Some people here will ask, can the future really change.

If you ask the God of War about this, he will definitely tell you, “Yes.” ”

Because he has changed history countless times, and this tampering with the future will also bring him great repercussions.

However, these anti-phagocytosis are simply not worth mentioning to the God of War who has the Immortal Realm.

Once he saw the future with magic, his whole body kept festering, but under the powerful recovery power of his immortal realm, the festering skin quickly recovered its vitality, and it lasted for a whole month before the festering gradually faded.

This is the power of the law of the universe, but the power of the God of War has already surpassed the power of the law, so he is the only one who can tamper with history in the entire universe.

At this time, his arm was constantly festering and recovering, although it was very uncomfortable, but the god of war experienced more than ten million big battles, this pain was simply not mentioned, and these days the god of war has been wearing a fast nightgown, wrapping himself tightly.

Bi Hao once asked him why he had been wearing a nightgown, but he refused by his sentence “You can’t control it”.

Soon it was the seventh day, the day of extinction, and the cracked sky outside the door could not help it, and just when he wanted to knock on the door, he saw that the door was opened by Bi Hao.

“My master let you in!”

The sky was suddenly overjoyed and carefully walked in.

In front of this Lord of the God of War, he did not dare to have any arrogance, this was his idol, the strongest first person in the universe.

Xuanwu Sect was the Wu Li Sect, the most respected strongman, he dreamed of seeing this God of War Lord, but he had never had that opportunity, and he didn’t expect that today finally arrived.

When the Split Sky saw the God of War himself, he was suddenly stupid, the first person who was invincible in the universe was actually the old man in front of him?

Cracking Sky couldn’t believe his eyes, and kept rubbing them, but he found that he still saw an old man.

In his impression, that Lord War God should not be a middle-aged and strong man with extraordinary Wei Wu, how could he become what he is now?

“How? Think I’m old? ”

The tone of the God of War was full of unwholesome meanings, and the frightened Split Sky directly fell to his knees on the ground and said, “Don’t dare or dare, no matter what Lord God of War becomes, he is the most admired person in my heart.” ”

The God of War saw that the other party was not lying, so he withdrew his eyes.

“I’ll take you to watch the battle in a moment, no matter what you see, don’t get excited, did you two hear it?”

Bi Hao naturally knew that the other party wanted to use the previous method of soul consciousness crossing to take them to watch this century war, thinking that those imperial realm-level battles would be very spectacular.

Although the Split Sky did not know what the situation was, it was in absolute trust with Lord War, indicating that even if he died, he would not make a sound.

The God of War nodded and waved them to a hall in the temple.

At this time, Shi Wentian was exploring with Pope Ina and seeing the nervous look of the two people, he couldn’t help but be shocked, and sure enough, his brother was on the side of the temple.

“Ask Brother Tian, the next four hope you must do your best.”

Pope Ina stressed again that he wanted to be more relaxed than before, but at this time he was unusually nervous.

“I will, but please remember your promise that you must give me a Didan afterwards.”

Pope Ina nodded his head in assurance, and when he was done, he walked toward the door, and Semun followed him to the door.

At this time, all the forces of the temple were concentrated on the school grounds, and around it were many doppelgangers created by Ina.

Judging from the momentum alone, the temple could never lose to the Dark Lord’s people, but all this was clear only to Pope Ina alone.

These strengths of theirs could not compete head-on with the Dark Lord’s people, and when the last resort, he could only use his people to launch a blood-colored curse to delay those people for a while.

No one expected that His Holiness, who had always loved the people like a son, was now delaying these four hours for him at the expense of the entire continent.

Above the sky, a shadow gradually crossed.

The day of annihilation is coming, and darkness is finally coming.

Gradually, there was a whistling sound in the distance, and countless black dots accompanied by darkness flew rapidly in the direction of the temple.

Suddenly, the whole world turned into darkness, and the people of the Dark Lord also came one by one, and the breath that was hidden in the darkness was particularly amazing.

Although Bi Hao had not really arrived, just by the induction of this soul consciousness, he could feel the cold and piercing dark aura.

Looking in the direction of the temple, at this time, a thick layer of ice had already formed on the ground, and even some of the warriors of the Jade Emperor Realm were directly frozen.

Pope Ina snorted coldly, raised his hands and said, “I believe in light, light is me, I level light, let this darkness be expelled forever, the Great Light!” ”

In an instant, countless balls of light flew out from various places on the continent, illuminating the originally dark world completely.

The cold air also melted slowly under this light, and everyone shouted “Your Holiness the Pope” for the sake of a loose, but all this turned into nothingness when a dark shadow stepped into the air.

With a “hum” sound, everyone only felt a burst of super strong spiritual power crushing over, all the warriors of the Jade Emperor Realm were suppressed on the spot, and some weak people could not even resist this powerful spiritual force, and directly exploded and died, and some of them also fainted, and they did not know whether they were alive or dead.

In just one shot, all the balls of light disappeared, but on the contrary, all the Jade Emperor Realms of the other party were injured, causing all the Heavenly Emperor Realms to fall to their knees, such an appearance was undoubtedly shocking.

Bi Hao exclaimed, “Is it the Overlord Realm? ”

The person in the black fog who was drawn in the air instantly looked in the direction where Bi Hao was, fortunately, the God of War waved it casually, completely erasing the breath just now, which made the people in the black fog unable to be suspicious.

“You’re crazy, don’t you tell you you can’t make a sound.”

The God of War reprimanded the other with a reproachful face, and by this time they had returned to the God of War hut.

Bi Hao asked with a puzzled face, “That person will dominate the realm, is he my traitor master brother, Feiyun?” ”

The God of War sighed, nodded, and said, “Yes, he is my filial disciple.” ”

“I went, I won’t put it, just look at the strength of his spiritual power, at least it is more than five stars of the Heavenly Dignity.”

The God of War smiled bitterly and said, “You are too shallow, now he has entered the Fourth Heavenly Stage Emperor Realm, and he is only one realm away from me.” ”

“Sleeper, really fake, then I still have a yarn, you let me go to him to avenge, not obviously let me go to find death!” 」

Bi Hao’s face was full of anger, if the other party did not reach the Imperial Realm, even if it was a Heavenly Rank Imperial Realm, he wanted to be angry and try to defeat the other party, but the other party had already reached the Fourth Heavenly Level, and that kind of gap could not be cultivated by years and months. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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