you must accept my inheritance.”


“That’s right, the strongest being in the universe, the Ancient God of War Inheritance.”

The old man’s breath changed suddenly, and that dragon-like pure breath suddenly shocked Bi Hao.

“You… Can it really give me the power of inheritance? ”

Bi Hao had some doubts, according to the system, he should enter the Jade Emperor Realm before he could have the power of inheritance, but now he was only the Seven Stars of the King, and he had not yet entered the Jade Emperor Realm.

“Of course, you are the one chosen by my token to be a fateful person, and of course you are qualified to be the inheritor of the God of War.”

Bi Hao remembered another sentence of the system: “This heart of character guarantees that you can pick up an old grandfather when you go out.” ”

Now it’s not just the old man, it’s almost a great treasure.

The inheritance of the God of War sounds incomparably windy, and it just so happens that he is also the God of War of the Terran race, and the more he thinks about it, the more he is a perfect match, and he nods his head in response at the moment.

“Okay, let’s start passing it on.”

The God of War carved all the conditions he set on his token and threw them on the stars, and anyone who met the conditions could be teleported in through the token.

Those forces outside the door also heard that the God of War was going to open the inheritance, so they waited outside the door.

The inheritor of an emperor will surely become the super strong of the entire universe.

Even if they don’t grow up, no one dares to bully them.

Imagine if the descendants of the God of War are bullied, you think that the God of War and his old man will stand by and watch, once the God of War does not destroy you, a planet is cheap for you.

That’s why these forces would lower their posture so much, standing outside the door just to get the favor of the God of War lineage.

The old man in the room looked at Bi Hao kindly, and he was also very satisfied with this young man.

To know that his conditions are very harsh, this young man can actually echo all, it is really rare, at the moment did not hesitate to launch the power of inheritance.

“Okay, now kneel before me, call me a master, and I will pass on the power of the God of War to you.”

Of course, Bi Hao was very willing, with such a powerful master, then he would not be an invincible existence in the universe in the future.

“Master, the disciple has kowtowed to you!”

Bi Hao slammed his head three times, which made the old man very satisfied.

The old man used the Force to mobilize the power of the God of War, and frantically poured into Bi Hao’s brain.

Bi Hao only felt that countless pieces of information were forcibly poured into his brain, and an inexplicable force was gradually growing in his body.

All the forces outside the door saw the surging force inside the house and suddenly became excited.

“It started, it finally began, and the God of War finally found the heir.”

The excitement on the faces of the people was that they had expected this person to appear for too long, and it was too difficult for a person like the God of War who had not asked about the world for nearly ten thousand years, and it was too difficult to take in an apprentice.

No one expected that the final candidate would fall on such a weak group as the Terrans.

“It seems that the Terrans are going to be revived this time, so I have given me an order to let several His Holiness go to the Terrans for friendly negotiations, and not to hurt each other’s grass and trees.”


Several disciples of the Jade Emperor Realm immediately returned to their own planets in search of a suitable Venerable.

It wasn’t long before countless Venerables on Earth descended, making the whole **** uneasy.

When those Venerables explained their intentions, the military headquarters of the ** were shocked by it, and immediately transferred back to General Ge Xiong, who was close to Bi Hao.

Ge Xiong almost didn’t laugh when he saw those high-ranking dignitaries who were high above him, and he almost didn’t laugh out loud for Bi Hao’s head, and his respect for Bi Hao in his heart was even more devotional.

In the end, Ge Xiong used the reason that Bi Hao would make a decision after his return to make these noble beings stop.

In the Xuan Domain, it took Bi Hao half a month to understand the God of War Inheritance thoroughly.

The so-called God of War inheritance is not a kind of power, but a variety of powers, but all the abilities that the God of War must learn.

There are two super strong areas and a body of change.

The two realms are: the Immortal Realm, which has the ability to immortalize immortality, that is, the super recovery ability, even if it is blown into nothingness by the other party’s magic, it can be restored instantaneously, which can be called the Immortal BUG.

Yes, it was absolutely impossible to kill such a strong person as the God of War, and he could only exhaust his Force to ban it, but the Force of an emperor-level force was beyond the imagination of ordinary people, so the God of War had not yet lost a single victory.

In the Overlord Realm, he could instantly increase his spiritual power by a hundred times and forcibly suppress the masters of various stages, but the consumption of the Force was also very amazing, according to Bi Hao’s full Force now, it could only be used for two seconds.

And these two seconds were enough for him to kill a master above the Jade Emperor Realm, even if he faced the Venerable, he could use this move to forcibly suppress it, so that he could kill it with one blow.

One of the changing bodies is the God of War Change, which can briefly summon the God of War doppelgänger for battle, and the same effect as the Demon Suit, it is a powerful killing move.

Now Bi Hao has two super realms, two super strong skills, and can absolutely run rampant in the entire starry universe.

Bi Hao’s heart was extremely excited, and he thanked his master one after another.

“Thank you Master for giving me the power of inheritance, and if there is any command in the future, the disciples will do their best to complete it.”

The old man looked at Bi Hao with a smile, nodded slightly, and said, “In the future, you will enjoy running between the universes, and I only have two requirements.” ”

“Master, please speak!”

“First, don’t join any forces, but you can build your own.”

Bi Hao thought about this carefully, he did not want to join any forces, as a human race, he would only belong to the forces of the human race, this was his original intention, which would never change.

“Master, I promise you.”

The old man nodded with satisfaction and said again, “The second is to kill a person, this person is named Feiyun, is your brother, I want you to assure me, in the future when you become strong, clean up the portal for me, and kill Feiyun.” ”

Although Bi Hao didn’t know about these things, since his master had asked for it, he had no reason not to agree.

“Well, I assure you that in the future I will kill this traitor with my own hands.”

The old man was very satisfied, waved his hand and said: “Go and put it, the road ahead is very difficult, you still need to become stronger.” ”

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