“You can’t kill me, don’t waste your effort.”

The person of the black mist is also a broken jar and broken, anyway, now that it is in the hands of the other party, he did not expect to escape in the next time, only to say this, hoping to give the other party some psychological pressure, so that the other party can relax and careless, he is escaping.

“Immortality? Hahaha, do you really think that the Immortal Realm is invincible, and my Blood Curse is specifically to break your realm. ”

Pope Ina confidently walked closer, watching the red light in the distance, and the excitement in his heart made him feel the urge to sing a song.

“The Blood Curse is to use the resentment of thousands of people to inflict all on you alone, even if your resilience is amazing, you can’t bear the power of such a curse, originally I used this curse against your organization leader, since he didn’t come today, he had to be used on you.”

Countless blood-colored colors instantly poured into the Fa Formation, causing the Black Mist Man to let out a scream of pain.

That kind of wailing made Bi Hao’s scalp tingle.

Gradually the black fog receded, and a handsome middle-aged man was revealed, and when the God of War saw this person, he couldn’t help but squeeze his hands a lot.

Yes, this man was Fei Yun, the disciple of the God of War, who had once been his proud disciple, but now stood against him.

Seeing the tight frown of the God of War, Bi Hao also confirmed his thoughts.

This person was his brother Fei Yun, and in the vast universe, who could use the Overlord Realm and the Immortal Realm at the same time besides his defected Master Brother.

“Fei Yun, a disciple of the God of War, if it is really you, hey, you said that you were a disciple of the God of War before, and if I were you, I would never have done that kind of thing.”

Pope Ina looked at the bitter flying clouds in the Fa Formation with a sly smile and couldn’t help but tease.

“Shut up, you’re not qualified to mention my master!”

This sentence of the master called out, so that the gods of war on the side were stunned, he thought that in the other party’s heart, there was no longer his master, did not expect that at the moment of life and death, he actually called out like this.

“Master? Hahaha, it’s really ridiculous, when you did that kind of thing, endured the anger of the God of War, hunted down and killed several galaxies, and now you even say that he is your master. ”

Pope Ina felt ridiculous in his heart, in his understanding, this Feiyun was already a defected warrior, should abandon everything before, did not expect to call the god of war a master at the moment.

He thought that such a name would allow him to let him go, which was ridiculous.

“You won’t understand, I had my own grievances at the beginning, and it was really helpless to provoke the master’s hand, but at that time I couldn’t die, so I survived to this day.”

The events of that year happened very suddenly, and as a disciple of the God of War, he could not accept it for a while, but he still did it, just to repay his master’s nurturing grace.

Even if everyone in the universe thinks that they are wrong, they will not regret it.

“Well, then take your secret!”

Pope Ina let out a loud cry, and the flying blood curse gathered more quickly, and the flying clouds in the Fa Formation, his body was constantly festering and pus, and this powerful curse counteracted his amazing recovery speed.

If he stayed in the Fa Formation for a while, he would be turned into thick water by this powerful curse and completely disappear into this world.

The God of War clenched his fists tightly, thinking about whether to shoot or not.

His heart was now very disturbed, and many of the evidence pointed to his apprentice, and even his own brother died in the rebellion.

He pursues several galaxies in Feiyun, but also wants to grab the other party and ask him what really happened that year, and whether he killed his wife in the end.

There are also ten members of the God of War family and brothers, whether it is Feiyun who did it.

And why would he be so cruel as to slaughter all the relatives he usually loved him?

Just when the God of War wanted to strike, the wind and clouds above the sky suddenly changed color, and a huge palm protruded from the black cloud.

Pope Ina had an evil smile on the corner of his mouth and said calmly, “Finally Ken has appeared.” ”

Then Pope Ina waved a big hand, and countless blood-colored curses instantly wrapped around the giant hand.

The speed of the giant hand stopped a lot, but the huge palm violently emitted black qi, forcing the red curse around it to scatter around.

Only to see the red blood mist constantly eroding around the giant hand, and the black fog of the giant hand was getting thinner and thinner.

“Hmm, it’s ridiculous to want to compete with my tens of millions of people on your own!”

Pope Ina struck a special spell with both hands, and with a loud cry into the air, the blood mist gathered more quickly, and the giant hand collapsed without support.

But at this moment, a figure emerged from the giant hand, extremely fast, and came to the church in an instant.

“How come?”

Pope Ina hurriedly retreated, and the man smashed the church with one punch, grabbed the flying cloud and flew away into the distance, at a speed that even Pope Ina was powerless in.

“Damn, let them run!”

At this moment, a ray of sunlight above the sky shone on the earth, and then the earth shrouded in darkness was once again covered by light.

Pope Ina looked at the countless dead and wounded people, stretched out his hands, and his body gradually levitated into the air.

“Devout people, feel the baptism of light, and wake up from the darkness!”

The temple soldiers, who had already suffered countless casualties, recovered one by one, and even some people who had broken their hands and feet recovered their hands and feet out of thin air, and that magical scene was a miracle.

This is Pope Ina’s creation, and although he restored the bodies of those people, the destruction of souls is indeed irreparable.

So the recovered ones all stood in the same place with their eyes fixed on their faces, waiting for Pope Ina’s orders.

When Shi Wentian saw this scene, he was even more shocked and cold in his heart, he really chose the wrong choice this time, from the moment he entered the temple, he was wrong.

Pope Ina controls the puppets to clean up the mess, while he walks up to the only two surviving people.

Seeing Pope Ina’s smiling face, Shi Wentian felt that it was impossible for him to stay out of it.

“Ask Brother Heaven, now that my temple has suffered heavy losses, can I borrow some of your disciples to come and send some supplies?”

Saying that it is to send supplies, in fact, it is to prepare to extract the souls of those living people and send them into these puppets, Pope Ina has not done this kind of thing in recent years, and as an old man in the universe, he has naturally heard about it.

But at the moment, he had no combat strength, and he was not an opponent of the other side at all, so he had to nod his head.

Pope Ina saw that the other party agreed, and did not continue to be difficult, and casually threw a elixir into the hands of the world. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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