“Well, the task now is to keep Bi Hao, Yiyi, remember, at any cost, can you understand what I mean?”

The voice of the master brother suddenly became serious, and the information revealed in the words was also obvious.

It is to let Zhong Yiyi keep Bi Hao at all costs, even if it is to betray her hue.

“Master, it’s really good to do this, not to mention me…”

Before Zhong Yiyi could finish speaking, the master brother interrupted her.

“Well, don’t say it again, I have pursued the supreme realm in this life, and now that I have reached the realm of the emperor, I understand that in fact, now is the beginning of everything, I want to pursue the more mysterious power, and the private feelings of my children are not suitable for me, nor should I consider.”

Although the head master brother rejected Zhong Yiyi many times, Zhong Yiyi has always been silently and deeply in love with each other.

Gradually, this liking turned into obsession, and I was not interested in other men.

And this man who loves the most, at this time, pushed her to others, how can she not hurt her heart.

But for the sake of the Lingyun Gate, this is undoubtedly the most correct.

“Master, I know what to do.”

Zhong Yiyi nodded, exchanged a few words of greeting with his brother, and then returned to his room.

The night was not very peaceful, after the big battle just now, a group of disciples were quickly repairing the pavilion.

Compared with these movements, Zhong Yiyi’s heart is even more messy.

She didn’t know whether to make a choice, once she took this step, there was no way back, and a successor of the God of War would not easily bypass someone who had deceived her.

Not to mention that at this time, Bi Hao was already able to compete with the Lingyun Gate, unless his master brother was out of the gate, otherwise in this great Lingyun Gate, there was really no one who could match Bi Hao.

Gradually, Zhong Yiyi felt sleepiness coming, and fell into a deep sleep.

At dawn on the second day, Zhong Yiyi got up early to make arrangements, because today is a semi-annual competition.

Zhong Yiyi also let the disciples repair the pavilion overnight in order to be able to proceed smoothly today.

After an overnight restoration, the pavilion is as good as it used to be.

The branch sects also led their own disciples to the back mountain.

This is the place where the competition is held every six months, and Bi Hao, as one of the judges, was naturally invited to the stage.

Bi Hao sat in the high stands, his heart full of sighs.

I think he was also competing offstage, but at that time he was still very weak, just like such a warrior offstage.

Although most of the martial artists under the stage had the Jade Emperor Realm, which was even higher than Bi Hao’s in comparison, their combat strength was really weak in Bi Hao’s view.

For Bi Hao to pose a threat now, presumably only the Heavenly Dignity Realm was there.

Zhong Yiyi and several elders officially started the competition after making a brief speech.

Bi Hao also finally experienced the taste of being a judge, and when he saw the competition of the people in the audience, he only felt that they were too weak.

Even the several Jade Emperor Realm strongmen who were known as “geniuses” could not make Bi Hao have any expression.

When the crowd saw Bi Hao on the stage, they neither applauded nor expressed their views, and they looked stupid and stunned, and they all talked about it.

“That person is the inheritor of the God of War, why do I feel that he only has the King’s Realm, is it that I am wrong?”

“You are not mistaken, that person is the King Realm, and I can’t imagine that a legendary-level figure like the God of War would accept such a weak disciple.”

“Who said it wasn’t, look at his stupid look, I guess he can’t even see our moves clearly.”

When the crowd heard this, they couldn’t help but laugh.

Bi Hao naturally heard the discussion in the audience, but pretended not to hear it, watching the game bored.

Anyway, in his eyes, these people’s moves are worse than one, and the movements are slower than the other, which is no different from snail running.

Zhong Yiyi heard the noise in the audience and smiled embarrassedly.

“Mr. Bi, these disciples don’t understand things, so don’t be like them.”

Zhong Yiyi didn’t want to get too stiff with the heir of the God of War, and now that he had the approval of the master brother, he would do everything he could to keep Bi Hao.

The other small door masters did not see Zhong Yiyi’s attitude and said unkindly.

“Lord Zhong Men, don’t you see that the realm of this God of War Lineage is too low and is despised by our disciples.”

The others heard the door master’s words and burst out laughing.

Zhong Yiyi kept looking at the other party, but the usually shrewd door masters had become unusually stupid at this time.

“Lord of the Bell Gate, don’t care about people’s feelings, people have self-knowledge.”

“Enough for Wang Mo, if you dare to talk too much, believe it or not, I will immediately let you get out of the Lingyun Gate.”

Zhong Yiyi initiated Biaolai for the first time in history, and in the hearts of many small forces, Zhong Yiyi was a master of left and right Fengyuan, and he usually did not blush at anyone.

Even if he took advantage of her and was greeted by her with a smile, but in private, Zhong Yiyi was not so good at talking, and those who used their hands and feet on her often died inexplicably.

Everyone knew that it was the fierce hand under this thorny rose.

But there is no basis and no evidence, and it cannot be said that it is the hand of Zhong Yiyi, and the beauty of Gu Zhong Yiyi belongs to the type that can only be viewed from a distance.

But today everyone did not expect that Zhong Yiyi would blush with one of the door owners for a joke.

At the moment, the door master also had a temper, after all, although they were dependent on each other, some of the resources of the Lingyun Gate still needed to be supplied by them.

“Lord Zhong Men, how can you talk about me for an irrelevant person, am I just wrong, as a successor of the God of War, it is really shameful that he does not find a place to cultivate well, but comes out blindly and blindly, and also robs the forces of the entire universe.”

Bi Hao had been sulking and didn’t want to make things bigger, but these people were looking for trouble for him again and again.

Then he didn’t mind teaching the other party a good lesson, letting the other party have a long memory, and letting them know what kind of existence the inheritor of the God of War really was.

“Since you say that my realm is low, I don’t know if several door masters can overcome me?”

Bi Hao looked at everyone with a faint smile, and those eyes were not to mention much contempt.

This mockery was undoubtedly effective, and everyone was not convinced, thinking of challenging Bi Hao.

There were also many disciples in the audience who asked for instructions one by one, ready to teach this lineage of the God of War some good lessons.

See if Bi Hao will dare to be so rampant in the future.

For a while, the crowd was excited, and there was a great intention of joining hands to teach Bi Hao a lesson.

“Enough, you want to rebel now, Mr. Bi is a distinguished guest of my Lingyun Gate, you don’t pay attention to Youjia, and you still have such evil words, you simply don’t take me as the door master in your eyes.”

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