When the Split Sky heard the Elder say that he was drunk, he immediately retorted, “Whoever is drunk, I am not drunk, I can still drink several altars, I don’t believe I can drink it for you.” ”

The elders saw that they had confused the matter and did not say anything more.

But I didn’t expect to ask the Split Sky unwillingly: “Mr. Bi, what do you really think, I am a rough person who cracks the sky, I don’t like to bend the corner, and if you have anything to say, just say it.” ”

Bi Hao pondered for a moment and said, “I came here to ally with your Xuanwu Sect. ”

Everyone was stunned, even the Split Sky was suddenly sober, how could those wines just now intoxicate this super strong man of the Nine Stars of Heaven.

I just wanted to use drunkenness to set up Bi Hao’s intentions, but I didn’t expect the other party to say such thoughts.

After Splitting Sky breathed a sigh of relief, he waved his hand to signal everyone to go out, while one of the people who poured the wine unconsciously tilted the corners of his mouth and seemed to be smiling, but it was only for a short moment, and no one noticed the strangeness of this person.

Split Sky frowned and looked at Bi Hao and asked, “What you just said about alliances?” ”

“Yes, now that I have included the Taihua Gate and the Lingyun Gate, if there is your Xuanwu Sect, I am afraid that there will be no invincible hand in this universe.”

Splitting the sky is not a fool, if you let others know that Bi Hao has now united so many forces, I am afraid that all the spearheads of the big forces will now be aimed at Bi Hao.

Splitting Heaven couldn’t help but shake his head, none of the disciples of the God of War were reassuring.

The former one almost made a big fuss about the major forces in the universe, and finally caused the God of War to move, and it was even more life-destroying, but he did not expect that this was more than his master and brother and was not in a hurry, thinking of making a big force and fighting for the hegemony of the entire universe.

“What is the purpose of your so-called alliance?”

Bi Hao stood up and said with great seriousness, “Unify the entire universe.” ”

The “hissing” Heaven Split Heaven couldn’t help but take a breath of cold air, this target was very large, so big that their Xuanwu Sect looked extremely small in front of this target.

This decision that shook the whole pattern, one of his deputy door masters did not dare to agree.

“Mr. Bi, my master brother is now in the temple, or he is waiting for him to come and make a decision.”

“The Temple? Could it be because of the Dark Lord’s attack? ”

Bi Hao had been warned by the God of War in the hut of the God of War, and he still remembered the words that the God of War had said.

“In the entire vast cosmic starry sky, there are only three people you cannot offend, one is the temple lord Ina, the second is the master of the dark lord, and the third is …”

The last man, the God of War, did not say it, and Bi Hao could still imagine the kind old man frowning.

“What’s the third?” Say what you want, and stop talking. ”

“Hey, you’re still too weak to touch the third person, go ahead and remember my words.”

Bi Hao also did not dare to go with the temple because of this reason. The power of the Dark Lord also learned some fur from Zhong Yiyi’s mouth.

Now he didn’t expect that even the Xuanwu Sect people were so close to the temple, was he looking for the wrong object?

The Split Sky also stood up and said, “The Dark Lord’s strength is far more powerful than imagined, so the Master Brother will go to the Temple to warn him.” ”

“Do you Xuanwu Sect have a good friendship with the Temple?”

It seems that Bi Hao casually asked, but this can represent what Bi Hao should do next, and it also represents whether Xuanwu Sect will become his enemy in the future.

“That’s not true, this door and the temple don’t have any friendship, but now that the Dark Lord is coming, if the temple loses, those crazy guys will definitely find other forces, and when the time comes, there will be no one to deal with these guys, so my brother will go to warn the other party kindly.”

Bi Hao nodded, it seemed that Xuanwu Sect still had some vision, and understood the truth of cunning rabbit dead dog cooking.

Perhaps Xuanwu Sect could win over his own alliance, after all, his alliance strength was not weak now.

“Understand, but according to the temperament of the people in the temple, it is estimated that they will leave their master and brother there to do it, and it will not be impossible to be cannon fodder when the time comes.”

“How is it possible, how can Pope Ina be a figure with a head and a face in the universe, how can he keep my brother as cannon fodder, not to mention that with my brother’s ability, that Pope Ina can’t stay.”

Bi Hao shook his head helplessly and said, “And I ask you, what is the status of the temple in this universe?” ”

“Of course, it is the strongest existence, after all, there are two emperor-level strong people.”

Bi Hao’s heart was shocked, he didn’t expect the temple to have such a powerful force.

“How about intelligence gathering compared to your Xuanwu Sect?”

Bi Hao asked again, and the sky was split.

“Of course, that is a lot higher than the temple, you must know that there are more than a hundred Heavenly Beings in the temple, and the strength of that level is stronger than any force.”

Bi Hao took a breath of cold air and pretended to say, “Therefore, their information must be easier than your master and brother can get, if I am not mistaken, your master brother is already under house arrest in the temple at this time.” ”

“How could it be, that Ina Pope is only a Heavenly Rank Emperor Realm, and my Master Brother is a Heavenly Rank Third Emperor Realm, even if the other party is strong, he can’t keep my Master’s.”

Bi Hao smirked, in these few conversations, he got too much information, and immediately pretended to be calm and continued to ask questions.

“What if the two Emperors of the Temple joined forces?”

This moment made the Split Heaven anxious, but then the Split Sky said, “My brother said that every realm of the Imperial Realm is like a heavenly abyss, and even the two Heavenly Levels of the Great Emperor Realm cannot leave my Master’s.” ”

Bi Hao got some unknown information again, and he smiled secretly in his heart, but his face was anxious.

“I hope that your master and brother can come back smoothly, if they can’t come back, it means that the pope has more than the strength of the Heavenly Order.”

“How could it be, that’s the news that all the forces know.”

When this sentence was uttered, even Split Sky himself felt ashamed, yes, how could the other party expose all his strength on the surface.

Just like his master and brother, saying no to outsiders is also the Great Emperor Realm of the Heavenly Order, but the fact is that the World Question Heaven has already entered the third stage of the Heavenly Order.

This moment made the sky crack up and keep anxious, constantly circling in circles in the room.

“Okay, don’t worry, if your master and brother are safe, I think they will return in a few days, and if they are used as guns by others, your brother’s Emperor Realm of the third stage of that day is not in vain, and presumably there will not be something so soon.”

Bi Hao’s words made the mood of the Split Sky improve at once, yes, how could his brother be the Great Emperor Realm of the Third Heavenly Rank so easily accident.

Even if they had faced the Dark Lord a thousand years ago, wouldn’t they have returned with their whole bodies, and presumably this time they would have returned to their Xuanwu Sect as before. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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