“I didn’t expect the Black Sect to be so bold as to dare to assassinate my distinguished guest of the Lingyun Gate.”

The black-robed man turned around and slapped it, and a stream of diamond-shaped energy exploded in the room, and the black-robed man also took the opportunity to prepare for the distance.

But at this moment, a super powerful spiritual force hit him like a tsunami.


Bi Hao drank loudly, only to hear the sound of “boo”, the other party’s whole person exploded in space, as if a bomb was installed in the body, and the whole body exploded into pieces.

Bi Hao also turned pale, and then quickly opened the Immortal Realm and restored the Force to the system.

The Overlord Realm is definitely a super to perverted killing move, but because of this, the load on the user is extremely huge, he is not only consuming mental power and force so simple, that moment of casting, for the entire body is a super load.

If there is no immortal realm, the hegemonic realm will make all the internal organs of the person shatter, which is equivalent to the same end of the move.

When the God of War realized that this kind of realm also discovered the drawbacks in it, after countless years, he found the inheritance of the Immortal Realm, thus promoting to a very strong existence, and only then did he have this great God of War.

Zhong Yiyi looked at Bi Hao with excitement in her eyes, she didn’t expect that the other party could kill a Jade Emperor Realm so easily in an instant, and she also believed a few points in the rumors of the Taihua Gate before.

Just when she wanted to please Bi Hao again, she heard several cracking noises coming towards her.

And in the direction where Bi Hao was located, there were also several arrows that cut through the sky and arrived instantly.

The Overlord Realm can not only instantly release super high spiritual power to attack opponents, but also enable powerful spiritual power to turn into a barrier to resist all external attacks.

At this time, Bi Hao scattered his spiritual power and wrapped himself all in death, only to see several arrows shoot at his spiritual power barrier, all of which were resisted.

Zhong Yiyi dodged the flying blade while observing Bi Hao.

When he saw the other party standing there motionless, he still wanted to go over to help, but the next second he saw Bi Hao produce a boundary, and all the arrows were blocked, which made him think of his own boundary.

“Does the other side also close the realm?” Or is the realm of the God of War the realm of the Enchantment? ”

Her field is the Junction Field, and she also has a lot of feelings about the application of this special field, some people say that the Junction Realm is very weak, can only defend, can not attack, Gu is ranked after more than twenty in the field list.

But Zhong Yiyi knew that the Boundary Realm could also be used to attack, and the effect of the attack was even more powerful.

The Junction Realm has two methods of attack, one is to cover the enemy in his own Junction, and then infinitely compress the Junction until the people in the Junction are crushed into meatloaf.

Of course, this kind of attack method requires the interpreter to use a lot of Force to ensure that the enemy does not break the boundary, so it is also the lowest method.

The other way of attack was much more clever, Zhong Yiyi had tried it before, spreading many of his own Force Junction molecules in the air.

Thus burrowing into the chest and lungs of the enemy, and then expanding the boundary, you can make the enemy explode and die in an instant.

And this kind of bounded attack method requires extremely precise control of their own Force, otherwise it is impossible to be discovered by the enemy.

Zhong Yiyi had just seen Bi Hao let the black-robed man explode from the air, and when she saw the current boundary of resisting arrows, she only thought that the other party had the same realm as herself, and according to Bi Hao’s proficiency, it seemed to be more thorough than she understood.

At that moment just now, he hadn’t noticed the spread of the Enchanted Force.

Zhong Yiyi thought wildly, and then saw several black shadows arrive in an instant.

At a glance, there were as many as ten people, and they stood in three waves, and it was obvious that these three waves were not together.

“Who are you?” Actually trespassed on my Lingyun Gate. ”

Zhong Yiyi had an extra folding fan in his hand, and the tulle on his body was also changed into a set of long dresses like fairies.

The dress was embroidered with a phoenix, apparently a divine soldier, and a hairpin on his head pulled up his long filaments, not to mention how intoxicating.

“Oh? The Nine Star Phoenix sounded the rain skirt, and I didn’t expect that the Lord of the Bell Gate still had such a treasure. ”

One of the men in black exclaimed, but his tone was full of disdain.

“Hmm, not only my Fengming Plume Rain Skirt, but also this, Fengling Fan and Fengling Hairpin.”

Zhong Yiyi opened the folding fan and held his green silk, and the beautiful phoenix eyes stared dead at the person who had just spoken.

“Well, there is even a phoenix phoenix as a divine soldier, presumably I can also summon the fire phoenix to split the body.”

The Man in Black broke the key with one word, but his tone was still full of contempt.

Zhong Yiyi deliberately put on the family heirloom phoenix cover in order to scare away a few people, and at this time, the entire area was shrouded by people with the Enchantment Spell, and their information could not be transmitted at all.

It was equivalent to the fact that now the two of them were facing ten masters of the other side, looking at that, there were still a few Heavenly Lords, and the weaker ones were at least the masters of the Jade Emperor Realm.

This kind of multiplication is absolute suppression, even if he has a high star rating of Heavenly Dignity, as long as he does not enter the Great Emperor Realm, he will suppress the other party with more or less.

This is the unchanging truth under the Lord.

In Chao Bihao’s eyes, the other party was only a king realm at best, and it was already very difficult to fight to the death of a jade emperor realm.

Zhong Yiyi thought that just now it was only by taking advantage of its lack of preparation, Bi Hao could succeed, and now that the other party was prepared, the two of them could never win over each other, Gu Ercai took out the family heirloom Feng Ling sleeve and wanted to scare off the other party.

Unexpectedly, the other party did not pay any attention to it, and there was a vague sense of disdain.

Zhong Yiyi stared at the man in black and asked, “What do you really want?” If I, the Lord, can do it, I will promise you. ”

“Quite simply, hand over this son and we will leave.”

The arrogance of the Men in Black disgusted the other two waves.

Hearing the other party say this, the other two waves directly rebuked each other.

“Dude, robbing people is not such a robbery, you let him hand people over, you have to ask me if the sword in my hand will agree.”

Another wave of black-clad people drew out a polished sword, and as soon as they came out, they faintly emitted the sound of a dragon’s roar, shaking the surrounding boundaries.

The man in black, who was originally calm and self-assured, finally showed a hint of uneasiness.

And the last wave of black-clad people also laughed evilly: “Since everyone is the same, then each of them will do it according to their ability.” ”

As soon as the words fell, he pulled out a long knife and headed towards Bi Hao.

“Boy, you dare! Eat me one hit Dragon Singing Excalibur! ”

Suddenly, three waves of people dressed in black fought, which made Zhong Yiyi stunned, and his heart suddenly relaxed.

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