The growth of the Terran race was undoubtedly rapid, and with abundant resources, everyone broke through the realm of kings, and Bi Hao also sent these people to hell for them to practice.

With the pacification of the alien space, Bi Hao also began to go to various planets to visit the forces to which they belonged.

The first stop is the planet to which Taihuamen belongs, called the Wind Howling Continent, which is a planet similar to the earth, which also has very rich cultivation resources, and the force here is very rich, hundreds of times higher than the earth.

The Sword Immortal Chi Gu He came to Earth early in the morning, and seeing Bi Hao’s arrival, the two of them came to this fantastic continent through the Gate of Time and Space.

The Chigu River introduced the customs and customs of this continent in detail, which made Bi Hao feel very satisfied.

The two of them had already leapt over several mountains as they spoke, and Chi Guhe pointed to one of them.

“Our mountain gate is over there, Mr. Bi, please come with me!”

The two slowly landed from the air and came to the front of the Taihua Gate.

Several Daoist boys saw Chi Guhe and hurriedly saluted: “Uncle Shi is good! ”

Chi Guhe nodded and led Bi Hao into the door, and the first thing that came into sight was the five incomparably magnificent halls.

The main hall is antique and imposing, several times more magnificent than the ancient Taoist sect on TV.

Chi Guhe introduced: “The main hall facing us is the main hall, which is usually used for cultivation, and the four halls on both sides are the Duobao Pavilion, the Cast Sword Pavilion, the Alchemy Pavilion and the Pharmaceutical Pavilion, which are used for the supply of disciples, and the back rooms are our residences.” ”

Chi Guhe led Bi Hao into the main hall, and at this time several people were standing in front of the door to welcome the arrival of the two.

When Bi Hao came closer, an old Dao with white hair smiled and performed a Taoist ceremony.

“Mr. Bi has come from afar and worked hard, so I ordered my disciples to prepare refreshments, please come in with me.”

The person who spoke was none other than the Gate Master of the Taihua Gate, Cangqing Tianzun, who was a three-star great deity.

The two old Dao standing next to Cang Qing were his disciples, Cang Void and Cang Hui, who were also three-star masters.

It is precisely because of the existence of these three people that Taihuamen can have a place in the universe.

Although Cang Qing’s attitude was very kind, the attitude of the other two Heavenly Lords was much colder.

“I heard that you have received the inheritance of the God of War, but I don’t know how strong you are now, and whether you can surpass the disciples in my door.”

Cang said coldly, and his tone was full of disdain.

“Brother and Master, don’t be vain, this disciple of the God of War, even if his current strength is poor, in the future, Mr. Bi’s achievements will surely surpass you and me.”

Cang Qing hurriedly played the round field, not wanting to offend the other party too much, and now Bi Hao, as a disciple of the God of War, his position had far surpassed their sect.

Unfortunately, the two disciples had not agreed with their own ideas, and only then would they have the opposite question.

Bi Hao heard some taste, and it seemed that the three old men did not agree and welcomed his arrival.

And the Cang Hui who had never said anything was always looking at Bi Hao, and Bi Hao who saw it had goosebumps all over his body.

“Old man, do you think I’m weak?” Bi Hao asked the strange-talking Cang.

When Cang Huan heard this question, he couldn’t help but laugh out loud.

“You yourself have a few pounds and a couple of pounds, don’t you know it yourself, I don’t have a weak person up and down the Taihua Gate, even those Daoist children who carry water to cook are also the existence of the king of the eight stars, you have a king of the seven stars and a face to ask me if I am weak.”

When the surrounding disciples heard Master Zu’s words, they couldn’t help but cover their mouths and laugh secretly, making their pale faces look embarrassed for a while.

“Don’t say it again, you are a guest from afar, and you talk to a guest like this.”

Mr. Bi, please be more inclusive, my brother has this temper, in fact, he does not have any malicious intentions. ”

Hearing the pale green and thin mud again, Cang’s violent temper suddenly came up.

“Brother Master, he is a warrior who has not even arrived in the Jade Emperor Realm, and you are so low-voiced, if you let outsiders see it, your face of Heavenly Emperor will not want it anymore.”

The disciples had long been accustomed to this atmosphere, and Master Cang had a straightforward personality, was short-tempered, and often opened the door master without a word.

The disciples also pretended not to see it, and each was busy with his own business.

Bi Hao smiled lightly, he did not expect that this first stop was despised by others, then he Bi Hao did not mind giving the other party a lesson.

“Old man, if you feel that I am weak, do you dare to make a few moves with me?”

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked and looked at Bi Hao one after another.

“What do you say? Are you going to play tricks with me? I heard it right. ”

Cang Xuan wondered if he had heard wrongly, a seven-star king realm actually wanted to fight with him, the Heavenly Lord, was this boy not going to die?

“That’s right, I just want to play a few tricks with you and let you know who the real weak people are!”

In the experience of the road to redemption, Bi Hao learned one thing, if you want people to respect you, you must use a strong force to make the other party afraid, only in this way, others will really respect you and fear you.

At this time, Bi Hao wanted to rely on the Overlord Realm to make Cang Void eat up, so that those people would not underestimate themselves.

“Well, since you’ve thought about the tricks, I don’t mind playing with you.”

Cang Qing immediately stopped, “Don’t make a fool of yourself, he is a disciple of the God of War, and if there is any damage, you and I can’t afford it.” ”

“Rest assured Master, I will not take a shot at this boy, and I am afraid that I will not be able to stop the move and beat him to death.”

Boy, you attack me with the strongest move, and as long as you can make me move half a step in a single incense, I will admit that you are not a weak person. ”

Bi Hao smiled and said, “What about incense?” It’s too long, so I will make you kneel in ten seconds, and if you don’t kneel, I lose. ”

This sentence completely angered the disciples in the door, and they cursed one after another.

“Boy, you are too arrogant, who do you think you are, even if your master really came forward, it would never be possible to make my master kneel, and you a boy who has not even arrived in the Jade Emperor Realm dares to make my master kneel, it is simply arrogant!”

“That is, it is not a good thing that the boy is too arrogant, even if you have the God of War as a dependent, then what, although we can’t kill you, but it is still easy for you to suffer a little, just teach your master how to respect the elders.”

“I can easily clean up a person like him, Master, let me have a few tricks with this boy.”

“Master, let me come, I want to teach this boy a good lesson!”

The disciples clamored for battle, and had the urge to beat Bi Hao into a pig’s head.

Although Cang Huan, as the master ancestor of these disciples, usually has a fiery temper, but his heart is very good, he often teaches them martial arts experience, and everyone really loves and respects this master.

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