The disciples controlled the Force to concentrate on Yi Buxiao’s weapon, although this Force could only exert half of their level.

However, the combined infusion of more than twenty disciples present was equivalent to increasing their strength by ten times.

Ten times the energy of the Jade Emperor Realm, they didn’t believe that they couldn’t break through Bi Hao’s defenses.

Yi Buxiao controlled the Force of the gun body with difficulty, only he could make the Force not repel each other, so that it could only exert its power when it reached the enemy’s vicinity.

Of all the students, Yi Buxiao was the most powerful.

His grip on the Force was so precise that it was terrifying, but now he still couldn’t balance the power of twenty people.

Fortunately, this journey was very short, and he came to Bi Hao’s face in a few steps and fired a fierce shot.

“Boom”, the whole arrogance was blown up a big pit, Yi Buxiao was directly catapulted, blood spilled in the air, and finally Zhong Yiyi shot out, only to take the other party down, and then fed a Jing Qi Dan, only to ensure that the other party’s cultivation was not damaged.

Otherwise, the regurgitation of that move just now was enough to make Yi Buxiao retreat several realms.

The disciples were also sullen for a while, and they all spat out a mouthful of blood, obviously the result of being eaten by their own spells.

Fortunately, they only delivered half of the Force, and the injuries were not as heavy as Yi Buxiao’s, but this also surprised them immensely.

Looking at Bi Hao, he saw that the other party was still standing there with a relaxed look, so violently exploded, and Bi Hao’s body was not stained with any dust.

This made the disciples and several disciples of the small forces suddenly stunned on the spot.

The kind of attack that Yi Buxiao had just made seemed difficult for them to catch, and Bi Hao actually stood there and withstood all the damage, and the most terrifying thing was that the other party was unscathed.

Only then did they realize how powerful this descendant of the God of War was, and they didn’t dare to be as crazy as before for Bi Hao.

“Well, Lord Bell Gate, I’m a little tired, so I’ll go back and rest.”

Zhong Yiyi nodded, although this kind of ending was not what she wanted to see, but Bi Hao was able to stay at the last moment and minimize the anti-phagocytosis ability, and she was already very grateful.

That’s right, just a moment ago, in order to prevent Yi Buxiao from being too seriously injured, he cast the Devouring Realm to absorb a large part of the power, otherwise with the anti-phagocytic power of the Jade Emperor Realm that was ten times the Jade Emperor Realm just now, Yi Buxiao could not be as injured as he was now, just a little injured.

Bi Hao returned to the room and gradually entered the cultivation state.

Since receiving the inheritance of the God of War, his realm was like being stared to death, and no matter how he cultivated and ate Dan Medicine, he could not improve it.

He didn’t know what was going on in this situation, if it weren’t for the God of War being in another space, he would have wanted to go to the old man and ask him for clarification.

It wasn’t until after dawn that Bi Hao woke up from his cultivation.

After a whole day’s cultivation, according to his original cultivation speed of a hundred times, at least some values will increase in his body.

Even if you advance to a small realm, reaching the King’s Seven Star Intermediate Level is also considered progress.

But the results are still the same as before, and there is no improvement at all.

“I won’t stay in the King’s Realm all the time, although my current strength is comparable to that of Tianzun, but if I keep stagnating, then when I encounter a more powerful opponent, he will only have to wait for death, not to mention that this news lets outsiders know how he still travels other sects.”

Bi Hao’s heart was extremely irritable, and he didn’t know how to cultivate.

At this time, Zhong Yiyi walked in with food.

Seeing that Bi Hao was meditating and practicing, he did not disturb him, but just gently placed the meal on the table and withdrew.

Bi Hao slowly opened his eyes and shouted at Zhong Yiyi’s back, “That disciple from yesterday, now he’s all right.” ”

Zhong Yiyi was stunned, smiled and looked at the other party, and said, “There is no obstacle, if it were not for Mr. Bi’s last hand, I am afraid that the disciple would have fallen into the realm of the king.” ”

Bi Hao stood up, walked to the dining table, saw the rich meal, and was really hungry.

I ate it without hesitation.

“What’s wrong with the King’s Realm, I’m not also the King’s Realm, but you can also see my strength, and the gap in the Realm doesn’t mean that I’m strong or weak.”

Bi Hao said to Zhong Yiyi while eating.

Zhong Yiyi saw that the other party seemed to want to talk to himself, and also sat down and smiled.

“Your King’s Realm is not an ordinary King’s Realm, the two super realms are blessed, if you can cultivate quickly, you will see the devil.”

Hearing Zhong Yiyi say this, Bi Hao became interested.

At the moment, pretending to deliberately test the other person’s tone, he said, “Oh? Then tell me, what is the difference between my kingly realm? ”

Zhong Yiyi saw that Bi Hao wanted to test himself, and he did not hide his clumsiness at the moment, and said all his thoughts.

“In my opinion, you should have three realms, and all of them are extremely powerful, according to the situation you absorbed my disciple yesterday, it should be the realm of devouring the Force or something, am I right?”

Bi Hao put down the chopsticks in his hand and couldn’t help but clap his hands and shout, “Yes, it is indeed the main thing of a big sect, this kind of vision is not something that ordinary people can do.” ”

Zhong Yiyi saw the other party praising himself and continued, “It is extremely difficult for an ordinary martial artist to have two realms, because the more advanced the realm, the more Force will be needed to advance, and the value of growth will increase relatively. ”

Zhong Yiyi turned his eyes to look at Bi Hao and said, “Your spiritual strength should reach 200,000.” ”

Bi Hao now had 280,000 spiritual powers, but the other party could see that he had 200,000 of them.

“You’re right, I’m more than two hundred thousand now.”

Bi Hao’s multi-word exit made Zhong Yiyi a little surprised, couldn’t his brother not be able to see through this guy, and at the moment he just wanted to completely put out some useful information from the other party’s mouth.

“More than 200,000 spiritual powers, plus your three major fields, now if you want to advance, you should at least need a hundred million Force Handles.”

After listening to it, Bi Hao was completely blinded, he only had eighty million Force values now, he was already enough to reach the threshold of the next realm, he did not expect that after Zhong Yiyi’s analysis, he needed a hundred million Force Force.

No wonder I can’t rise no matter how I rise, it turns out that the Force is not up to the standard.

Bi Hao pretended to approve and nodded.

“Therefore, your current realm is difficult to break through, if you can really break through to the Jade Emperor Realm, presumably your combat strength will already surpass the Heavenly Dignity Five Stars.”

Bi Hao’s division of Tianzun was not without much recognition, and the Tianzun who died at his hands was almost all killed by his own moves, so how strong the true Tianzun power really was, he didn’t know now.

“Worthy of being the Lingyun Gate Master, what you said is all right.”

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