A celestial figure in the air slowly landed and came to the top of Bi Hao’s head, saying with great contempt.

“You are Bi Hao, who killed our young lord?”

Bi Hao nodded and said, “That’s right, it’s me.” ”

“Very well, you will die here today, what else do you want to say?”

This Tianzun looked very young and very good-looking, and at first glance he thought he was a student who had just entered college.

But Bi Hao knew that this person had at least two hundred years of life.

As for why he was so young, for the martial artists of the Heavenly Dignity Realm, these were too simple.

Just nourish your body with the Force all year round, and you will always maintain a youthful appearance.

When Bi Hao heard the other party’s incomparably arrogant words, he couldn’t help but shake his head and sigh, making the Tianzun look angry.

“What are you laughing at?”

“I laugh at the fact that you’re dying and you’re still so rampant.”

That Tianzun laughed loudly and said very dismissively, “Bi Hao, you are indeed exactly the same as the rumors, so arrogant that you don’t take anyone seriously.” ”

“That’s because you’re not qualified to get into my eyes.”

“You… Rest assured, I will not kill you at once, I will continue to torture you until you are better off alive than dead, and let you be relieved from the pain. ”

“Don’t bother so much, or I’ll kill all of you with pain.”

The more Lao Bai listened, the more wrong he became, and he quickly pulled Bi Hao and whispered, “Bi Hao, they have thousands of Jade Emperor Realms, how dare you provoke each other so much.” ”

“Thousands? Not even a P in my eyes. ”

As soon as these words came out, the Thousand Jade Emperor Realm rushed straight up and chopped Bi Hao into meat sauce.

The Heavenly Emperor waved his hand to stop the impulse of the crowd and said with an evil smile, “He wants to cause your anger so that he can give himself a hard time. ”

Bi Hao was speechless, this second commodity actually understood his meaning like this, then he didn’t have to be polite with the other party, at the moment, the Overlord Realm was in full swing, and he slammed into the past at the nearest Jade Emperor Realm around him.

With a “boom”, when the Jade Emperor Realm was still in the midst of an evil laugh, he felt a tingle in his mind, and then the whole person exploded, and even the Heavenly Emperor didn’t know what was happening.

“Who, give me out, dare to sneak up in front of your Grandpa Baja, come out!”

Baha Tianzun was very angry, thinking that Bi Hao’s helpers were hiding in the shadows and sneaking up on them.

“Don’t look for it, I killed that Jade Emperor Realm.”

Bi Hao said calmly, causing Lao Bai to be surprised for a while.

However, Baha in the air completely ignored Bi Hao, how could he not think that a King Realm could kill a Jade Emperor Realm in an instant, and this Jade Emperor Realm was still his heart.

Except for the person of the Heavenly Emperor level or above, there was absolutely no way to kill the Jade Emperor Realm in a second under his awareness.

“Who, give me out, in the case of not coming out I Bi Hao!”

Baja praised the energy with one hand and aimed it in Bi Hao’s direction, trying to force the master to appear in this way.

But after shouting for half a day, the other party still did not come out, which made Baja’s heart also beat a drum, and the other three Tianzun also searched non-stop during this time, but after looking for half a day, they still could not find the clue of the mysterious person.

At this moment, a disciple of the Jade Emperor Realm flew to Baha’s side and whispered, “It won’t be that Lord War who has made the move.” ”

The energy in Baha’s hand, who was almost unfrightened by this sentence, exploded, and he couldn’t help but have large beads of sweat appear on his forehead.

After thinking about it for a long time, he reluctantly dissipated the energy in his hand and held his fist to the air.

“I don’t know which senior shot it, please show up quickly!”

Bi Hao lazily held his arm and looked at the baja in the sky who broke out in a cold sweat.

“Hey, the two goods in heaven all said that I killed them, so why don’t you believe it?”

Lao Bai tugged at Bi Hao’s coat again and whispered, “Bi Hao, don’t be in the fight, if you have a high-ranking person to help, please come out, those people at the night point should be anxious.” ”

Bi Hao asked with a puzzled face, “Have you invited a high person?” ”

Lao Bai looked confused and said, “No, I mean to ask you to invite that tall man out.” ”

“I didn’t invite any high-ranking people.”

Bi Hao said with a straight face.

“Then who was the master who killed the Jade Emperor Realm just now?”

“They all said it was me, and the two goods in heaven didn’t believe it, so why don’t you even believe it?”

Bi Hao felt that in Lao Bai’s heart, he might not have used some tricks too much, and now that the Jade Emperor Realm was in front of him, he was like a child, allowing him to bully at will.

“Don’t make a fuss, hurry up and ask the tall man to show up.”

Gao Ren, I am Bi Hao’s friend, please show up. ”

Old Bai saw that Bi Hao was slow to speak, so he shouted, and even the Baja in the air became positive.

If the God of War Lord was close to him, then even if they had the courage of heaven, they would not dare to touch these people’s half hairs.

“Halo, you people, I really haven’t seen it, well, I’m just killing a few for you to see.”

Bi Hao ran the Overlord Realm, pointed to a Jade Emperor Realm, and said, “Die! ”

With a “boo” sound, the other party was like the previous one, and his body exploded in an instant.

Then Bi Hao pointed to the other one and said again, “Die! ”

“Die, die, die!”

Four successive sounds were emitted, and the four Jade Emperor Realms instantly exploded and died, frightening the rest of the Jade Emperor Realms to stay away from Bi Hao’s position.

Even Baja was not so close to Bi Hao, only thinking that the master was hiding near Bi Hao, and it was necessary to stay away from there at the moment to be safe.

“Now you always know who killed them.”

Bi Hao held his arm and looked at Baja in the air, and saw that the other party was still frowning, scanning around Bi Hao’s side.

“Bi Hao, if you have the ability, let that master come out, and pretend to be a good man.”

Bi Hao almost bleed, it was like this, how the other party still thought that he had a master to help.

Just when Bi Hao Yuguang swept over Lao Bai, he was even more angry, and immediately kicked Lao Bai’s ass, making him come to a dog to chew mud.

Although just now, under Bi Hao’s orders, those four people died one after another, Lao Bai would not think that these were Bi Hao’s doing, and he immediately investigated around.

Just when there was something wrong in the magic tree, Bi Hao kicked over.

“I went, you boy wanted to kick me to death, he made so much effort.”

“I really want to kick you to death, you stupid pig, they all said I did it, how can you not believe it.”

Lao Bai looked at Bi Hao for half a day, only to find that the other party did not look like a liar, and only then did he believe a few points. _

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