A mighty power was released from Bi Hao’s body, causing the Heavenly Domain Sect Leader to feel a hint of palpitations, not to mention the others around him.

It’s just that Bi Hao himself knows that he really can’t support it now, and although the three major areas can compete with each other, there is no way to support it for too long in his current situation.

Fortunately, the Sect Leader of the Domain Sect did not dare to make a move in a short period of time, and he was also jealous of Bi Hao, but after a long time, it was inevitable that he would find some clues.

Bi Hao’s brain was spinning rapidly, and in the end, he could only put all his hopes on the hundredfold enhancement system, and he was not completely without a chance.

After taking a look at the attribute panel, Bi Hao now pursed his lips, as if there was not a lot of room for this improvement, at least in terms of source force spirit, there was no way to improve in a short period of time.

In the end, Bi Hao set his sights on the value of wealth, and his current departure has reached hundreds of billions, and there is still a long way to go from trillions.

Suddenly another very bold idea appeared in Bi Hao’s mind, and even Bi Hao himself was frightened by his own idea.

“Is the Heavenly Domain Sect Leader just like that, just because you want to kill me, I’m really almost there!”

Hearing Bi Hao’s slightly sarcastic words, the Heavenly Domain Sect Lord’s face was a little ugly, but he didn’t refute anything, mainly because he couldn’t see through Bi Hao’s specific strength at all now, and he was afraid that something would go wrong if he rushed to take a shot.

“Hmm, Buddha-figures admit that I underestimated you, although I can’t kill you, but it’s still more than enough to drag you, and there are hundreds of Jade Emperor Realm strong people behind me, do you think those wastes behind you can resist?”

Speaking of this, the Heavenly Domain Sect’s suzerainty also had the confidence, as if he had found Bi Hao’s weakness.

And what the Heavenly Domain Sect Leader said was also what Bi Hao was most worried about now, all he had to do now was to drag the other party before he could carry out his own plan.

The original arrogant and arrogant expression disappeared in an instant, replaced by a face of obscenity and a smile, such a big contrast that the Heavenly Domain Sect Leader could not react to it.

“I said that you people, all day long, know that those who fight and kill are not the end of a fight and a lose-lose situation, and then they are profited by some traitors!”

“Anyway, your purpose can’t be achieved, so let’s do another solution!”

Saying that, Bi Hao also raised an eyebrow at the Heavenly Domain Sect Lord, which could be described as very obscene.

It was precisely because he couldn’t see through Bi Hao’s thoughts and strength, the Heavenly Domain Sect Leader could be said to be very vigilant in his heart, worried about what conspiracy Bi Hao had.

It’s just that what Bi Hao said is not all of this, so he still wants to hear how Bi Hao wants to solve this matter.

“Then you said that you want to solve this solution, and if you dare to play Buddha-figures, you will take your life if you fight everything!”

Seeing the other party’s loose mouth Bi Hao’s heart is one, it seems that there is a chance, as long as his own plan and speculation are feasible, then it is impossible for the other party to do it.

Thinking about it, the obscenity on Bi Hao’s face became more intense, and even Lao Bai didn’t know what Bi Hao was thinking.

“Although I killed many of your men today, after all, you attacked my Lingyun Gate first, so I’ll give you a little compensation, forget it!”

Looking at Bi Hao’s casual expression, there was also a sentence of compensation that made the Heavenly Domain Sect Leader suddenly burst into flames, and Bi Hao was still playing with himself, but Bi Hao was interrupting the other party when he saw that he was about to shoot.

“Boy, I don’t care who you are, but I have repeatedly provoked my Heavenly Domain Sect, and now I am playing Buddha-figures again, and today, you will die!”

A cloud of energy condensed in his hands, and the majestic force made Lao Bai’s face turn a little pale, and the fierce pressure made his legs tremble a little.

Only Bi Hao was present with a look of indifference, and he said with his fingers broken.

“Originally, I wanted to give you all the resources of Lingyun Gate, and since you want to fight, then I will complete you!” Saying that it was not good to pretend to move his own muscles and bones, he was ready to shoot.

It was just that after listening to Hao’s conditions, the Heavenly Domain Sect Leader was not calm, and even some doubted whether he had heard it wrong before, Bi Hao was talking about all the resources!

The original fierce anger in his heart was now dissipated, but a glint of light was revealed in his eyes.

“Boy, is what you say true?”

This was simply a pie in the sky, the Heavenly Domain Sect Leader really couldn’t believe Bi Hao’s conditions, what was he attacking Lingyun Gate for this time, revenge was indeed a certain place, and the fundamental reason was not to want to eliminate the other party and then collect all the resources of the other party to strengthen his own power.

However, now Bi Hao’s intention to surrender to him really caught the Heavenly Domain Sect Leader by surprise.

“My god has always spoken with every word, and if he says it to you, he will give it to you, and he can still deceive you into not succeeding!”

Forced to endure the joy in his heart, Bi Hao said with an impassioned expression, and he couldn’t see the slightest hint from his expression.

But even so, the Sect Leader of the Domain Sect that day still didn’t believe Bi Hao, this was indeed a pie, who knew what the filling was, he had to be wary.

Bi Hao naturally knew what the other party was thinking, greeted Lao Bai for a moment, and then gave a command.

“You go and move all the resources of Lingyun Gate, remember, all of them, none of them can be left for me!”

Lao Bai’s eyes stared at Bi Hao deadly, as if he wanted to see some other information in the eyes of the other party, such as going to move the rescue troops, or specifying some plan.

However, after looking at the old white eyes for half a day, they were a little sour, or they didn’t see anything, and after spending so much time with Bi Hao, he immediately understood that Bi Hao was playing real this time.

“Bi Hao, you’re really not joking!” Lao Bai couldn’t help but ask again, he really didn’t know what the other party was going to do now.

“Can’t understand my words, take everyone away, move all the resources in the Sect Gate out of Laozi, if the Heavenly Domain Sect Leader is idle and troublesome, we also support home delivery!”

Looking at this Bi Hao’s flattering and obscene look, Lao Bai waved his big hand and led everyone away, this was Bi Hao’s decision, even if it was absurd, he could not disobey, not to mention that Lao Bai was more expecting Bi Hao to bring miracles.

It was only a quarter of an hour, Lao Bai and the crowd rushed back here, and then the large and small heavenly treasures were piled up in front of Bi Hao. _

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