“Thank you for your suggestion.” Long Bo is very grateful for Lin Hong’s suggestion, especially in terms of improving his advantages and methods. His feelings were so naturally concerned that they were completely different, showing the evil phase of greed. It’s character and pursuits, good guys and bad guys, not all the world is greedy.

Long Bo and Lin Hongjing sat in the rockery practicing Zen Buddhism, deeply understanding the characteristics of the Shenlong changing the way of working, this set of power is too mysterious, after so many years of practice to feel strong, there is no artistic conception at all, as if the change of power of the Shenlong is not one, but has always wanted to kill the enemy, it does not belong to himself at all.

The dragon changed two forms: the dragon jumped in the abyss, its strength was a hundred times stronger than the outside world, and Long Bo thought about this issue for a long time, but he couldn’t find a trace, as if fighting in the water. First: The Hidden Dragon practiced the most times on the field, as if it was a bit of a sneak attack to kill people, hiding in the Zifu Dan field suddenly, the opponent was caught off guard. Dragon Rock Field can swallow power, forming a huge absorption force, making the impact force very fierce, this action should be used in the final duel, not only to swallow the opponent’s strength to increase its strength, but also to hit the opponent violently.

There is a general understanding of the first three statements of the Shenlong change, as for the four styles: “Flying Dragon in the Air” has not been used for the time being, and Dragon Bo does not know how powerful the “Flying Dragon in the Air” is, in order to respond to the killing action in that aspect, but from the perspective of flight, it can be guessed that there is anything to do with being willing to fly in the air, I don’t know if this is an attack on an opponent in the sky.

Hey! Hey! Four styles: “Flying Dragon in the Air” does not think about the current plan, the first three into the mind, from the work to achieve the best meaning, from the spirit to the law, control the most important of them. Long Bo closed his eyes to stimulate this method, and soon calmed down, in the state of mind, the transformation and fusion of God and dragon. Time seemed to fly away, and the dark light slowly swallowed up the heavens and the earth.

“Bo’er, it’s time to go to Okayama.”

Suspicious? It’s dark? Long Bo felt that the time was too fast, as if he only closed his eyes, and even the Divine Dragon had changed its form: the dragon was hidden in the field and had not yet been integrated, and it was even dark! Understanding things does sharpen the hearts of the people.

“Grandpa, does anyone have a special card?”

“We talk as we go.” Lin Hong and Long Bo quickly walked out of the rockery, the ghostly shadow passed through the Lin family, and a black wind blew through the streets of Zezhou County to Heze Town’s Ganshan Benz.

“The He family has two strong cards, the first is ‘River God’, this person and I belong to the same period of martial arts, more than a hundred years ago was the peak of the world, now I don’t know if there is a breakthrough in the spiritual environment, if you break through the spiritual environment, it is difficult to eliminate this family in one fell swoop.” Secondly, his family is the Dark Guard, in so many years, which family’s economic network is slightly better than the Lin Family, the Zheng Family, the Dark Guard must be particularly many, if you want to eliminate the Dark Guardian in one fell swoop, the Lin Family will also be hit hard. “

“So strong?” Long Bo once felt that the extended family was unfathomable, and a lot of power had not yet been exposed, recalling the Hezhou Lei Family, some people said that the Lei Lao Nai Lei Family was a master, but the strength had improved under any circumstances, and there was still a gap between the top of the world and the top of the world. Is the Lei family worse than the Lin family? Which one? How is that possible! The Lei family was obviously much better than his family, the Lin family. From the perspective of organs and the huge Lei family, the strength of the Lei family is very strong, the Lin family and the He Jia family are not matched, it seems that the Lei family also has a master’s seclusion, this talent is the highest existence of the Lei family. Long Bo was glad that he hadn’t gone too far, hadn’t forced the Lei family to be cornered, and if there was that scene, the secret master of the Lei family would definitely kill him once.

“Grandpa, do you know what to do with him?” Long Bo mainly wanted to test Lin Hong’s strength.

“You, thief!” Lin Hong had lived for hundreds of years, which was impossible. “I fought with him for many years and neither side was able to suppress the other. Now I haven’t played against each other in over a hundred years and I don’t know if the other side is strong enough to reach that level, but I have a % chance of winning this game. ”

With this sentence, Long Bo was like eating a reassuring pill, at least it was certain that Lin Hong had broken through the spiritual environment, and his strength was relatively strong, no matter whether He Shen also broke through the spiritual environment, the defeat index was still more than %. Which card to solve, the second hole card is a black card, this is not the number of dominant numbers, there must be a lot of master’s oppression, suddenly broke through the dark defense line, thus eliminating which child.

At the thought of the coming war, Long Bo was furious, and with the years of “dragon sword” being robbed, it was equal to a broken arm, which could not be as invincible as before, an inch of blood, blood in all directions. Yes! You have to remember that you will take care of your dragon sword for the time being, and I will bring your life back sooner or later.

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