“Mr. Nabi is interested in joining our Lingyun Gate, and I agree to any conditions.”

Zhong Yi looked at Bi Hao with affection, and the powerful current made Bi Hao feel uncomfortable.

“Well, don’t discharge me, I know you’re beautiful, and I like beauty, but it doesn’t work for me.”

Bi Hao directly showdown, not wanting Zhong Yiyi to do something worse.

Zhong Yiyi’s face was aggrieved, revealing the appearance of a little woman.

“Everyone is willing to sacrifice hue, you still don’t agree, in the end how can you agree, our Lingyun Gate does not have the appearance of scenery now, the deep chaos, there must be a strong foreign aid, and you are the best candidate, so our Lingyun Gate must win you over.”

Similarly, Zhong Yiyi also showed his cards, and everyone lit up the cards, which made Bi Hao much more relaxed.

“I won’t join your Lingyun Gate, but I have a suggestion, I can only tell you at the moment, and you are not allowed to tell anyone.”

This time, Bi Hao unleashed his spiritual power, just like a layer of boundaries, completely blocking out the sound inside.

Zhong Yiyi was very excited, and it seemed that Bi Hao wanted to make a real deal with him.

“First of all, I feel that the Lingyun Gate is very good, at least you, the Lord of the Bell Gate, I like it very much, and as for those small forces, I don’t trust them much, so the next words can only be known by you and me, do you understand?”

“Understand, I will keep this secret and never reveal a word to those small forces.”

Zhong Yiyi played a trick here, he promised not to tell the door masters of those small forces, but he did not promise not to tell his master brother.

Bi Hao said with a serious face, “Actually, I have my own forces, the reason why I chose to visit the Gate Sect this time is that its real purpose is to win over some powerful foreign aid and form a powerful alliance, and through the observation of the past few days, I have already selected your Lingyun Gate, and the next thing is to see what you Lord Zhong Men mean.” ”

Zhong Yiyi looked at Bi Hao in disbelief, she sent many people to inquire about Bi Hao’s origins, and even went to Earth to send eyeliners, and kept monitoring Bi Hao’s family and friends.

It can be said that she had read all the materials of Bi Hao from childhood to adulthood, and these materials did not say anything about his power at all.

It only mentions a Haoran Alliance composed of masters, are those the forces that Bi Hao is talking about.

But that kind of Sect Master’s power is not worth mentioning at all in the universe, to put it mildly, a Jade Emperor Realm can solve those people with a wave of his sleeve, and there is no power at all.

“Forgive me for my words, but I would like to ask what kind of strength your so-called forces have?”

Zhong Yiyi must ask this clearly.

Bi Haoxian laughed and said in a low voice, “Except for the Taihua Gate, there are two thousand Jade Emperor Realms, a Divine Casting Master, and a Nine Star Demon Core Maker, such a force doesn’t know what the Lord of the Bell Gate thinks?” ”

Zhong Yiyi, who was shocked by this sentence, stood up directly.

“What? Two thousand Jade Emperor Realms? And a god caster? ”

Zhong Yiyi felt that he was going crazy, two thousand Jade Emperor Realms was enough for half the strength of his Lingyun Gate, and the value of a Divine Casting Master was more important than two thousand Jade Emperor Realms.

What the Divine Caster represents, Zhong Yiyi will not know, that represents the infinite Divine Soldier and the Sacred Artifact.

What a being the Sacred Artifact was, even in the entire universe, the Sacred Artifact was a rarity, and he only knew that the patriarch of the Green Ao Mu Clan could build it.

However, it was rumored that the patriarch was dead, so there would be no more than three people in the entire universe who could create the Sacred Artifact now.

If they had the help of this Divine Caster, wouldn’t their Spirit Cloud Gate be even stronger, and it would be just around the corner to become the top ten forces in the universe.

Zhong Yiyi was excited for a while, but still thought of a question, the Divine Caster she had heard of, but what was that Nine Star Demon Core Maker.

“What is that Nine-Star Demon Core Maker?” How come I’ve never heard of it? ”

Bi Hao smiled and explained, “Demon Core, have you heard?” ”

“Of course, I know that after the death of ordinary magic beasts, there is a very small chance of the appearance of a magic core, and the magic core is divided into nine stars according to different qualities.”

“Yes, ordinary magic cores have attribute bonuses, which are equivalent to more fields and moves, but the magic core I am talking about does not have any fields and moves, just simple attribute bonuses.”

Zhong Yiyi didn’t think about it at first, but after a while, he finally realized.

“Are you talking about increasing the properties of the ontology itself?”

“That’s right, imagine that most of the demon cores need to find attributes that match their own in order to exert their power, and those that do not match can only exert a small amount of power, and with these magic cores we provide, all of your disciples can get attribute bonuses.”

Zhong Yiyi was extremely moved to hear it, and the temptation of the divine soldier and the demon core kept knocking on his heart.

“How, Lord Zhongmen, will you cooperate with me to win the whole universe?”

Zhong Yiyi thought about it for a long time, and finally made a decision, saying: “Well, I will join your alliance, but I have said that in the front, when a war is launched in the future, I can’t let my Lingyun Gate be cannon fodder.” ”

There are too many such alliances in the universe, and most of them are intrigues, one more than the other, and in the end, they don’t fight much, and their own people fight with themselves.

“You can rest assured of this, I swear by Bi Hao that I will not let anyone be cannon fodder, even if one day someone really needs to be cannon fodder, that person must be me.”

Bi Hao’s words suddenly touched Zhong Yiyi’s heart, and this vow could most touch the girl’s heart.

Although Zhong Yiyi is not an ordinary girl, but after all, she has the side of a little daughter, and seeing such a powerful Bi Hao, she has to wait for the stage of the universe, which can’t help but make her a little excited.

“Well, that’s all there is to it, and I’ll contact you about the next things, but all of this must be done after I see your power.”

“No problem, now I can let you visit.”

“Now?” Zhong Yiyi asked doubtfully.

“Yes, right now.”

With a wave of Bi Hao’s hand, a space-time portal appeared in the room, making Zhong Yiyi almost jump up in shock.

“You, you, you… Do you even have the realm of space-time? ”

Now Bi Hao has not reached the level of the Great Emperor, and he cannot break through time and space at all, so it can only show that Bi Hao has the realm of time and space.

This kind of field is very rare, and it is also very chicken, every time you open the time and space teleportation, you will consume the Force in the body, and even open some ultra-long-distance time and space, but also to catch your own life expectancy.

Therefore, often this kind of person who will be in the field of time and space will not hide his ability, that is, he will be forced by others to die of exhaustion, which can be described as a field that is both powerful and very chicken in the so-called field.

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