Bi Hao came to the front hall with his disciples, looked up, and almost didn’t scare Bi Hao into peeing.

Only to see countless powerful people suspended in the air, Bi Hao swept away at a glance, there were probably a thousand people, and the strength of these people was actually the Jade Emperor Realm, and three of them were even more powerful Heavenly Lords standing in front of the phalanx.

“Cang Qing, I didn’t expect that you, a little Taihua Gate, would dare to kill the people of my Heavenly Domain Sect, and it seems that this Taihua Gate also has the value of existence.”

The Heavenly Domain Sect’s Young Gate Master stood with the most disdainful look at the ants below.

Yes, for the Heavenly Domain Sect, the Taihua Gate was really too weak, and it had no other advantages except that the alchemy was stronger.

Since the other party dared to kill the Flying Tiger, they would have to pay the price of blood, even if it was not the Taihuamen people who killed the Flying Tiger.

The disciples of the Taihua Gate were in a cold sweat in their hands, and one by one they looked at Cangqing, not knowing what he was really thinking.

If they go to war with each other, they will undoubtedly suffer heavy losses, and if they do not fight, then they will not be slaughtered.

Cang Qing thought for half a day, but he did not make a decision for a long time, but he only ordered the people to open the mountain protection array, and there was no other action.

The Young Gate Lord in the air said dismissively, “If you want to use the Mountain Protection Array to resist our Heavenly Domain Sect masters, it is simply whimsical, and everyone will give me an attack!” ”

Under the order of the Shaomen Lord, the people in the Heavenly Domain released countless magic weapons, constantly impacting the mountain protection array, making the entire large array shake up continuously, seeing that the plane could be completely broken in less than an hour.

Cang Qing quickly found Bi Hao and said to him, “Mr. Bi, please leave quickly, this time is no better than before, don’t delay here.” ”

Bi Hao had no intention of leaving, and looked at the sky a few times, and the corners of his mouth couldn’t help but smile.

“Lord of the Cangqing Gate, rest assured, with me in the Taihua Gate, none of you will die.”

Cang Qingmeng was stunned, not knowing what Bi Hao meant by these words, whether the other party had already contacted the God of War and his old man’s home, if that was the case, then his Taihua Gate would soar into the sky from now on.

Cang Qing asked excitedly, “Did you contact the God of War and his old man’s house?” ”

Bi Hao was stunned and shook his head slightly.

“I didn’t contact him, and this kind of small scene didn’t need my master’s hand at all, I could handle it alone.”

The faint frown on the side immediately frowned when he heard it.

“Boy, don’t make a fool of yourself at this time, if you can contact the God of War, it is naturally a good thing, if you can’t contact you, you can leave as soon as possible, otherwise you will be killed by those people, just like this black cauldron behind our Taihua Gate.”

Bi Hao had no choice but to explain, “You have all seen my combat strength before, dealing with these shrimp soldiers and crabs will definitely be more than enough, not to mention that I still have a divine soldier that I am not wearing, if I wear a divine soldier, the strength is comparable to that of the Jade Emperor Realm master.” ”

“What do you say, you have a body of divine soldiers?”

Cang Qing asked incredulously, his face full of surprise.

For these people, the Divine Soldier had a great blessing, let alone a body.

On this continent, the Divine Soldier is an extremely scarce resource, especially the Divine Caster who can build the Divine Soldier, it is even rarer, and there are few in the entire continent.

Taihua Gate has been hundreds of years now, but the Divine Soldier only has the Ink Rain Sword in Cang Qing’s hand.

When Bi Hao saw that everyone was not dating, he immediately changed into a demon suit and took out his nine-star sword.

The drooling of everyone watching almost flowed out.

Although Cang Qing could see that Bi Hao’s divine soldier was not an extraordinary product, he also knew that even if Bi Hao had the blessing of a divine soldier, he could not be the opponent of the Heavenly Domain Sect.

“Mr. Bi, even if you have the blessing of the Divine Soldier, the Heavenly Domain Sect has a large number of people, and you alone are definitely not the opponent of the other side.”

The disciples also lamented when they heard the words of the leader.

Everyone also understands that today’s defeat must be their Taihuamen, and even after today, Taihuamen will disappear into this world forever.

But as disciples of Taihua Gate, they must fight to the death, even if they die on the battlefield, they will not be traitors who have escaped.

“Master, we fought with them!”

Chi Guhe’s eyes were red and he cried out.

“Yes, we fought with them, and it was a big deal to go around the prefectural government and re-become a person.”

“You fool, it is impossible to become a human being again when you are killed by them, and you will only scatter your soul.”

“I am not afraid of my soul flying away, I am willing to live and die with Taihuamen!”

“May I live and die with Taihuamen!”

The disciples shouted loudly, just waiting for the boundary of the mountain to be broken, and then they went to kill each other.

Bi Hao saw this exciting picture and thought of the determination of those soldiers in the Battle of Huacheng in order to protect their homeland, and their good feelings for Taihuamen at the moment rose sharply, and they wanted to completely pull the other party into their camp.

“Well, I don’t need you to work hard, don’t you just have more people than people, and wait for me to summon thousands of troops and horses to step out and flatten this group of treacherous villains.”

Everyone was puzzled and had to wait for Bi Hao’s next move.

Even the Cang Qing people were looking at each other with a serious face, at this time they really hoped that Bi Hao would summon thousands of troops and horses to help them kill the enemy, but that hope was too small.

This psychology of gaining and losing made several people very uncomfortable.

With a wave of his hand, Bi Hao released the Gate of Time and Space, and the space connected on the opposite side was Satan’s hell.

At this time, Bi Hao shouted at the space: “Coffee, Pi Dan, bring my people and horses out to help me fight!” ”

Soon, a roar of a skeleton horse came out of hell.

The first to come out was Kafiga, a majestic creature with long green hair, who was also a great god caster.

Behind him is a red troll, an artificial magic core generator that can generate energy to produce magic cores.

Then there were several reincarnations and Wang Xuan, Lao Bai, who had been sent to hell by Bi Hao to practice before, and at this time they had all reached the point of the fifth level of the King’s Realm.

Although Cang Qing was very happy to see this scene, their strength was too weak to compete with those Jade Emperor Realms in the sky.

Just when Cang Qing thought that these people were useless, Number One slowly rode out on a skeleton horse.

“The Jade Emperor Realm is really the Jade Emperor Realm, and it is also blessed by a body of divine soldiers.”

Before Cang Qing could finish his surprise, he saw more Jade Emperor Realms coming out of the Time and Space Gate.

This made Cang Qing finally ignite his fighting spirit and count their numbers one by one.

“One, two… One hundred,…… A thousand, oh my God, there are, unexpectedly… There were actually two thousand Jade Emperor Realms! ”

Cang Qing kicked furiously, not knowing that this inheritor of the God of War had such a powerful power, and he had looked down on the other party so much before.

These two thousand Jade Emperor Realms alone were enough to be proud of any planet in the world.

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