“No, you can’t go, we neighbors didn’t help your family in the past, and now that we are developed, we want to leave, and what we think is too beautiful.”

The villagers picked up the hoes and iron rods in their hands, and there was a great deal of fighting.

The guards who lived opposite the Bi family completely reported the matter here to Ge Xiong.

“General Ge, the villagers are all crazy now, blocking in front of Mr. Bi’s door, dead or alive, not letting you go out, seeing that the situation is about to start, what should we do now?”

Ge Xiong was sitting on a military vehicle and was speeding towards Bi Hao’s side.

At the moment, he instructed the guards not to act rashly, and everything would wait until he came.

Bi Hao looked at the crazy villagers and couldn’t help but laugh evilly.

Money is really the cause of all evil, which can make such a simple people become what they are today.

Bi Hao did not expect such serious consequences, and he must use his own force to deter this group of villagers at the moment.

“Shut me up!”

With a wave of Bi Hao’s hand, the old mansion of the Bi family behind him directly turned into nothingness.

This hand made the villagers who kept shouting instantly shut their mouths and looked at Bi Hao with horror on their faces.

“I think everyone has forgotten that I am a warrior and have graduated from the academy, which means that you will not know what to do.”

This sentence made all the villagers tremble all over their bodies, and the warriors who graduated from the academy represented the degree of having great strength, at least five-star martial artists.

The talents who all belonged to the upper class in this **** did not dare to offend such a big figure as Bi Hao when they thought of those guards who helped the Bi family.

Immediately afterward, rows of military vehicles quickly drove into the village, and a large group of soldiers with live ammunition came down from the cars.

When the crowd saw this posture, they threw their hoes on the ground in fright, and they almost squatted on the ground with their heads in their hands.

Ge Xiong came all the way to the Bi family’s door surrounded by everyone, and under the expulsion of the soldiers, the villagers scattered to both sides, and Ge Xiong came directly to Bi Hao’s face.

With a “snap”, Ge Xiong gave a military salute and said apologetically: “I’m sorry, Mr. Bi, we are late.” ”

Bi Hao waved his hand to say that he was fine, and said to his parents next to him: “Mommy and Daddy, let’s get on the handlebars, and then I’ll take you to the city to enjoy the blessings.” ”

Bi Zhantian was in tears, he did not expect that his son had finally come out, so that a general was so courteous.

Escorted by many soldiers and under the envy of the villagers, the Bi family got into a military vehicle and drove in the direction of the city.

Grandma Li sighed and said slowly, “Greed is not enough for snakes to swallow elephants, originally Bi Hao wanted to establish a foundation for the sake of the villagers, but you… Ay! ”

The townspeople were remorseful for a while, only hating themselves for doing too much, if they could persuade Bi Hao with affection, maybe they could really let him benefit the villagers.

Bi Hao quickly settled his parents and lived with the second elder for a while, then came to the Taihua Gate to see how the progress of their side was handled.

At the foot of Yu Mountain, you can see the buildings on the mountain in the distance, and Bi Hao is overjoyed, and when he comes to Taihua Gate, it is exactly the same as their original mountain gate.

Cang Qing was the first to find Bi Hao, and immediately greeted him, saying with great joy.

“Mr. Bi, thanks to your help this time, we have such a pure land in Taihuamen.”

“The Lord of the Cangqing Gate said with a smile, are you still used to living these days?”

“Habit, this place is not much different from our planet, but the Force is thinner, but with the resources of the other two worlds supply, the cultivation is much faster than before.”

Speaking of this, the Cangqing Immortal was not to mention how happy he was, especially the magic plant in the other space, which was of great benefit to his alchemy, and now he had already cultivated a furnace of Shangpin Immortal Medicine, and was preparing to collect materials and refine the special grade Immortal Medicine.

What made Cang Qing happiest the most was the resources of the Divine Soldier, and after the tempering of the Divine Caster in Hell, almost the entire Taihua Gate was made by each of them.

This kind of treatment has never been seen in the previous records of Taihuamen.

Therefore, Cang Qing unusually liked it here, and was glad to have encountered a big tree like Bi Hao that could be attached.

“It’s good to get used to it, but there are some things I want to make clear, and I think you should also know in your heart that my ambition in the future can’t be just a star, what I want is to stand on top of the whole universe and look down on the whole universe.” 」

Cang Qing immediately bowed to Bi Hao as if he were looking at a king.

He knew in his heart that Bi Hao wanted to pull him into his camp, and what he wanted to plot in the future would definitely shake the whole universe.

Now that he had chosen Bi Hao, he naturally had to do things for him, he said immediately.

“Mr. Bi, I understand what you mean, but wherever I use the Taihua Gate, despite the instructions, there is no difference.”

“Well, since you can understand, I will open up the greatest resources to you, so that you Taihuamen as a whole can quickly improve its strength.”

Bi Hao was now in charge of the two worlds, and his resources were simply innumerable, so it was better to give these resources to Taihuamen more, so that they could become his strongest power.

Imagine a hundred sword immortal realms, what kind of combat power it is, and it is exciting to think about.

Tarru Star, above the Heavenly Sect Hall, an incomparably majestic old man sat on a high throne, looking down on the people of His Highness.

“Now that the Shaomen Master has died tragically and nearly a thousand of my disciples have died tragically, how will this account be settled?”

The old man asked the people in the audience, and none of them dared to speak.

Standing at His Highness was the Twelve Gate Lords of the Heavenly Domain Sect, and now only nine people were standing in His Highness, and the other three had already died tragically at Bi Hao’s hands.

With a “pop”, the old man vigorously slapped the handrail, and the dust of the whole hall was scattered and kept shaking.

“You are all dumb, before you were all arrogant to heaven, today you don’t talk at all.”

Seeing that the old man was angry, one of the men said, “Sect Lord, that is the inheritor of the God of War, if we do it, we will anger the God of War, and that kind of consequence is not something that our Heavenly Domain Sect can bear.” ”

The old man stared fiercely, and a golden light came out of his eyes, knocking the man away at once.

“Is it possible to let the Lord of the Young Gate die in vain?”

Then a voice came in from the door of the main hall.

“The God of War will not strike, just rest assured that you can retaliate.”


When the crowd looked back, they saw a handsome young man leaning against the main hall, completely unnoticed by anyone.

Even the Heavenly Domain Sect Leader did not notice the existence of the other party.

“You don’t have to ask who I am, you just need to know that the God of War will not interfere in Bi Hao’s affairs.”

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