“You dead lady cannon, don’t look at Grandpa with your dirty eyes!”

Bi Hao was uncomfortable with the other party’s eyes, if he didn’t want to use these people to practice his skills, he wouldn’t bother to take care of these people.

“Boy, you are so bold that you dare to insult the Buddha-figures, don’t think that we are afraid of you because you have the inheritance of the God of War, with the strength of my Heavenly Domain Sect, there is no need to put that God of War in your eyes.”

The feminine man glanced at the big man next to him, and suddenly the big man walked up with a copper hammer.

“The people of the Taihua Gate listen, hand over this son today, and this matter will be put to an end, otherwise you will step on the entire mountain gate.”

The Great Han pointed at Bi Hao and smiled evilly, as if he had decided that Taihuamen did not dare to protect Bi Hao.

“How good is this?”

Before Cang Qing let Bi Hao escape, he was afraid that the people of the Heavenly Domain Sect would take advantage of the problem to play, but he didn’t expect that now he had really reached this point, so that his door master didn’t know what to do at once.

Bi Hao took a step forward and said, “Don’t be embarrassed by Taihua Gate, today I will kill you here, and you from the province will harass Taihua Gate again in the future.” ”

The Copper Hammer Han heard Haha laugh and said, “Just by virtue of your being a king realm, you still want to kill our Heavenly Lords, it is simply laughing out of your teeth, I didn’t expect that the God of War had actually accepted such a crazy little boy as you.” ”

At this time, a disciple of the Heavenly Domain Sect came to the feminine man and whispered a few words in his ear.

The feminine man couldn’t help but frown and said to the big man, “Okay Flying Tiger, the things here will teach you to solve the problem, I will go to the Biyun Sect and then meet you.” ”

“Yes, congratulations to the Young Lord!”

After the Great Han finished speaking, he turned to look at the three Heavenly Lords of Cangqing and said with an evil smile, “Do you still want to protect this boy?” ”


The three Cang Qing people had just fought with the Great Han, because there was a small realm, they were not opponents of the other party at all, and the inheritance power of the other party was very powerful, it seemed to be a very powerful golden power, which could enhance the defense by tens of times.

“I said, I can handle you alone, don’t ask them.”

Bi Hao just wanted to launch the realm, but he was dragged behind him by Cang Qing.

“Mr. Bi, this person’s realm is extremely high, you are definitely not his enemy, the three of us will stop him first, you take the opportunity to run quickly, don’t come back!”

Cang Qing finally decided to protect Bi Hao, after all, this one has the inheritance of the God of War, and his future achievements will certainly be unlimited, and he can only hope that the other party will grow up in the future, don’t forget their sacrifice today.

The big man “snapped” and slapped his hand, with a look of good drama, and said: “It is really touching, Cang Qing, do you think that this boy can grow up in the future, and then return to you Taihuamen, I tell you, don’t dream, today he will die here.” ”

Fei Hu let out a loud roar, and the momentum of his body exploded instantly, and he actually recovered most of the Force in this short period of time, which was the anti-heaven of the Heavenly Dignity level, they were not only powerful, but also their recovery ability was extremely amazing.

“Boy, you’ll die here today.”

The Flying Tiger Double Hammer clenched and swung forward violently, and a huge stream of energy flew towards Bi Hao at a rapid speed.

Bi Hao’s brow frowned, this energy was extremely majestic, and it was simply irresistible to a king realm.

But Bi Hao was not an ordinary king realm, and just when he wanted to use the realm to crush this energy, three bursts of laughter sounded at the same time.

It turned out that the three Heavenly Lords behind him shot instantaneously, and today they were bound to protect Bi Hao.

“Bi Hao, let’s go!”

Cang Qing let out a loud roar and gave Chi Guhe a look on the side.

Chi Guhe didn’t say a word, and directly used the Force to try to stun Bi Hao and forcibly take him away.

But when Chi Guhe’s hand fell to the halfway point, a huge spiritual force suddenly knocked him away, and when he landed, he spat out a mouthful of blood.

“How can that be?”

Chi Guhe could not show that such a powerful spiritual power was actually emitted by a boy of the King Realm.

And the next moment, an even more incredible scene appeared in front of his eyes.

Only to see Bi Hao shout, “God of War Change!” ”

Then a huge hand suddenly fell from the sky, and the giant hand covered the sky and the sun, and there was no end in sight.

And that pressure was exactly the same as the breath of the God of War.

“This is?”

Everyone was stunned, and Fei Hu also took the opportunity to flash it again, looking at Bi Hao with shock on his face.

“How can this boy summon that kind of power, to see that breath so much like the God of War, isn’t it?”

Before Fei Hu could figure out what was going on, he felt a great suction force bind him and dragged him towards the giant hand above the sky.

“No, you can’t kill me, I am…”

Before Fei Hu could finish speaking, he had already been dragged into the black hole by a giant hand, just like the scene where Bi Hao was pulled into hell that day.

Bi Hao gasped heavily, his brows furrowed together, the God of War change he understood, shouldn’t it be like the Demon Suit, summoning the God of War’s doppelganger, how could there only be one hand?

Is it that his own strength is too weak to summon a hand to fight?

However, thinking about it, Bi Hao now only has the strength of the King Realm, and it is not easy to use the God of War to change.

Summoning an arm is already a very anti-heavenly being, you must know that his brother can only summon an arm when he reaches the Jade Emperor Realm, presumably his master brother, Bi Hao is already very powerful.

Cang Qing couldn’t imagine that the kind of power just now was actually summoned by a king realm.

If Bi Hao reached the Jade Emperor Realm, or the higher Heavenly Dignity Realm, wouldn’t he be invincible in the world?

Thinking of this, Cang Qing hurriedly walked over and inquired about Bi Hao’s injury.

“I’m fine, it’s just that the Force is too much to consume.”

Hearing Bi Hao say that it was all right, Cang Qing and a few people relaxed their minds.

So Bi Hao stayed at Taihua Gate and used the best elixir in the door to heal Bi Hao’s injuries, which surprised Bi Hao.

“Hundred times Dan Elixir Strengthening!”

Bi Hao took the alchemy dan in his hand and blessed the system, and soon the alchemy god dan was enhanced by a hundred times, and Bi Hao took it, instantly restoring the lost spiritual power.

“I didn’t expect that this Taihua Gate didn’t look big, but there were a lot of top-level elixirs.”

At this time, Bi Hao heard a noise outside the door, opened the door and looked at it, only to find a large number of disciples heading towards the front hall.

Bi Hao grabbed one of the disciples and asked, “What happened?” It was so panicked. ”

“Those Heavenly Domain Sect people have come again, this time bringing two super masters, and we are ready to fight.”

Bi Hao’s brow furrowed, he didn’t expect those people to come again so soon.

“Since you are here, you will not be able to leave.”

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