Split Sky sent Bi Hao back to the room and came to a secret room.

This secret room was a room for the cultivation of the worldly heavens, and inside the room was a divine soldier who was cultivated by the world and heaven with his soul, and this time he went to the temple without taking this divine soldier with him, because he did not want to cause the temple’s disgust.

Now the Split Sky could only use this thing to create a spiritual connection with the world, so as to find out whether the situation there was as Bi Hao said.

Split Sky placed his hand on a lupine fan that radiated brilliance, and the spiritual power was lost little by little.

Soon, through this vital thing, a spiritual connection with the master brother was established.

“Brother Master, Bi Hao came, and he said that there is a high probability that there will be danger on your side, so that’s why I used this method to establish a spiritual connection with you.”

The world, which had originally closed his eyes, opened his eyes violently.

Just as he was about to convey the message to the other party, he heard Pope Ina on the side take care of the sunflower and say, “Ask Brother Heaven, if you can obediently help me, I will definitely grant you a heavy thank you afterwards, if you don’t know what to do, then your Xuanwu Sect does not need to exist.” ”

With a “click”, Pope Ina cut off a patch of redundant branches facing the sun.

Shi Wentian’s forehead was sweating coldly, and he didn’t expect that even his own spirit teleportation would be discovered so easily by the other party.

It seems that this Pope Ina is not as kind as he seems on the surface, and it is not certain that he will reveal any information, which is likely to cause a catastrophe for the Xuanwu Sect.

“I see.”

Shi Wentian didn’t dare to say anything more, and said in a relaxed tone with the split sky: “I’m fine, but there are some things outside, and it will take a few days to go back, you don’t have to worry.” ”

Split Sky finally breathed a sigh of relief, and after a few words of greeting, he cut off the spiritual connection.

“Very good, ask Brother Tian, after the matter is completed, I can promise you a Di Dan, how?”

Di Dan is a unique elixir that the emperor can take, generally only used when breaking through, can increase the chance of breakthrough, although the probability is very small, it is also much stronger than breaking through himself.

Just like it took a whole thousand years before the World Heaven to break through to the Great Emperor Realm of the Third Heavenly Order, if there is this Emperor Dan, it is estimated that it will only take eight hundred years, or even faster.

Therefore, when Shi Wentian heard the other party promise a Di Dan, he immediately said in surprise, “What you said is true?” ”

“Yes, as long as you help block a master of the Imperial Realm, I will give you a Di Dan.”

“Okay, that’s it.”

Pope Ina is very clear that in this universe, the threat is far less than the good messenger who is lured, the previous strength is to use the strength to deter the other party, now give the other party a promise, the other party will be willing to sell their lives, this is the art of taming people.

Split Sky came out of the secret room, his face was relaxed, and on the second day, he continued to take Bi Hao to visit the Xuanwu Sect.

This made Bi Hao feel very wrong, yesterday, the split sky was a look of anxiety.

And now it seems that the other party still has a trace of sorrow, which makes Bi Fa ask.

“Brother Heaven-Splitting Master, it won’t be your own news.”

Bi Hao wanted to come and go, and only one explanation could make sense.

Splitting Heaven didn’t want to hide from Bi Hao, so he said, “Yes, I already know where Master Brother is, and Master Brother is not trapped in the temple, just going out to run errands.” ”

Bi Hao thought about it carefully and couldn’t help but shake his head and sigh lightly.

“What do you sigh, my brother is really fine, I have already confirmed.”

“Well, then you think your brother is all right.”

Bi Hao didn’t say anything more, and let the Split Sky lead him to continue the tour.

The temper that split the sky also came for a while, and he obviously confirmed with his master and brother how this Bi Hao still had such a posture, as if his master and brother were in danger.

“Senior Elder, if you take Mr. Bi on a tour, I still have something to deal with, so I won’t accompany you here.”

After the Great Elder hurriedly performed the salute and sent away the Split Heaven, he said to Bi Hao kindly.

“Mr. Bi, the deputy suzerain, he has always attached great importance to his master and brother, and does not allow anyone to slander him, so you should not talk like that, which will inevitably make our deputy suzerainty unhappy.”

Bi Hao still shook his head and sighed, not saying anything more, in his opinion, the Pope of the Temple must have hidden strength.

At this time, it is strange that a sheep has entered the mouth of the tiger, and it is strange that it can be let go, presumably the pope must have promised or coerced the world to ask the heavens, and only then would the heavens be at ease.

After a week, the split sky changed from initial indifference to some worry.

Just at this moment, Bi Hao was about to leave the mountain, and as the deputy suzerain, he would have to send it to Xiang no matter what.

Split Heaven came to the front of the Sect Gate, and just happened to see Bi Hao, who was leaving, and stepped forward to greet him: “In the past few days, I have been busy with official business, and I have been a little negligent, Mr. Bi must not blame him.” ”

“No problem, in the past few days, you Xuanwu Sect I have also seen a real thing, worthy of being a great force in the universe, Bi Hao is very admired in his heart, but I also ask the Deputy Sect Leader of the Split Heaven Sect to consider my previous proposal.”

Split Sky frowned and said, “When the Patriarch returns, I will tell him your thoughts.” ”

“Well, then I’ll go first.”

Bi Hao bid farewell and walked down the Xuanwu Sect, and the Split Sky watched Bi Hao’s back drift away, and finally he didn’t hold back and chased after him.

Bi Hao saw that the sky was splitting and chasing, and thought that the other party had a choice, and stood still and smiled at the other party at the moment.

Split Sky stepped forward and asked, “Speaking of my brother that day, what did you mean by sighing?” ”

Bi Hao was stunned and said with a smile: “It’s just a guess from me, it doesn’t mean anything.” ”

Split Sky continued to ask, “I don’t know what the guess you said is, can you tell me?” ”

Bi Hao’s face sank down and he said, “My master once said that the three in this world cannot be messed with, the first is the Pope of the Temple, the second is the master of the Dark Lord, can an ordinary character who can make my master have some scruples?” If you were the pope and sent a good fighting force in vain, would you let go? ”

Split Sky inhaled a cold breath, but still firmly believed in the news he had received that day.

“But that day I had a spiritual connection with my brother, and he told me personally that he was not trapped in the temple.”

Bi Hao shook his head helplessly and said, “Even now that you still believe this sentence, I ask you, in front of a powerful emperor, in front of the people who can easily destroy your entire Xuanwu Sect, what choice will you make?” ”

As soon as these words came out, the crack genius really believed Bi Hao’s words, plus in the past week, his master and brother had not had any contact with him.

With his brother’s temperament, if he did what he said before, he would definitely establish a spiritual connection with him and inquire about Bi Hao’s affairs, after all, this was a disciple of the God of War.

After thinking about it, I figured everything out.

“No, my brother is trapped in the temple, so what should I do now?” _

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