However, at this time, Bi Hao’s words really insulted their master ancestors and insulted the entire Taihua Gate, and even Chi Guhe and Cang Qing were displeased.

Cang Fei kicked his breath and said loudly, “Don’t make any noise.” ”

Everyone was frightened by this shout and shut up, while Cang Huan stared at Bi Hao and smiled.

“Very good, worthy of being a disciple of the God of War, this kind of arrogance is not comparable to my Taihuamen, I just don’t know if your strength is as strong as your mouth says.”

Bi Hao looked at the other party indifferently with his arms and said defiantly.

“Just try it and you’ll see.”

“Well, if you can make me kneel down in ten seconds, in the future, I will be the head of your Taihua Gate, and if you can’t, please get out of my Taihua Gate immediately, and other forces will not be rare when you are a treasure.”

Bi Hao nodded and made a gesture of please.

Cang Fei walked towards the school yard with an angry face.

The disciples behind them also gathered around, cheering their masters one after another.

“Master, teach this arrogant boy a good lesson, you can’t let him go so cheaply.”

“That is, when the master’s ancestor is finished, I will fight this boy to the death.”

“I’m going to duel with him too, and I’m going to beat him into a pig’s head to see how arrogant he is.”

Everyone was noisy and shouted, and they looked at Bi Hao with anger on their faces, if their eyes could kill people, Bi Hao would already be dead at this time.

Bi Hao smiled and waved at the disciples, and said in his mouth, “Don’t worry, wait until I take down your master ancestors, and we will discuss them one by one.” ”

This sentence instantly made the disciples fry the pot, if it were not for the Master Zu telling them to back off, these disciples would probably have collectively killed Bi Hao.

After Bi Hao stood still, Cang Fei kicked and said with a rough breath, “Come on, don’t say ten seconds, even if it is half an hour…”

“Overlord Realm, Open!”

With a “hum” sound, Cang Void only felt a dizziness in his brain, as if a mountain was pressed under his body, making him kneel unconsciously.

Everyone saw that the white words had just been half said, and their faces turned red, and their legs were constantly swinging, as if they had the urge to kneel.

As soon as Cang Huan bit the tip of his tongue, the whole person instantly woke up, the power of the Heavenly Dignity was fully opened, and the surging breath around him suddenly blew the disciples away.

“I’ll go, this old boy is playing really, Canghui you are going to protect Bi Hao, if he makes a mistake at our mountain gate, the God of War and his old man will not spare the Taihua Gate.”

Cang Qing just wanted to stop his master and disciple, but he was stopped by Cang Hui.

“Master, if you look carefully, now the void is suppressed by the other side.”


Cang Qing looked at Cang Void in disbelief, just now his attention had been on Bi Hao’s body, afraid that the other party had any mistakes, and he didn’t care about Cang Hao’s situation at all.

Only to see that at this time, the face of the void was full of blood, the legs were constantly trembling, and they had bent down a lot, and all this had only passed for two seconds.

“Immortal realm, open!”

Bi Hao’s pale and colorless cheeks immediately turned rosy, and then more surging spiritual power pressed towards Cang Fei.

The power of the Heavenly Dignity is extraordinary, and it can communicate all the laws of the world to fight, and at this time, the thunderbolts in the sky are continuous, and it is Cang Void who wants to use the power of heaven and earth to lift the restrictions of the other party.

With a “boom”, a thunderbolt fell towards Bi Hao.

Bi Hao’s body shook, dodging the attack of the thunderbolt, and pushing the Overlord Realm to the limit.

Shouting at Cangfu, “Kneel down for me!” ”

Cang Void couldn’t support it either, and he fell to his knees violently, and his legs directly smashed the incomparably hard Sengoku to pieces.

Everyone opened their mouths in shock, and even Cang Qing and Cang Hui felt very incredible.

It was their disciple, a super strong man of the Heavenly Dignity Tristar, who was forced to kneel down by a boy of the King’s Realm, and if he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes, they wouldn’t have believed it.

Cang Fei fell to his knees and kicked his rough breath, and Bi Hao was not much better, and the pain in his body was unspeakable.

The realm of immortality is the rapid restoration of functions in the body, to the extent of the flesh and bones of the living dead, and this rapid recovery is also accompanied by severe pain.

Coupled with Bi Hao’s excessive mental strength, this pain will increase exponentially.

If it weren’t for Bi Hao’s strong willpower, he would have passed out at this time.

“It seems that these two areas together make five seconds is my limit.”

That’s right, in just five seconds, the five-second Overlord Realm made a Heavenly Realm fall to his knees, which showed how perverted the power of this God of War was.

Cang Fei recovered a little, and only then did he stand up with the support of his disciples.

“I lost! Your excellency is worthy of being a disciple of the God of War, and the heavens are vain! ”

Cang Huan performed a salute to Bi Hao, and his attitude was incomparably upright.

This is the law of all worlds, and the truth that the strong are great is always unchanging.

“You’re welcome, so who else wants to compete with me now?”

Bi Hao swept over the disciples one by one, and his eyes were full of contempt.

But at the moment, none of the disciples dared to come out to fight, they were not fools, even their own masters and ancestors could not hold the spiritual power of the other party, how dare they come out to challenge.

Bi Hao nodded and said satisfactorily, “Since you admit it, then I will say a few more words, in this universe, there are many people who are stronger than you, don’t distinguish between strong and weak by the level of the realm, that will only make you suffer losses.” ”

Everyone wanted to refute Bi Hao, but they couldn’t find the right words to fight back.

No way, didn’t this fact appear in front of their eyes just now, so they couldn’t believe it.

“Is it true that a person’s strength or weakness has nothing to do with the realm?” Such an idea drew a big question mark in the hearts of the disciples, and even the Cangqing people reflected on it.

Everyone was speechless for a while, and in the end it was Bi Hao who took the lead in speaking.

“Door Lord, where are the refreshments you just said, my stomach is a little hungry.”

Cang Qing suddenly returned to his senses and respectfully led Bi Hao into the main hall.

Above the dinner table, the atmosphere was harmonious, and even Cang Huan changed his posture and kept greeting Bi Hao like a junior.

“Mr. Bi, what you just used is the inheritance handle of the God of War, I have always heard that the God of War is extremely powerful, not as powerful as we ordinary people can imagine, and today it is really extraordinary at first sight.”

Bi Hao nodded and said, “That’s right, just now I was using the power of my Master God of War Inheritance.” ”

Everyone sighed and sighed at the strength of the God of War, this was only a warrior of the Seven Stars of the King, if the other party reached the Jade God Realm, then they would all be defeated in Bi Hao’s hands.

Thinking of this, the three exchanged glances and once again premeditated the idea of Rabihao joining the company.

Now Bi Hao showed great strength, and already had the treatment to make them bow their heads and laugh.

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