In the blink of an eye, a hill had piled up, and the weapons elixir materials were pouring out of these people almost without money, and even the Heavenly Domain Sect Leader was red in the eyes when he saw so many things.

“It’s just a small sect that actually has such a terrifying background, and it’s already comparable to the Heavenly Domain Sect.” If it is allowed to continue to be discovered, I am afraid it will be a big threat! ”

Just for an instant, the Heavenly Domain Sect Leader thought about the situation in the future, and decided that if Bi Hao really gave these things to himself, it wouldn’t matter if he let them go.

If Bi Hao dared to play tricks, he would definitely have to make the other party pay the price.

“It’s all here, and you’re sure none of them have fallen!” Looking at the things in front of him, Bi Hao’s heart was beautiful, regretting that he had never thought of this method before, but his face still had to pretend to be a cold look and try not to let the other party see the clue.

“It’s all here, and there’s not even a single leaf left in the treasure trove!” Lao Bai looked at the things in front of him with a painful face, and he really regretted listening to Bi Hao now.

“Worthy of being the Lord of One Door, it is indeed honest, since this is the case, I took these things away, but in the future, I don’t want your Sect Gate to attack my Heavenly Domain Sect!”

The Heavenly Domain Sect’s Sect Lord’s breathing had become a little more rapid, and he was eager to take these things into his pocket now, but for the sake of his own face, he still held back.

“Believe in your grandfather’s head, I see your head was kicked by a donkey, you don’t think I really want to give it to you, you are really naïve!” 」

Just when the Heavenly Domain Sect Leader wanted to reach out and take those treasures, Bi Hao’s attitude had reversed, and he was still a, which was really very unflattering.

“Bastard, you dare to play Lao Tzu again!”

Seeing Bi Hao’s reaction, how could the Heavenly Domain Sect Leader still not know that he had been played by Bi Hao again, that he had been played by the same person twice a day, and that he could not bear it on anyone.

“Don’t fools just let people play?”

It was not good to wave his hand, directly put all those things into his own space, his face was very happy, he found that this Heavenly Domain Sect Leader was really innocent and lovely.

It’s just that he doesn’t have time to think about it so much now, and all his attention is on his wealth value, as if he is expecting something.

Wealth Value: **8 (100 times enhanced) (next level??? )

Almost soaring, Bi Hao’s wealth value reached the level of trillions, originally Bi Hao thought that it would take a long time to reach this level, he did not expect that this time it would be so easy, but the question mark behind made Bi Hao frown a little.

[Ding, the wealth value changes, the host gets a chance to strengthen, no type restrictions!] 】

A prompt tone immediately interrupted Bi Hao’s thoughts at the thought of it, and after seeing the few words without type restrictions, Bi Hao’s heart was an excitement.

The reason why he got the things out of the sect was to improve the opportunity to strengthen, originally Bi Hao wanted to improve his combat ability, and when he suddenly changed a master.

“Strengthen this universe for Lao Tzu!”

Maybe it was because his idea was so shocking, even the voice of his speech was a little trembling, since he wanted to play a little big, when he thought of the changes when he first strengthened the earth, Bi Hao couldn’t help but get excited again.

“The system… Update… A hundred times …”

“Strengthening, strengthening is complete,?? Get 100x boosts! ”

After hearing Bi Hao’s request, the system fell into a brief silence, and then it emitted a mechanical sound like a crash, which made Bi Hao’s heart a little worried, whether he had killed the system himself, but after hearing the sound of the completion of the reinforcement, he was finally relieved.

Only that question mark still made Bi Hao unclear, but this was no longer a hindrance, and his purpose had been completed.


A series of rumblings came from all over the heavens and the earth, and the intensity of the energy made everyone a little dazed, and at the same time, all the planets in the universe were in shock.

The whole world erupted with a rich energy, almost a hundred times as much as before, and even some strong people felt that the bottleneck that had hindered them for many years began to loosen, and they began to absorb the incomparable energy in the heavens and the earth.

And all this is due to Bi Hao, as for the parties at this time, there have also been earth-shaking changes.

“Source force strengthened by 20%… 40%… 80%… 100%”

“Spiritual Strengthening…”

Almost instantaneously, Bi Hao’s overall attributes were all strengthened a hundred times, which was different from the initial enhancement but strengthened with the existing source force.

That is to say, the energy contained in Bi Hao’s body now is extremely terrifying, I am afraid that even the ten gods of war are not Bi Hao’s opponents, and the air around Bi Hao’s subtle movements is cracking, and even cracks can be seen.

Such a situation shocked Bi Hao himself, and it was almost unheard of to see that it was almost unheard of to tear through space, which was simply not something that could appear in this world.

“It’s over, this next time is really playing Dafa, I guess I have to lose it!”

It was a good thing that his strength became stronger, but this terrifying increase made Bi Hao feel palpitations himself, and it seemed that this square world could not accommodate Bi Hao’s existence, and he felt a violent repulsion.

“System, what the hell is going on here!”

In a panic, Bi Hao could only ask the system, after all, all this was caused by the system, maybe the other party had a way.

“System Crash Repair, Repair Failure, Take Urgent Action: Open the facet… Enter plane: Connecting…”,

There was no time to think about what this series of prompts meant, Bi Hao only felt that the whole person had been pulled into a space, and the brain instantly lost consciousness.

I don’t know how long later, Bi Hao heard that mechanical voice again.

【Connecting the New World… The system began to assimilate…]

[Assimilation is complete, the host body function is detected, and the test is completed.] 】

【The system starts to upgrade and the upgrade is complete.】 】

Shaking off his groggy head, Bi Hao slowly opened his eyes to find that he was actually in a jungle, and he was lying in a valley at this time, and Bi Hao was a little uncomfortable with the cold wind.

“System, what really happened before, what is this place.”

Bi Hao is now most concerned about the system, after all, this is his own plug-in, once the system loses its effect, then he has nothing to rely on, think about it or feel uncomfortable. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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