Bi Hao snorted coldly, no matter what field you have, I will fight back with one punch.

Bi Hao took a deep breath, this was the second time he had used the God of War to change, the last time he used it, he felt the lack of that kind of body being drained.

So he wouldn’t use it until he had to.

But now the other party has already made a big move, killing and killing, he Bi Haoruo is dodging, there is only one way to die.

Since this was the case, then he Bi Hao had nothing to estimate.

“God of War Change, Open!”

In an instant, the wind and clouds changed color, the stars shifted, and a huge black hole appeared above Bi Hao’s head in the sky.

Then two giant fists slammed down and headed in the direction of the earth dragon.

“This… It turned out to be a doppelgänger of the God of War, is he really the inheritor of the God of War, no, stop it, I admit that you are strong. ”

At this time, the man in black still had the arrogance just now, constantly driving the dragon to fly into the distance.

However, his speed was not as fast as the two fists in the air, and in an instant, his eyes shattered the dragon, and the man in black was instantly exploded, exploding into a blood mist.

Zhong Yiyi looked at this terrifying scene and couldn’t help but tremble all over his body.

The Man in Black in Heaven was a real Heavenly Lord, whose strength was even higher than hers, and he was killed by Bi Hao so easily.

And this breath, she knew, was that of the God of War.

She had seen the God of War Lord strike once, and the form of her fists was the same as that of the air.

Then Bi Hao controlled his fists and smashed them at the men in black.

Just listen to the “boom” of a bang, the entire junction shattered, and all the men in black were slaughtered.

Bi Hao also lost his strength in an instant, and fell from the air.

He still overestimated himself, even if he opened the Immortal Realm at the last moment, he still felt that he couldn’t exert any strength at all.

This weakness came from the depths of his soul, as if his whole being, including his soul, was extremely tired.

Even though the system restored his Force, he was still unable to move.

Under the rapid recovery of the Immortal Realm, he did not lose consciousness, only to see a shadow in the air passing by.

In an instant, the aroma broke the nose, and a soft thing caught itself, looked up, and saw a beautiful face.

“Thank you Lord Bell Gate.”

Zhong Yiyi smiled, and under the impression of the moonlight, the thrilling picture made him unforgettable for the rest of his life.

Although Bi Hao was not unconscious, he also felt that his limbs were weak, so he was in Zhong Yiyi’s arms until he entered another room and put Bi Hao on the bed, and then she left.

The movement that had just made a fuss was not small, and the moment the boundary was broken just now, she had already received a message from her brother.

There was also Zhong Yiyi who replied to his brother in time and said that there was nothing wrong here, otherwise the shot of an emperor would have alarmed many forces.

When Zhong Yiyi had finished dealing with all the destroyed rooms, he flew in the direction of the Lock Demon Tower.

There was a powerful barrier inside the Lock Demon Tower, and even Zhong Yiyi could not enter it.

Zhong Yiyi was half kneeling on the ground, outside the boundary of the Lock Demon Tower, and said, “Brother Master, just now there were three waves of black-clad people who tried to rob Bi Hao, and were killed by Bi Hao using the doppelgänger of the God of War. ”

Immediately a long voice came out from within the enchantment, and a slender middle-aged man looked like a real person under the imprint of the enchantment.

“That Bi Hao you are talking about, but a warrior of the Seven Star Realms of the King?”

“Yes, Brother Master, I think you have just discovered that the power used by the other party has surpassed the Heavenly Dignity Five Stars, although it can only be a short moment, but this lethality is enough to kill anyone who is not prepared in a second, even if it is a Heavenly Dignity Five-Star strongman, he will not put Bi Hao’s king realm in his eyes, maybe he will be killed by Bi Hao.”

“Yes, Sister Master, this Bi Hao’s future prospects are unlimited, his Overlord Realm and Immortal Realm have been completely inherited, and we must leave this son in our Lingyun Gate.”

In fact, just now, the soul consciousness of this master brother had already discovered the strange movements on this side, and the reason why he did not come to the rescue was to observe Bi Hao’s personality and strength.

Seeing the other party is actually provocative, nominally letting the opponent relax, and finally making the god of war change a blow to kill everyone.

Thinking that Bi Hao had courage and strategy, and his strength was so strong, he would definitely be able to become the strongest helper of the Lingyun Gate in the future, and Gu Er let Zhong Yiyi come to meet.

Zhong Yiyi was immediately curious when he heard his brother say two areas that he had never heard of.

“Master, what’s so magical about those two realms?” Just now I thought he was using the Junction Realm, please ask Master and Brother to make it clear. ”

The head master brother laughed when he heard his sister’s conjecture.

“The realm of enchantment? Sister Shi, you are really cute, how can the inheritance of the God of War be that kind of weak field, fortunately, only you and I are at the moment, otherwise they will be heard by others, and they will have to cancel your weak knowledge as the deputy leader. ”

“Brother Master, you’re joking about me again, explain it to me.”

Zhong Yiyi looked like a little woman and looked extremely cute.

In the Lingyun Gate, Zhong Yiyi had always liked this master brother, who was not only a supreme genius in the past ten thousand years, but also an exceptionally diligent cultivator.

In addition, he had a series of adventures and received the guidance of many famous masters, among which he was pointed out by the God of War, thus entering the realm of the emperor.

He is the strongest in the entire universe and the only super genius to be promoted to the emperor at the age of three hundred.

Therefore, Zhong Yiyi likes her brother very much, and in her heart, this brother is the most perfect man in the whole universe, and she will be fully prepared to marry him in the future.

But her master brother had always pursued the realm of warriors, and even when he reached the realm of the Great Emperor, he also had to carry out ascetic cultivation, which made him enter the Alchemy Tower to cultivate hard and strive to break through the higher barriers, and for Zhong Yiyi, he only looked at her as a sister.

“These two realms can be very strong, they are the strongest moves of the God of War, the Overlord Realm can instantly increase the spiritual power by a hundred times, presumably that Bi Hao has already reached 200,000 spiritual power, imagine two million spiritual power, how many people in the Heavenly Dignity Realm can resist it?”

“What? Two million psychic powers? ”

This was completely unimaginable in Zhong Yiyi’s mind, and now that he had reached the Heavenly Dignity Three Stars, he only had half a million spiritual power, and two million was not four times as much as hers.

“What is even more perverted is that his Immortal Realm can instantly restore human physical functions, like the God of War Old Man’s Elder, almost an immortal existence, and with Bi Hao’s current level, he can survive in a single blow with full force under the Heavenly Dignity Five Stars, so you should know how powerful he is now.”

Zhong Yiyi only felt the dizziness in her brain, this perverted to the extreme realm, she actually just thought of her own boundary, and when she really said it, it made people laugh and lose their teeth.

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