“I feel very satisfied, but…”

But before Bi Hao could say the next words, he saw Zhong Yiyi walking up with a smile, and it seemed that he saw a piece of fat beef and couldn’t help but swallow his saliva.

“Zhong Yiyi, what do you want to do?”

Bi Hao stood up at once, his figure couldn’t stop retreating, he was a little scared now.

I didn’t expect this door master to be so bold as to dare to flirt with him, the inheritor of the God of War.

Zhong Yiyi couldn’t help but smile and said, “Mr. Bi is so afraid of me, I’m afraid you’re thinking a little too much, I want to tell you that the sincerity of our Lingyun Gate is very sufficient, as long as you are willing to join our forces, the slave family will dispose of you at will.” ”

As he spoke, he fell into Bi Hao’s arms.

Bi Hao coughed dryly, turned to dodge, and looked at Zhong Yiyi with displeased eyes.

“Lord Zhongmen, please respect yourself, if this is your way of hospitality, I don’t think there is any need for us to continue talking.”

Bi Hao’s tone turned cold, he didn’t want to be led by the other side.

If you want to pinch him, Bi Hao, it is not something that a woman can do, although this woman is extremely beautiful.

Zhong Yiyi is also a person who can observe the color, and when he dressed up his whole clothes, he said with a light smile: “Mr. Bi really misunderstood, just a joke with you, you don’t take it seriously.” ”

“The joke is best, I don’t want this to happen next.”

Zhong Yiyi scolded in his heart: “You men are all a cargo, afraid of being held by the old woman, deliberately pretending to be this pure appearance, let’s walk and see, I don’t believe that I can’t conquer a small man like you with my appearance.” ”

Zhong Yiyi smiled and did not speak, and led Bi Hao to his room, saying that he was letting Bi Hao rest for a while, and that in the evening they were ready to feast and invite him.

In the evening, a disciple of the Lingyun Gate came and invited Bi Hao to the hall to attend the banquet.

Bi Hao nodded, sorted out his clothes slightly, and followed the disciple to the hall.

At this time, a table was full of people, and there was just one empty seat reserved for Bi Hao.

Zhong Yiyi walked over with a smile on her face and pulled Bi Hao to a chair.

“We are all honored to be able to come today to Mr. Bi, and today we will not get drunk.”

The crowd raised their glasses and each drank a glass of wine.

Bi Hao naturally did not dare to shirk and energetically strengthened the fine wine in the glass.

After pushing the cup to change the cup, Bi Hao and several people were already drunk.

Zhong Yiyi smiled and asked Xiang Bihao, “Mr. Bi, do you really want to join our sect this time?” ”

“I really want to, but I promised other sects before, I always have to go through a formality, otherwise how will other forces look at me, how do they look at your Lingyun Gate?”

“That said, let’s make an appointment, and when you finish visiting the other sects, you’ll join my Lingyun Gate.”

Zhong Yiyi seemed to be jokingly speaking, and the tone of his speech was somewhat inaudible.

But Bi Hao still listened sincerely, and then shook his head and said, “No, I have to visit other sects before I can make a decision, and it is unfair for you to let me make a decision now.” ”

Zhong Yiqi really wanted to kick the other party to death, just now he had already taken out the True Words of the Gate Sect, as long as Bi Hao agreed, he would carve the other party’s promise on top of the spell, so that Bi Hao could completely become a party of his own camp.

If Bi Hao dared to disobey his promise, then he would take out the True Words of Fu Lu, which although it was not a powerful thing, could also prevent Bi Hao from ascending to the Level.

At that time, a person who had ascended to the level of the snail-like God of War Inheritance would presumably not do any harm to them.

Moreover, his own alchemy tower also has a large array of protection, and there are not a few people who know the town demon tower for thousands of years, but no one can break through the boundary of the town demon tower, which shows that this town demon tower already has a strong defensive force.

What’s more, his own master brother was still guarding in the tower, it was a super strong person in the Great Emperor Realm, even if there were a hundred Heavenly Lords, it could not be his opponent alone.

Therefore, Zhong Yiyi was not afraid that Bi Hao would tell this secret.

Before taking out the scroll, it was just to add more chips to your side.

Thinking of this, Zhong Yiyi once again persuaded Bi Hao to drink up, wanting to completely drunk the other party and activate the effect of the mantra.

After a while, Bi Hao only felt weak, his head was dizzy, and he was drunk.

“Mr. Bi, you’re all right, if you drink too much, you might as well go back to your room and rest.”

Bi Hao said like every drunk, “I’m not drunk, I can still drink several altars.” ”

Zhong Yiyi helped Bi Hao to the room in the back hall, and when he entered the room, Bi Hao suddenly threw up on the ground, and the spitting Zhong Yiyi’s skirt was full of dirt.

Zhong Yiyi frowned, put Bi Hao on the bed, and dragged his skirt away, leaking out a large piece of white skin.

Bi Hao only saw Zhong Yiyi walking towards him in the haze, and then he heard a gust of wind coming, Bi Haomeng’s eyes widened, and he slapped the Force out.

With a “boo”, Zhong Yiyi fell to the ground, and the man standing behind Zhong Yiyi was wearing a black robe and staring at Bi Hao deadly.

“Mr. Bi, don’t come unharmed.”

The black-robed man was the killer sent by the Black Church, and the slave of the great demon who had almost been killed by Bi Hao in Hell before.

“It’s you!”

Bi Hao’s mind turned electrically, and a demon suit instantly appeared on his body, and he also had an extra seven-colored sword in his hand.

“Well, I haven’t seen you in more than half a year, and your Divine Soldier has strengthened again, but your realm is still as weak as before, the inheritor of the God of War?” It’s ridiculous! ”

Bi Hao did not pay attention to the black-robed man’s taunts, and asked lightly, “Did your Black Sect send you?” ”

“Yes, the Black Church originally had no grievances against you, but because of my reasons, I could only stand against you, not to mention that my Black Church was only a small force in the universe, competing with those big forces, how to rob it, so I took the entrustment of some other forces, and they asked me to get rid of you.”


Bi Hao wanted to know what kind of Xiaomen Sect wanted to kill him, and the Black Sect was now against the water, whether it was to openly declare war on him, the inheritor of the God of War, then naturally he would not sit still.

“Who I can’t tell you, this is the rule of this line, there is only one thing I can tell you, that is, you can’t go to hell, because you will be scattered by the soul I killed and disappear forever in this world.” 」

The black-robed man just wanted to move, when he saw Zhong Yiyi gradually disappear under him, and then Zhong Yiyi’s voice came from behind him.

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