[Because the host’s wealth value grows too rapidly, the system cannot be improved in a short period of time, which leads to a series of subsequent events.] 】

The system’s simple answer made Bi Hao a little unclear, and the system also seemed to see that Bi Hao was confused, and explained it again very humanely.

[Because the system is gradually upgraded with the improvement of the host, the original wealth value of the host should not exceed 100 billion after a year, so the system is not as perfect as before.] 】

[It is precisely because of this that while the host’s wealth value soars, the system cannot take timely measures and falls into the margin of collapse, and eventually because the enhancement of the entire universe acts on the host’s body.] 】

[And this universe can no longer contain the energy in the master’s body, and the key moment can only teleport the host to another world.] 】

After listening to all this, Bi Hao finally understood the reason, and he didn’t know whether to cry or laugh now, as if he had encountered a small loophole in the system at that time, and then caused it to happen later.

However, Bi Hao was still glad that he was alive, and anyway, with his big grinning personality, he didn’t care at all, and asked about the system with the mentality of being safe and sound.

“What a world this is!”

With the goods Bi Hao’s mind came out the information of this world.

Zehuang Continent, this is the name of this world.

Unlike the previous earth, the world here is more advanced, simply put, the earth and the universe at that time belong to the three-dimensional world, even the other universes in the parallel are the same level.

And here belonged to a higher four-dimensional world, and only here could it withstand the energy in Bi Hao’s body at that time.

“Xiu Immortal World!”

After a brief understanding of Bi Hao, he found that this should be a world of cultivation immortals, cultivation is the dominance of this world, and the purpose of the people is to cultivate into immortals and soar up to the immortal world.

Bi Hao is still relatively easy to accept this, and coming to a new world makes Bi Hao full of curiosity.

“By the way, the system seems to have been upgraded, look at your current information!”

Suddenly thinking of the voice in his mind before Bi Hao was also excited, here the opportunity is a new starting point, and at the same time gives Bi Hao a higher pursuit.

Host: Bi Hao

Wealth: 0 (100x enhanced)

System: 60 (100 times stronger)

Soul Power: 30

Lingen: 32

Some simple introductions made Bi Hao’s face look ugly in an instant, not to mention why the information suddenly became so little, why the wealth suddenly changed, and the system was only sixty, for a moment Bi Hao thought that he was back to the original point.

Only the hundred times of reinforcement after that made Bi Hao clear that he was not dreaming, but in a short period of time, Bi Hao could not accept this fact.

Before the message transmitted to themselves through the system, the cultivators in this world had a clear hierarchical division, and if they wanted to become cultivators, they must complete the forging body stage, at least they needed to reach the ninth level of the forging body to have the opportunity to become a cultivator.

With Bi Hao’s sixty physical strength, it was barely a three-fold forging body.

Bi Hao, who was almost standing at the top of the earth, actually fell to the top, this sense of gap is really uncomfortable, and he can’t help but ask about the system again, and the other party also gave a very clear answer.

[Because of the difference in dimensions, the performance of the power will also be biased, this side is the gap between the high latitude and the low latitude world, in layman’s terms, even if the emperor appears here, the strength will be compressed to the forging realm, not because the host’s strength is weak, but the world is too strong! 】

For this result, Bi Hao was not discouraged but excited, because with the existence of the plug-in, Qiu Hao could easily reach a height that no one could reach on the earth.

And here, it gave Qiu Hao enough challenges.

[Another thing that needs to be reminded of the host, because of the reason of improving the system, there are many functions that will temporarily fall into cooldown, and only when the host achieves the corresponding repair will it be turned on.] 】

It seems that the updated system is more humane, at least Bi Hao feels this way.

“I know it, now I will see this side of the world and start my road to conquest!” Licking his lips, Qiu Hao slowly stood up, he wanted to familiarize himself with this world as soon as possible, so that he could start the path of cultivation.

After walking along the mountain road for almost half an hour, Qiu Hao finally saw some ancient buildings, which should be a city pool, and there were some vendors selling this thing on the street.

“Hurry, don’t miss it, or you’ll have to wait until thirty years from now!”

As he was walking, a group of people suddenly bumped into Qiu Hao’s body, looking at the hurried look as if he was participating in some activity, which made Qiu Hao very curious and stopped a teenager to inquire.

“Brother, where are you going, is it a girl who is getting married and throwing hydrangeas?”

The teenager looked at this obscene Bi Hao and subconsciously took two steps back, his eyes were full of vigilance, and he hesitated for a moment before explaining to Bi Hao.

“Brother, you are new here, today is the day when the Ling Xiao Sect opened the mountain to recruit disciples, everyone wants to try their luck, as long as they can enter the Ling Xiao Sect’s flying yellow Tengda is just around the corner.” Saying that he didn’t care about Bi Hao anymore, he ran after the crowd.

For reasons of curiosity, Bi Hao followed the crowd to a square.

This should be the center of the city, the surrounding is very bustling, and now there are thousands of people in the square, and in the center there is a collection of young boys and girls.

“Fortunately, it’s not too late, these people should be real cultivators, and it’s really not ordinary!”

Bi Hao stood in the crowd like this, listening to the sounds of the conversation around him, he probably understood what the situation was now, these young boys and girls in front of him were the disciples of the Ling Xiao Sect, and the purpose of going down the mountain this time was to absorb fresh blood for the Sect Gate.

As for this Ling Xiao Sect is also the top sect in the Northern God City, even if it enters the Ling Xiao Sect as a miscellaneous servant, it is also very envious, as long as it is related to such a sect, then his own family will inevitably get great benefits.

“At the beginning of the disciple acceptance ceremony, all disciples who want to enter my Ling Xiao Sect need to register first, and then conduct a simple test, and only when they meet the requirements can they become disciples of my Ling Xiao Sect.”

A man in the crowd whispered, the other person’s voice was not very loud, but the thick voice still passed through the noisy people and reached everyone’s ears, and it was immediately quiet. _

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