“Mr. Bi, please forgive me for the many offenses I have just made.”

Cang Qing toasted Bi Hao with tea instead of wine.

“Cang Qingtian’s words are serious, and the boy has just taken a lot of offenses, and I hope you don’t see anything strange.”

Bi Hao took a sip of the wine in the glass and smiled.

“Everyone doesn’t know each other or not, and I don’t know if Mr. Bi is satisfied with our Taihuamen.”

“Satisfied, very satisfied, but I still have that sentence, until I have gone through all the sects, I can decide which side to stay.”

Although Cang Qing did not report any hope, if he could say the word satisfaction from the other party’s mouth, he felt that it was already worth it, and the friendship of a future emperor was not so easy to climb.

At this moment, a person’s voice came from afar, making all the disciples nervous.

“Master, it’s not good, those people are here again!”

A disciple hurriedly ran in, making Cangqing’s face suddenly turn ugly.

“Mr. Bi, please forgive me, I’m afraid that Taihuamen can’t leave you overnight today, and I’ll order Gu He to take you out of the mountains and send you back to the earth.”

Bi Hao frowned slightly and asked, “What happened to make you so nervous, if I can help, I can tell you.” ”

“No, this is our grievance of Taihuamen, so naturally we don’t have to work on your big car.”

Bi Hao saw that the other party had a resolute attitude, so he followed the Chigu River to the back mountain.

“What happened to you Taihuamen?”

Bi Hao recalled Cang Qing’s appearance as if he were facing a great enemy, and his heart was full of curiosity.

“Hey, those are famous bandits in the universe, named the Heavenly Domain Sect, and a few days ago they saw that I wanted to blackmail Taihuamen, and the master gave the other party some high-quality elixirs in order to calm things down.”

Unexpectedly, it caused the other side to plunder even more wildly, and he had already fought with the other party three times before and after, but he still couldn’t drive away the bandits. ”

“So those people came here today to blackmail?”

“Oh, those people will be blackmail, it is clear that it is just a robbery, a group of robbers.”

After hearing this, Bi Hao turned around and walked towards the direction of the main hall.

“Mr. Bi, where are you going, come back?”

Chi Guhe’s face was sad, the reason why his master asked him to take Bi Hao away was that he was afraid that those people would kill the red eye and hurt Bi Hao, then they would have one more sin in Taihuamen.

You must know that the people of the Heavenly Domain Sect are all people with evil hearts, and they can kill Bi Hao and frame Taihuamen, and they have done a lot of this kind of thing before.

“This kind of cosmic scum, I am quite rare, I don’t mind cleaning up for you Taihuamen.”

Bi Hao didn’t even pay attention to that Heavenly Domain Sect, and now his self-confidence was bursting again, and now he could force a person of the Heavenly Noble Realm to kneel without the blessing of the Divine Soldier.

If he put on a demon suit and launched the God of War Transformation, the effect would not even be imaginable to him.

Just take this gang of scumbags to practice their hands and try to see what kind of realm their full strength can be exerted.

Bi Hao ignored Chi Guhe’s objections and insisted on returning to Taihua Gate.

At this time, the Taihuamen had already started a fight with the other side, and countless Taihuamen disciples were fighting with each other.

In the sky, thunderclouds rolled over, like the end of the world, and that terrifying scene was the first time Bi Hao had seen it.

In mid-air, the three Cangqing people were fighting a burly man, who was holding a copper hammer in his hand, and his moves were wide open, and the three people who fought were defeated and retreated one after another.

Chi Guhe saw that Master and his uncles were invincible to the Great Han, and he hurriedly kept whirling around Bi Hao’s side.

He really wanted to go up and help, but the master told him to take Bi Hao away, and it was already a failure to take him away, and at the moment, he could not let Bi Hao be in danger because of impulsivity.

After all, Bi Hao only had the Realm of the King, and he was not vulnerable to the level of the Heavenly Ancestor at all.

At this time, Chi Guhe had already skipped the comparison between Bi Hao and Cang Hao, only thinking that Uncle Cang Hao had deliberately let Bi Hao go.

“Don’t turn, I’m dizzy when I turn.”

Bi Hao had been standing where he was observing the battle in the air, and to tell the truth, the battle of the Heavenly Dignity Realm had exceeded his imagination, and the intensity of that energy had long exceeded his cognition.

Although he had many powerful realms and divine soldiers, if he really let him fight with a Heavenly Lord, he would not have absolute confidence that he would be able to achieve victory.

So he was waiting, waiting for the other party to fall into fatigue, and he was killing him with one blow.

After playing for half an hour, the people on both sides also reached their limits, and each of them retreated to their own phalanx, and the corners of Bi Hao’s mouth suddenly cocked.

“Let’s go, it’s our turn.”

Bi Hao walked out of the main hall with a big grin, and the anxious Chi Guhe hurriedly dissuaded him.

But Bi Hao still rushed out regardless of it, making Cang Qing and several people frown.

“Mr. Bi, how did you come back?”

Cang Qing’s face was anxious, the other party was an old oilman playing tricks, if he let the other party know that he was a disciple of the God of War, then the other party would definitely use this to kill Bi Hao and marry them to Taihuamen.

At that time, even if they do not admit it, they will be suppressed by all sides, then they really have no foothold in Taihuamen.

“I heard that you were bullied by the scum of several universes, so I thought of coming over and helping.”

When the big man heard this, he immediately attacked his heart with anger and shouted, “You say who is the scum of the universe, believe it or not, Lao Tzu punched you down.” ”

Bi Hao led the crowd out, shocked by the cold sweat of Cangqing’s body.

“It’s you, the scum of your universe, skinless and faceless things, robbing people once is not enough, but also licking B face to grab the second and third time, don’t your adults tell you that bad things don’t do the third time.”

The big man was scolded by Yi Meng, thinking that his family did not seem to have said this sentence.

The little brother beside him sighed and said to the big man, “Boss, he scolded you.” ”

“What, dare to scold Lao Tzu, today Lao Tzu will cost you.”

The three Cang Qing immediately protected Bi Hao and let him hide behind him.

Suddenly, a sinister laugh came out of the crowd, and the big man saw the person coming slightly and said, “You are here.” ”

Out came an extremely handsome man, but unfortunately the length was too feminine, lacking the toughness that a man should have, according to the current words is a woman’s cannon.

The handsome man pinched the orchid finger, pointed at Bi Hao, and said leisurely, “I don’t know which big family this prince is, but he made the three Heavenly Lords so vigilant.” ”

The three of them were shocked at the same time, really afraid of what was coming, and finally the other party discovered Bi Hao’s identity.

“I am the inheritor of the God of War, and your grandfather is here!”

The handsome man was not provoked by Bi Hao’s words, but was a little excited, licking his tongue and saying, “You are the inheritor of the God of War, and there is really something extraordinary.” ”

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