“Is it really you?”

Old White’s eyes widened in disbelief.

“! Am I not you not successful? ”

Old Bai kept waving his hand and saying that it wasn’t himself.

And Baja in the air also seemed to believe that it was Bi Hao who had just done it, and at the moment, his eyes were fixed on Bi Hao, and a powerful spiritual force suppressed the past, wanting to use his strong divine power to forcibly deter the other party, and then it would be much easier to deal with it.

The spiritual power of the Heavenly Emperor was much higher than that of the Jade Emperor Realm, and in front of a Heavenly Emperor, the crushing of the Light Spiritual Power would make the Jade Emperor Realm unable to resist, let alone the King Realm, which was even lower than the Jade Emperor Realm.

However, he never expected to encounter an extremely demon-level king realm, so evil that even his spiritual power could not pose a threat to him.

Baja used all his spiritual power to exert on Bi Hao, but the other party was still fighting with Lao Bai and did not seem to be affected at all.

This time Baha was very frightened, he thought that he could easily handle the other party, but he did not expect that the other party’s spiritual power would be so strong, no wonder he could kill his Heavenly Domain Sect disciple in a second.

At the moment, without hesitation, he directly ordered that all the staff kill Bi Hao, at any cost.

The nearly a thousand kings in the sky suddenly moved after receiving the order, and the frightened old white of that scene sat directly on the ground.

Although Lao Bai had seen the big scene and experienced a lot of things, in the case of nearly a thousand Jade Emperor Realms, the gap in that level was crushed, making it impossible for him to resist at all.

The corners of Bi Hao’s mouth drew a curvature, and he said lightly: “Finally can’t help it, or it is good, then send you all to hell.” ”

With a wave of Bi Hao’s hand, a space door instantly opened, and countless aliens flew out from inside in full gear and instantly exchanged fire with the disciples in the air.

This sudden situation made everyone never expect it, only to see that as soon as those aliens appeared, they killed nearly a hundred disciples of the Heavenly Domain Sect.

Baja was horrified and rushed straight towards Bi Hao with the remaining three Heavenly Lords.

This time, their mission was to kill Bi Hao, and the other aliens were not at all bothered.

Even if the other party had more Jade Emperor Realms than their own, they had four Heavenly Realms, and if they wanted to take Bi Hao’s life, they were simply probing for things.

When Lao Bai saw the four Heavenly Noble Realms coming, his heart was even more shocked and retreated, and the crushing of this strength was a suppression at the soul level.

Except for Bi Hao, a demon-level monster that could resist, ordinary martial artists could not resist at all.

Bi Hao still had an evil smile on the corner of his mouth, and when the four of them attacked close to the front, suddenly three figures flew out of the space door.

Countless sword intentions instantly forced the four people to retreat.

The people who came were the three Heavenly Lords of the Taihua Gate, and at this moment, the three of them formed horns with each other, opening the Sword Immortal Realm, and their power was doubled in an instant.

The other four Heavenly Lords are counted in terms of numbers. Give them enough time, they believe they can defeat these three Taihuamen people.

But Bi Hao may give these three people time. The answer is impossible.

Bi Hao instantly entered the battlefield, the God of War suddenly opened, and his physical functions instantly doubled several times.

Bi Hao learned some application methods of the God of War change in the God of War hut, and it turned out that the God of War Transformation could not only summon the God of War’s body, but also exert the body to instantly enhance his physical strength.

Now Bi Hao had increased his physical strength several times, and the Overlord Realm had also increased by a large margin in an instant.

Now that he alone could suppress a Heavenly Ancestor who could suppress it, he would be completely unable to move for half a minute.

But Bi Hao didn’t do that, what he had to do was kill all four of them, leaving no one behind.

If they were allowed to escape, those who didn’t know about the Heavenly Domain Sect would come up with other tricks to deal with them.

Bi Hao spread his spiritual power and enveloped all four Heavenly Beings inside.

The movements of the four Heavenly Beings suddenly became extremely stagnant, and the Heavenly Beings of the three Heavenly Beings directly opened the Sword Immortal Realm when they saw the momentum, and killed them without saying a word.

After ten moves, all three were killed, leaving Baja alone alive.

At this time, Bi Hao also reached the limit that his body could bear, and after opening the Immortal Realm, he stood by and watched coldly.

The three Taihua Gate Heavenly Lords could naturally kill one Baja.

But just as Baja was about to die, a figure broke through the air and forced the three Heavenly Lords to retreat with one punch.

Everyone looked shocked, they didn’t expect that the Heavenly Domain Sect’s suzerain, Prokawi, had come here.

The three Tianzun of the Taihua Gate were also shocked to see the comers, because the other party had the strength of the Heavenly Ancestor’s five stars.

Everyone knows that once the Heavenly Ancestor has passed the five stars, there will be a huge qualitative change, and in front of the five stars of the Heavenly Dignity, the three Heavenly Beings and the four stars may not be opponents.

Bi Hao’s face was also solemn, and with a wave of his hand, the demon suit was added to his body, and the long sword with multicolored brilliance appeared in Bi Hao’s hand again.

At this time, he must use all his combat strength to deal with the next battle, if he is careless, he will definitely lose in the hands of the other party, you must know that it is the existence of the Heavenly Dignity Five Stars.

“What a boldness, Bi Hao, you dared to kill my Heavenly Domain Sect disciple like this.”

At this time, Baha suffered many sword wounds, all of which were the work of the three Heavenly Lords of the Taihua Gate, but the Sect Leader of the Heavenly Domain Sect knew that everything here was the power cultivated by Bi Hao.

Without Bi Hao, these forces would have no commander, and he could still subdue some combat strength at that time, effectively alleviating his loss of dead disciples.

Therefore, in this battle, he must kill Bi Hao.

“How? Kill the little one, and now the old one also jumped out. ”

“You’re looking for death!”

The Heavenly Domain Sect Leader didn’t say anything more, and used his Force to slap at Bi Hao.

For the first time, Bi Hao felt such a powerful Force fluctuation, although his Force had already broken through 100 million, but looking at the other party’s powerful attack, the Force had at least broken through more than 200 million.

Bi Hao had to open all the realms, take out his strongest state, and block the other party’s deadly killing move.

“Overlord field, open!

Immortal field, open!

Devour the field, open!

God of War changes, open! ”

The three major realms and the God of War change opened at the same time, and the load on Bi Hao was quite large.

Of course, the combat power brought by this is also quite strong, and the suzerainty who blocks and controls it shakes a hard punch.

The two were actually hit by the force of the recoil and retreated several tens of meters.

The Heavenly Domain Sect Leader took a breath of cool air and stared at Bi Hao deadly, not knowing what anti-heaven technique the other party had used, but he could actually use the King Realm to attack him head-on with this super master of the Heavenly Five-Star Sect.

This was also too strange, if it were not for his own experience, he would not believe it.

“What the hell are you?”

Bi Hao snorted coldly, “I am Bi Hao, a human race, and also the inheritor of the God of War!” “_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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