The God of War glanced at Bi Hao and scolded, “Nonsense, in the future you will become stronger than him, how can you despise yourself so much, you have inherited my mantle with the King’s Realm, this alone is more than a hundred times stronger than that evildoer.”

Your future achievements will eventually catch up with me, you can just regard him as a small goal, and your future achievements will surpass this universe and go to another unknown world. ”

“The world that no one knows?”

Bi Hao was stunned, not knowing what his master was talking about.

“There are some things I can’t say, but Master has already reminded you, and the rest depends on your understanding.”

Bi Hao was also an extremely intelligent person, and he immediately thought clearly about the reminder that the God of War had said was nothing more than the end of that blind date.

And this matter also told Bi Hao that what the eyes saw was not necessarily true, was this universe not what the eyes saw?

Bi Hao couldn’t figure it out, but he didn’t want to think about it, now he only cared about the extent of the battle over there.

“Master, can you take us to continue to watch the battle, I promise not to speak out again.”

Bi Hao saw that the God of War hesitated, and hurriedly gave the Split Angel a look, and the Split Heaven would quickly reassure: “Lord God of War, even if I die, I will not make a sound, I swear.” ”

The two looked at the God of War expectantly, and finally the God of War sighed and said, “If I hadn’t moved fast just now, that evildoer would definitely have found us, and when the time came to find this place through the soul connection, then we would all be in trouble.” ”

Bi Hao nodded yes, guaranteeing that he was not talking either.

With a wave of his hand, the three of them suddenly appeared above the temple.

Bi Hao looked at his feet, almost didn’t scream out in shock, and quickly covered his mouth, while the Split Sky was also tearful in his eyes, covering his mouth and not daring to make a sound.

At this time, the school yard of the temple was full of mutilated corpses, some were intact, and some were severed hands and feet, looking terrible.

And those dead bodies were not the miscellaneous soldiers of the Jade Emperor Realm, but the powerful people of the Heavenly Dignity Realm, and none of them were alive at this time.

What was even more terrifying was that the previous person who was hidden in the black mist had a hand on Pope Ina’s neck, lifted him into the air and said with a sly smile: “Pope Ina, I didn’t expect you to have only such a little strength.” ”

Reclining beside Pope Ina were two men, struggling to retreat at this time, one was the world, at this time one of his arms had been broken, and he seemed to be shocked by the spiritual power of the Man of the Black Mist, and reluctantly kept retreating.

The other was another emperor of the Temple, named Cabootius, who was also constantly retreating covered in blood.

The Dark Lord’s people also had losses, but compared to the Temple, it was simply not worth mentioning.

At this moment, the Man of the Black Mist broke Pope Ina’s neck and laughed wildly at his body, which was still on the ground.

“Hahaha, Pope? It’s ridiculous, my men are defeated…”

Before he could finish speaking, he saw a figure quickly come to the Black Mist Man and suddenly slapped it, and the speed could not see the real body at all.

The man in the fog suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood and looked back in disbelief.

“You… You’re not dead! ”

The person who came, of course, was Pope Ina, who deliberately created a doppelgänger in order to confuse the enemy.

At this moment, countless Pope Ina appeared in an instant, and each of them came to the face of a person of black mist, all of whom slapped the same palm, and the palm force entered the flesh and directly penetrated the body of the other party.

Then Pope Ina tore his hands apart, and all the Dark Lord’s men were killed, except for the leader who stood in the middle of the schoolyard.

“You… You have already designed to sacrifice so many people just to numb me and make me let down my guard. ”

Pope Ina smiled and said, “That’s right, so, you go to death!” ”

With a “click”, Pope Ina directly tore the Man of the Black Mist in half.

And at the moment when the Misty Man was torn apart, he shouted, “Immortal Realm, open!” ”

Then Pope Ina saw an unforgettable picture, only to see the Misty Man being torn in half by himself, quickly merging, just for a second, the Black Mist Man once again stood in front of Pope Ina with a sly smile.

“How is that possible? How can your Immortal Realm be so strong? ”

According to Pope Ina’s plan, the other party would not recover in at least ten seconds, and he would use the ten seconds to seal the other party in two containers, so as to prevent the other party from temporarily recovering.

The Man of the Black Mist grabbed Pope Ina by the neck and said, “I have opened the God of War Transformation, at this time my resilience is dozens of times that of usual, you think you are doing it seamlessly, so much the same breath when I am a fool!” ”

In order to hide his doppelganger, Pope Ina deliberately wrapped them with a powerful enchantment, but even then he was discovered by this person, which showed how strong the spiritual perception of the Black Mist Man transformed by the God of War was.

“Let me guess where your real body is, if it’s there!”

The Man of the Black Mist radiated his spiritual power and instantly found the location of his true body, making Pope Ina’s face turn extremely frightened.

“No, you can’t kill me!”

The Man of the Black Mist didn’t give a crap, just broke his neck and flew towards the place where Pope Ina really was.

The God of War waved his embroidered robe, and his gaze was always fixed on the people of the black mist for a few hundred meters, and this miracle could not be used by anyone except the God of War.

Only to see the man of black mist slowly enter a prayer church city, the huge hall has many seats, in the innermost part of the space is a high stand, the grandstand above the statue of the pope, it seems sacred and inviolable.

“Pope Ina, come out and die, I know you’re hiding in the statue!”

The Man of the Black Mist walked slowly towards the statue, and when the Man of the Black Mist walked to the most central area in the morning, all the tables and chairs flew up in an instant, and a blood-red array appeared at the feet of the Man of Black Mist.

“Not good, it’s a good plan!”

As soon as the man of the black mist tried to escape, he felt that the air around him suddenly became thick, as if in a very thick liquid, and finally let him freeze in the air, completely unable to move for half a minute.

Pope Ina’s figure emerged from the statue and said with a very pious face: “O great power of light, let me dispel this devil in the darkness, the blood-colored curse, rise!” ”

All the beings of the entire continent exploded and died, and the blood mist all quickly gathered in the direction of the temple, gradually enveloping the people of the black mist.

“Hello sinister, even at the cost of letting tens of millions of people die tragically.”

The person of the black mist could not move for half a minute at this time, and could only vent his anger in his mouth.

“Insidious? If you were not bold and thought of attacking the Temple, how could I have caused the tragic death of my people, it was you, everything was because of you, and your sins would have been worn away by the light. “_

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