Bi Hao slowly opened the door, and suddenly a bunch of big guys rushed over.

“Hello Mr. Bi, I am the Dreyyi of the Temple, can I invite you to come to our Temple, if you can join our Temple, it will be the most honorable knight in our Temple.”

A beautiful paladin dressed in gold armor looked at Bi Hao with a wink.

The other sects were shocked to see this Templar female warrior show the posture of a little woman, they did not expect that this time the temple had fought so hard for Bi Hao, and even the Templar Knight who did not smile had done so much.

On the other side, a woman with a more outstanding style walked over with a twisted waist.

“Hello handsome man, I am the elder of Lingyun Gate, you can come to our Lingyun Gate to ensure that you can eat delicious hometown dishes every day.”

As she spoke, the woman got closer and closer, and she had the posture of falling into Bi Hao’s arms.

At this time, a strong man with a height of two meters ripped the charming woman apart and grinned.

“Mr. Bi, these women are vulgar fans, if you come to my Xuanwu Sect, I promise to make your strength grow by leaps and bounds, and when the time comes, you will not get any beautiful women you want, and strength is the biggest reliance of this universe.”

Everyone lobbied Bi Hao to join his own forces, and Bi Hao also smiled and nodded, but did not refuse in time.

He knew in his heart that if he promised either side, he would become the enemy of all the others.

Ask who would make a super strong man an accomplice to the enemy, so he can’t say yes or no, just that each side shows a satisfied expression, but does not promise anything on his lips.

This is what he learned through the path of redemption.

I have to say that the path of redemption is of great significance to him, and if he does not have the experience of the path of redemption in those lifetimes, he is likely to be unable to resist the temptation of these great forces, so he will be trapped in it and unable to extricate himself.

A person’s strength requires many factors, the most important of which is the state of mind, and if the state of mind is not firm, it will lead to addiction to desire, presumably his brother is like this.

And the path of redemption is precisely to let him forge his heart and cultivate his feelings, so that he can be loved by the God of War, so that he can be accepted as a disciple for inheritance.

Everyone saw Bi Hao smiling and nodding incessantly, and they couldn’t figure out what was going on in his heart.

At this time, a personable sword immortal led the crowd out and asked Bi Hao slowly.

“I wonder if Mr. Bi has the power to satisfy his heart?”

Everyone also wanted to know this answer, and they all looked at Bi Hao and waited for his answer.

Bi Hao nodded slowly and said, “To be honest, there are many forces that are satisfied in my heart, but I don’t dare to decide at will when I hear your words, such a choice is undoubtedly unfair to other forces.” ”

The middle-aged man of the Sword Immortal looked at Bi Hao with shocked eyes, and couldn’t help but nod his head silently, and said in his heart: Worthy of being a disciple of the God of War, he did not listen to the words of this face, it seems that we still have a dispute in Taihua Gate.

The same mood appeared in other sects, especially some weak sects, who obviously agreed with Bi Hao’s statement.

“Then I wonder what Mr. Bi thinks?”

Bi Hao thought for a moment and said, “As a disciple of the God of War, I must uphold a fair and just attitude, and when I visit your mountain gates one by one, I will select the forces that are satisfactory in my heart. ”

As soon as these words came out, everyone was sad, each sect had its own hidden strength, and these strengths could not be fully revealed before Bi Hao joined the sect.

But if it wasn’t revealed, how could he keep this disciple of the God of War?

“It doesn’t matter if you don’t agree, I can save a lot of trouble when I’m at ease alone.”

Seeing that Bi Hao was leaving, the sword immortal was the first to speak.

“Wait a minute, Mr. Bi, I am willing to take you to the Mountain Gate.”

With the Sword Immortal taking the lead, the other people naturally agreed and invited Bi Hao to visit their mountain gate.

Only those few super forces failed to speak, they were not like these small forces, it didn’t matter if some secrets were discovered.

The secret they are hiding behind is really too influential, and they will not reveal any privacy to Bi Hao until they are sure that Bi Hao is their own.

Bi Hao naturally didn’t care, in fact, when he thought of this method, it was nothing more than delaying the contention of the major forces for him.

So many sects are in different planets and illusion realms, if they all visit once, there will be no ten years and eight years, and then his own strength will have risen long ago, and he will not be attached to any power.

And he can also take the opportunity to get to know other sects, and maybe he can lobby a few allies as helpers for his own future forces.

This kind of good thing of killing two birds with one stone, he naturally will not miss.

Bi Hao agreed to the invitation of each force one by one, and promised that after a week, he would travel one by one to select the forces that were satisfactory to him.

In the other space, Wang Xuan paced anxiously in the room.

At this time, a soldier came to the hall, and Wang Xuan hurriedly asked, “What did you find?” ”

The soldier shook his head slightly, and said, “We searched all the areas around Hwaseong and did not find Bi Hao, and the spies we sent out also replied that the city of the marauders was not attacked.” ”

Wang Xuan’s brow furrowed deeper, and he waved his hand and said, “Keep looking!” ”

The five reincarnations also returned to the city at this time, wanting to ask Wang Xuan if there was any news from here.

Hearing that there was still no whereabouts of Bi Hao, bad thoughts sprang up in my heart.

“Could it be that Bi Hao was dragged into hell again?”

Zhao Lei said what he guessed, otherwise Bi Hao could not have disappeared so silently.

“It’s not clear yet, I can only wait and see, hey! I hope that this time Bi Hao will not encounter an accident, our human race needs him as the God of War! ”

Wang Xuan was sighing when he heard Bi Hao’s voice coming in.

“I didn’t expect Principal Wang to value me so much!”

Everyone was shocked, and they hurriedly walked out of the door, and when they saw Bi Hao’s smiling face, everyone was relieved, they were really afraid that this Terran God of War would disappear again, and such a consequence was not something that the Terrans could bear.

Wang Xuan immediately stepped forward and asked anxiously, “Where have you been these days, we are all dying.” ”

Bi Hao said the story of picking up an old grandfather at will, and the audience was full of surprises.

“So you have now become the object of contention among the various forces in the universe?”

“That’s right, and in order to win over me, all the forces will not hesitate to take out their old money to keep me.”

Wang Xuan smiled and nodded, the Terrans can be safe and sound if they have Bi Hao, no matter what force he joins, he will presumably be protected by that side of the force.

Even if other forces dare to make trouble, then we must ask the high god of war whether you agree or not.

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